A escova de dentes elétrica recarregável Philips Sonicare 4100, modelo HX3681/23, é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma experiência de escovação superior e eficaz. Com um design elegante na cor branca, esta escova não apenas se destaca pela estética, mas também pela tecnologia avançada que proporciona uma limpeza excepcional. A Philips Sonicare 4100 é clinicamente comprovada para remover até 7 vezes mais placa bacteriana do que uma escova manual, garantindo que suas gengivas sejam protegidas enquanto você mantém um sorriso saudável.
Equipado com um sensor de pressão inteligente, este modelo detecta automaticamente a força aplicada durante a escovação. Se você estiver aplicando pressão excessiva, a escova emite um aviso e reduz as vibrações, ajudando a proteger suas gengivas de danos. Com 31.000 movimentos de escovação por minuto, a tecnologia sônica da Philips Sonicare 4100 quebra a placa e a remove de forma eficaz, proporcionando uma limpeza diária excepcional.
A escova vem com uma cabeça de escovação C2 Optimal Plaque Control, projetada com cerdas de nylon macias que oferecem uma limpeza gentil, mas eficaz. O tempo de duração da bateria é impressionante, com até 14 dias de uso com uma única carga, tornando-a perfeita para viagens ou para o uso diário sem a preocupação de recarregar constantemente. O conjunto inclui um cabo USB para facilitar o carregamento, garantindo que você esteja sempre pronto para uma escovação eficaz.
– Remoção Avançada de Placa: Remove até 7x mais placa do que escovas manuais, promovendo uma saúde bucal superior.
– Gentileza nas Gengivas: As cerdas macias garantem uma limpeza eficaz sem agredir as gengivas.
– Proteção Inteligente: O sensor de pressão evita danos às gengivas, promovendo uma escovação segura.
– Tecnologia Sônica: Com 31.000 movimentos por minuto, proporciona uma limpeza profunda e eficiente.
– Design Elegante: O visual moderno e minimalista se adapta a qualquer banheiro, tornando a escovação um momento de prazer.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a escova de dentes elétrica Philips Sonicare 4100, comece conectando o cabo USB ao carregador e à escova. Antes de escovar, umedeça a cabeça da escova e aplique uma quantidade adequada de pasta de dente. Ligue a escova pressionando o botão de energia e escolha uma das duas configurações de intensidade, dependendo da sua preferência. Mova a escova suavemente sobre os dentes, permitindo que as cerdas façam o trabalho, sem aplicar pressão excessiva. A escova irá alertá-lo se você estiver aplicando força demais. Escove por pelo menos dois minutos, utilizando o SmarTimer e o QuadPacer para garantir que você escove todas as áreas da boca de maneira uniforme. Após o uso, enxágue a cabeça da escova e armazene-a em um local seco.
Hermes Briggs –
It is the best toothbrush i everhad and great for traveling since you can charge it with USB
Mindcrime –
Limpia muy bien los dientes tiene dos velocidades, me encanta que tiene indicador de carga de batería y te avisa cuando esta por descargarse , batería duro 22 días, mil veces mejor que los oral b de braun
Jesus –
I’ve been using the same old electric toothbrush for the past 8 years, so it was definitely time for an upgrade. After doing some research, I decided to give the Philips Sonicare 4100 a try.
It’s been a great purchase. The sonic technology is impressive, and my teeth feel noticeably cleaner. The auto-timer is a helpful feature, especially in the mornings when I’m half-asleep.
The battery life is also excellent. I can go weeks without needing to charge it, which is a major improvement over my old toothbrush. Overall, it’s a quiet, effective, and long-lasting electric toothbrush.
LCuda –
I love my SonicCare brush, so when it was time to transition my son to a “grown up” electric brush (he was 8), I bought this version. He had a kids Oral-B before which was OK (very loud) but I’ve always been partial to Sonic brand for myself. It has worked very well for him, and it’s whisper quiet. His teeth are clean and the dentist can tell that he does more than just using a regular tooth brush. HOWEVER, I only gave it 4 stars because while it seems to be good for kids, the couple of times that I have used it I was disappointed in the power. I don’t know how Sonic rates their brushes, but this one is definitely weaker than the model I use. I wouldn’t use this model for myself, but I will definitely use it for my next kid when it’s time to move them up.
Angel Aguilar –
Os dentes ficam bem mais limpos do que com uma escova normal.
Kiwiwiwiii –
Lo tengo hace 2 semanas y yo creía que no había tanta diferencia con un cepillo normal ya que nunca había probado un cepillo eléctrico y vaya que estaba equivocado, desde el primer uso se sintió una gran diferencia a uno normal, yo tengo un problema con que se me acumula muy fácil el sarro en los dientes de abajo por mucho que me cepille muy bien y con este cepillo he visto una gran mejora ya que prácticamente me quitó todo, solo lo he tenido que cargar una vez. Un punto malo para mí que mis encías son algo sensibles, fueron sus cerdas ya que son medias, pero según vi a este cepillo también le son compatibles los respuestos de su colaboración con colgate, por lo tanto sería algo fácil de resolver, pero tendría que gastar más. En general lo recomiendo mucho ya que a mi me ha mejorado mucho mi problema, aunque se que no es muy accesible, tal vez si quieres algo mas accesible podrias irte por uno de su colaboración con colgate. Un punto importante es que si quieres un cepillo elctrico que te haga el trabajo ya sea por un problema motriz que tengas sería mejor optar por uno de Oral b, ya que con este cepillo Philips tendrás que hacer el mismo cepillado que con uno normal porque este cepillo solo vibra.
