A Escova de Dentes Infantil Brilliant Oral Care com Cerdas Macias e Cabeça Redonda é a escolha ideal para os cuidados bucais dos pequenos, especialmente para crianças de 0 a 2 anos. Com um design inovador, sua cabeça de escova redonda de 360° permite uma limpeza eficaz em todas as áreas da boca, alcançando até os locais mais difíceis. Com mais de 24.000 cerdas arredondadas, essa escova é 10 vezes mais eficiente do que uma escova comum, proporcionando uma limpeza suave que massageia as gengivas sensíveis e remove 1,8 vezes mais placa bacteriana. A escova é aprovada por crianças, tornando o momento da escovação divertido e ajudando a estabelecer hábitos de higiene oral positivos desde cedo.
Além de sua eficácia, a escova possui um design que seca rapidamente, tornando-a prática para o dia a dia e ideal para viagens. Pode ser utilizada com ou sem pasta de dente, sempre com a supervisão dos pais, garantindo que a escovação seja feita de forma segura e eficaz. A cor azul vibrante da escova também a torna atraente para os pequenos, incentivando-os a cuidar de seus dentes com alegria.
- Cabeça Redonda de 360° – Proporciona uma limpeza completa em todas as áreas da boca, incluindo dentes, língua e gengivas.
- Cerdas Ultra Macias – Com mais de 24.000 cerdas arredondadas, oferece uma limpeza suave e confortável, ideal para as gengivas sensíveis dos bebês.
- Aprovada pelas Crianças – O design divertido e a eficácia da escova tornam a escovação um momento agradável, ajudando a criar hábitos saudáveis desde cedo.
- Conveniente e Prática – O design que seca rapidamente facilita o transporte e a utilização em viagens, garantindo que a higiene bucal esteja sempre em dia.
- Fácil de Usar – Indicada para crianças de 4 meses a 2 anos, pode ser utilizada com ou sem pasta de dente, sempre com a supervisão dos pais, promovendo segurança e eficácia na escovação.
Para utilizar a Escova de Dentes Infantil Brilliant Oral Care, comece molhando as cerdas em água. Aplique uma pequena quantidade de pasta de dente adequada para a idade da criança. Com movimentos suaves e circulares, escove os dentes, a língua, as gengivas e as bochechas, garantindo uma limpeza completa. Após o uso, enxágue bem a escova e deixe-a secar em um local arejado. É importante supervisionar a escovação das crianças e substituir a escova a cada 3 meses ou sempre que as cerdas apresentarem sinais de desgaste, assegurando a eficácia do produto e a saúde bucal do seu filho.
Debbie Taylor –
I use this for my chuhuahua. Vet recommended. Change it every year. Soft so doesn’t damage gums. Keeps dental cleanings sparse
Mrs.Bee –
Toothbrush has soft bristles all around making it soft at every angle. My toddler loves this toothbrush. Don’t have to worry about being upset when brushing teeth anymore!
drw1234 –
We could NOT get our toddler to let us brush his teeth until we found this toothbrush. It is so much easier to use than a traditional toothbrush because of the 360 design. I would recommend to anyone who is having difficulty getting a good cleaning in on toddler teeth!
Lukas Müller-Wirtz –
It’s perfect to clean both lines of teeth – the upper ones and lower ones – at the same time. It’s easy to handle and our son loves to use it. Definitely worth to pay a little bit more.
I liked and disliked the product at the same time. I gave it 4 stars thou because it was a great starter toothbrush for my 1yr old but just to get him started. It gathered fuzz so easy that it made the toothbrush look like it had mold on it. Its because the bristles are very thin, which is why its so soft. It made it hard to clean and I spent a good amount of time trying to pull little pieces of fuzz out from between the tiny brustles. We all know babies put anything and everything in their mouths, especially blankets, stuff animals, etc.. lots and lots of fuzzy things. So they have fuzz in their mouths. The toothbrush is like a fuzz magnet. He loved using it thou and the feeling in his mouth. I finally gave up all trying to defuzz the brush and let him play with it for a couple days, I sanitized it in between, and it got him to love toothbrushes. Soon after I upgraded to a bigger toothbrush and he loves brushing his teeth now. But for a long term brush its to difficult to clean. It did a great job thou cleaning his teeth in the beginning as it can clean a good amount of area in a couple swipes.
Neka B. –
What can I say…this toothbrush has been a game changer! Our 19 month old son used to chew and bite down on his traditional toothbrush every time we brushed, which made brushing time an arduous chore. This toothbrush is soft enough for fragile gums, but firm enough to stand up to clenching teeth. The bristles “grip” the toothpaste and deposits it deep into the bristle roots so the toothpaste actually reaches baby’s teeth instead of being swallowed as baby sucks on the brush like other toothbrushes! Because of the round shape, we are able to easily brush the outside of our sons’s teeth, the inners, and both top and bottom molars at the same time! Because there is no flat surface to bite down on, he has learned to actually BRUSH the teeth, vs. suck on the toothpaste! I would definitely recommend this for younger babies 12mos-3 years old since brushing is so important at this stage, but most of the toothpaste ends up being swallowed and teeth not brushed as well as they should be.
Dazzler –
It is much easier to use than a regular toothbrush. My child is non compliant when it comes to brushing teeth but he resists less now with this toothbrush.
Swissneva –
I use this toothbrush for my cat. It’s small enough that he doesn’t seem to mind it too much. So many cats have teeth problems later in life and I want to avoid that so this works for me. I think it’s a little over prices for a tooth brush but I guess it’s worth it if it helps keep the dentist away.
Jen T. –
My 20 month old hated tooth brushing time. We had been using the rubbery banana brush from when was around 6 months old, progressing the toddler banana version.
Her toothbrush hatred got to the point where she cried so hard I was afraid she’d vomit. She was so upset and tried to kick and twist to get away. I felt awful and dreaded it each night. But I still needed to clean her teeth!
I tried letting her brush my teeth, showing her me brushing, letting her brush, but nothing helped.
I read the reviews on this toothbrush and figured if nothing else, the 360° brush would make the unpleasantness end faster.
Imagine my utter shock when we used it for the first time and my child ACTUALLY ENJOYED IT?!?!!!?!! Not only did she open up to let me brush, she took the handle and brushed herself, surprisingly deftly I might add.
It’s been a week, and tonight she heard me mention bedtime, and she came running over making a toothbrushing motion with her finger in front of her lips! I am still in shock!
I got her toothbrush and she sprinted across the room to get her teeth brushed. She didn’t want to stop.
Absolutely astonishing reversal. Very happy with the easy to use design, the bristles seem to clean very well, and the slim handle makes it easy to use in small mouths. I wet the brush and use Tom’s of Maine baby and toddler toothpaste on it.
Thanks to whoever came up with this design, from one very pleased toddler and one utterly relieved mama!!!
Best baby brush for little ones to learn to brush their teeth by themselves