A escova de dentes elétrica infantil em formato U, da marca Wkshunli, é um produto incrível que vai tornar a escovação dos dentes das crianças muito mais divertida e eficiente. Com um design fofo e colorido, inspirado em temas de desenhos animados, essa escova de dentes é perfeita para os pequenos, tornando a escovação fácil e divertida.
A escova de dentes em formato U simplifica a escovação, proporcionando a mesma experiência de escovação de uma escova tradicional de 2 minutos. Além disso, ela possui dois tipos de cabeças de escova: 2 cabeças de escova em formato U e 2 cabeças de escova macias retas. Com dois modos de escovação, padrão e suave, essa escova de dentes é adequada para crianças de diferentes faixas etárias, atendendo às diferentes necessidades de escovação.
Uma característica inteligente dessa escova de dentes é o temporizador embutido, que desliga automaticamente após 58 segundos a 1 minuto, lembrando as crianças de limpar a próxima área. Além disso, a escova de dentes elétrica infantil em formato U da Wkshunli é recarregável. Com uma carga completa de 3 a 5 horas, ela pode funcionar continuamente por 1 a 2 semanas.
Essa escova de dentes é uma escolha incrível para presentear. Com sua aparência encantadora de desenho animado, ela se parece com um brinquedo. É uma ideia fabulosa de presente para o Natal, aniversários ou até mesmo para levar em viagens. Ela vai manter as crianças felizes por horas.
Ao adquirir a escova de dentes elétrica infantil em formato U da Wkshunli, você receberá o corpo da escova de dentes, 2 cabeças de escova em formato U, 2 cabeças de escova macias, cabo USB e manual de instruções.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Design divertido e colorido: As crianças vão adorar a aparência encantadora dessa escova de dentes, tornando a escovação uma atividade divertida.
2. Escovação eficiente: Com o formato U e os diferentes modos de escovação, essa escova de dentes garante uma limpeza completa e eficiente dos dentes das crianças.
3. Temporizador inteligente: O temporizador embutido ajuda as crianças a desenvolverem o hábito de escovar os dentes pelo tempo adequado, garantindo uma escovação completa.
4. Recarregável e durável: Com uma carga completa, essa escova de dentes pode funcionar por até 2 semanas, tornando-a conveniente e econômica.
5. Presente perfeito: Essa escova de dentes é uma ótima opção de presente para crianças, sendo um item útil e divertido ao mesmo tempo.
Para utilizar a escova de dentes elétrica infantil em formato U da Wkshunli, basta colocar a cabeça de escova desejada no corpo da escova. Em seguida, ligue a escova pressionando o botão de ligar/desligar. Escolha o modo de escovação adequado para a idade da criança. Durante a escovação, mova a escova suavemente ao longo dos dentes e gengivas, garantindo uma limpeza completa. Após a escovação, enxágue a escova e a cabeça de escova com água. Lembre-se de recarregar a escova regularmente para garantir seu funcionamento adequado.
randal w whittecar –
I used the largest mouth piece and it doesn’t fit all the way to my son’s gums. He is 8. Would be perfect for a younger child. Especially if they hate brushing. It turns off on its own so they know when finished. We like the lights and different vibrations as well.
Julie Sapienza –
My daughter loves this toothbrush. It lights up and vibrates well. Charges quickly and lasts weeks. Comes with extra heads too which is nice!
Amazon Customer –
The design really helps clean my kids teeth. It also motivates him to brush more often. Holds a charge for a long time. Worth the price, definitely recommend!
Dubious efficacy. For the U Shaped mouth gaurd style teeth brushing. But the handle is so fun, held with 2 hands by little ones . And can swap out for a more traditional brush. This set does come with:
– 2 U-shaped brush heads
– 2 traditional toothbrush shaped brush head
– 1 device, a cute blue oblong. Does have 2 modes: standard and gentle. And built in timer: 1 min which helps kids to use on top, then timer another 1 minute for the bottom.
– 1 USB cable, to recharge. We are doing this weekly
For those toddlers that just refuse teeth brushing. Sometimes, something is better than nothing.
Priced $30 at time of order, and now $20 (with $10 coupon) at time of review.
Review of WKSHUNLI U Shaped Toothbrush Kids Electric Age 2-12 with 4 Brush Heads,Rechargeable Toothbrush for Kids with 2 Modes,360-Degree Cleaning IPX7 Waterproof Design(Blue) (Blue)
HM –
This kit includes 2 different sizes of child-sized dental trays, 2 child-sized toothbrush heads, a charging cable (no adapter), a very cute pink unicorn decorated base which is quite small (sized for children), and an instruction manual. It is easy to know when the unit is fully charged because the red light which pulses when charging will stop doing so. It takes about 2 hours to fully charge. When the battery is less than 20% charged, the mode indicator light will turn red and flash 3 times. There seem to be 2 power levels/modes and a 3rd mode which is for sterilization (of the dental trays, I believe). The very flexible and soft rubbery dental trays are lined with super soft bristles made of that same material. The bristles don’t really seem to move/vibrate like the base unit/handle does when the tray is in the mouth, so I am not sure of their effectiveness. You’re supposed to pivot the tray from left to right when it’s in the mouth to better reach the molars. Unfortunately, these trays emit an off-putting chemical smell. Perhaps over time and lots of toothpaste, that smell will dissipate. The toothbrush heads pop on easily and vibrate well when the handle is turned on. Their bristles feel gentle and semi-firm to me. The length of the arms on the toothbrush heads is child-sized, so they’re shorter than those on many adult-sized electric toothbrushes. The power modes don’t reach a level that would be too vigorous or harsh for children. I think that our little one will enjoy this fun little device and I suspect that the toothbrush heads will be the attachments of choice.
Amazon Customer –
The WKSHUNLI U Shaped toothbrush for kids was an option I got for my autistic son hoping that it would encourage him to brush more and better. However, the brush has extremely small heads so it really is for smaller kids, not those ranging up to age 12 .I’d say more like up through age 8. Also the vibration is very minor so I just don’t see how this would really do much brushing even if it did fit his mouth.
Kaybee –
This toothbrush is adorable, but I didn’t think the short / wide / squatty shape was going to be very ergonomic for my kiddo to hold – but I was wrong! It has a nice soft silicone feel and he gets a great grip on it – and actually seems to prefer it to his more typically-shaped tall & skinny toothbrush!
It comes with two normal soft toothbrush heads appropriately sized for little mouths and two of the U-shaped ones. It has two levels of sonic cleaning and then one that goes on and off (for cleaning), and it lights up different colors at the top with each mode. The button to turn it on and off isn’t obvious – you have to press between the unicorn’s eyes and you’ll feel the button. Comes with a USB charging cable.
Cela –
This is a small easy to handle toothbrush for kids. The u shaped heads are like trays that they put in their mouths while it is attached to the vibrating base. The trays didn’t seem to vibrate much, so I’m not sure how effective they really are. The toothpaste didn’t even really foam up. The small traditional toothbrush head that comes with it was better at getting her teeth clean. If you have kids that are reluctant to brush their teeth, this might be a good solution, as the base is easy to hold and cute.