Chelsie –
This Philips Sonicare 4100 Electric Toothbrush is a game-changer! It’s easy to use and has two intensity settings & a SmartTimer to ensure you brush for the right amount of time. The 14-day battery life is great for travel, I don’t have to charge often. Very durable. My teeth feel cleaner and smoother after each use. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a reliable, effective toothbrush!
Professor Khaos –
I have been using Sonicare for years but over the last year or so I did try out Quip too brushes. I found the Quip to be good but they are not as strong at the actual sonic part of cleaning teeth. I liked the size and price but didn’t feel they got my teeth and comes as clean as the Sonicare.
This Sonicare toothbrush is more of a basic one with two minute timer and notification so you know when to move to another section of your mouth. The toothbrush works well and does what most people need. I have used more expensive Sonicares but never really used the more advanced features. The one negative about this model is that it comes with a USB charger but not the power adaptor. So you either have to buy a power adaptor or plug it into a USB plug you may have around. That was disappointing even though it does say it on the box the description on the web page does say that it doesn’t come with a power adaptor.
Overall, Sonicare is the premium brand in my opinion and this model gives you what you need at a good value.
Alpha –
This is my second one, the first one I have had for at least 8 years, just need to change out the brush head. But my battery life was not holding anymore so needed a new one. My wife got her at the same time, many years ago and has no problem with battery life.
Alpha –
This is my 1st electric toothbrush. I ordered it over the oral b smart 1500 because it’s cheaper and I found more people who swear by it than oral b. Later on, I read comments where people who have this 4100 for 10+ years say that the newer 2021 version has only half the power of the old version. Someone on reddit showed images of the inside of the new and old versions and the new version has a small plastic toy-like motor, while the old version has a big copper-wrapped motor and an old version user said “now I understand why the new version is lighter and less powerful”.
I was disappointed on the new version and tried to cancel the order but I couldn’t. Once it came, I decided to try it and to my surprise, it brushes my teeth way better than my manual soft-bristled and hard-bristled toothbrushes(I use both manual brushes daily compared to my daily usage of the electric toothbrush 4100 C2 head of medium bristles. If you have gum sensitive issue, buy the S sensitive or G2 optimal brush head. If you want hard-bristled, buy W diamondclean brush head).
I don’t know how good the old version was but this newer version definitely brushes better than any manual toothbrush unfortunately it doesn’t not come with a travel case.
Update 5/16/2024: I bought the Oral B smart 1500 because it was on sale and I wanted to see how better it is compared to the sonicare. The oral B package looks nicer and bigger than the Sonicare but upon opening the smart 1500 package, I saw hair all over the toothbrush. I did read many customers saying on reddit that their Oral b toothbrush were repackaged, but I can’t believe I’m a victim of this nastiness. It also took 2 weeks to reach me from Hawaii and since it says “made in China”, I think the seller is located in China.
I’ll return this and I’ll advise you to buy the Sonicare instead of the oral b if you don’t want to be cheated receiving a used-repackaged toothbrush.
Update 05/22/2024: On 05/17/24, I bought the Oral b smart clean 360 which has exact power as the smart 1500 that I returned but the smart 360 has 5 modes and a button to change the mode while the smart 1500 has 3 modes and no button to switch between the modes.
The advantage of the oral b smart clean 360 is that the brush heads cost is cheaper than the Sonicare 4100 and I find it better at whitening my teeth than the Sonicare. That’s all the advantages there.
The things that I don’t like with it are many, so I’m just going to name the most annoying ones:
1) The brush heads are too big compared to the Sonicare(see picture):
Putting Oral b brush heads in my mouth is like putting a golf ball in my mouth(my head and mouth are wider than the average US male).
2) The brush heads have holes(see pictures) that trap saliva+toothpaste and creates more noise when the brush handle needle rotates in the presence of the liquid mixture, and moisture will be also trapped easily in the holes(most customers complain about Oral b brush heads design. Oral b corrected the needle issue with the IO version but the IO introduced a shallow hole which now traps moisture in the brush handle).
When I’m using the Oral b with no choice but to have my mouth wide-open, it forces my mouth to produce more saliva which gets mixed with the toothpaste and enters the brush head and creates more noise.
3) Rattling noise: The Oral b smart clean 360 isn’t as noisy as people say. It’s the quality of the noise the problem. It’s a very unpleasant rattling noise as if you’re hearing an old car engine with broken parts in it. That noise gets worse when liquid enters the brush head holes.
4) The charger is not round like a perfect circle:
You must put the Oral b brush handle in a specific position to charge it and if you place it wrong, it’ll fall and might break.
5) The Daily Clean mode is rough and combined with the big brush head the experience is bad, but the smart clean 360 has more mode which make it smoother and better than the smart 1500 but not as good as the Sonicare 4100.
6)It has no auto-stop mode: You keep brushing without knowing how long you have been brushing your teeth.
To summarize, the oral b non-IO brush heads are cheap but very badly designed for a pleasant toothbrushing. I won’t recommend it if you’re shorter than 6 foot tall or have a small mouth.