A Escova de Dentes de Silicone Suave Brilliant Oral Care para Bebês é a escolha ideal para os pequenos que estão começando a explorar o mundo da higiene bucal. Com um design pensado especialmente para bebês a partir de 4 meses, essa escova apresenta cerdas de silicone macias que limpam delicadamente os primeiros dentes e gengivas sensíveis. Disponível em um encantador tom de azul, a escova não só garante uma limpeza eficaz, mas também proporciona conforto durante o uso, tornando a experiência de escovar os dentes mais agradável para os bebês.
Recomendada por dentistas, a escova é feita de silicone 100% grau alimentício, assegurando que os pais possam confiar na segurança do produto. Além de sua função principal como escova de dentes, a Brilliant Oral Care também atua como um mordedor, aliviando o desconforto da dentição. Essa versatilidade é um grande atrativo, pois oferece uma solução completa para o cuidado oral dos bebês. A escova é fácil de limpar, podendo ser lavada na máquina de lavar louças, o que a torna prática para o dia a dia, seja em casa ou durante viagens.
Uma característica inovadora da escova é a possibilidade de resfriá-la no freezer, proporcionando alívio imediato para as gengivas sensíveis durante a fase de dentição. Ao ser utilizada com água, a escova ajuda a remover açúcares e placa bacteriana, prevenindo cáries desde os primeiros meses de vida. Com a Brilliant Oral Care, os pais podem garantir que a higiene bucal do bebê seja mantida de forma segura e eficaz, promovendo um sorriso saudável desde cedo.
1. Cerdas de silicone macias: Proporcionam uma limpeza delicada e confortável, ideal para os bebês em fase de dentição.
2. Segurança garantida: Fabricada com silicone 100% grau alimentício, a escova é segura e recomendada por dentistas.
3. Versatilidade: Funciona como escova de dentes e mordedor, oferecendo uma experiência completa de cuidado oral.
4. Praticidade: Fácil de limpar e pode ser lavada na máquina de lavar louças, perfeita para uso em casa ou em viagens.
5. Alívio para gengivas sensíveis: Pode ser resfriada no freezer, proporcionando conforto durante a dentição.
Para utilizar a Escova de Dentes de Silicone Suave Brilliant Oral Care, comece molhando as cerdas com água. Escove suavemente os dentes e gengivas do bebê, garantindo que a escova alcance todas as áreas da boca. Para um alívio adicional durante a dentição, resfrie a escova no freezer antes do uso. Após a escovação, lave a escova com água e sabão, ou coloque-a na máquina de lavar louças para uma limpeza mais completa. Com esses cuidados, você assegura uma higiene bucal adequada e um sorriso saudável para o seu bebê.
Cesar Molina –
My toddler loves these to soothe his gums.
They work to relax and calm him down.
Cal –
Worked for my daughter. She prefers using this over kid brush and none of the fins fall off yet after 2+ weeks of use. I’d say buy whatever best bang for the buck and you’ll need more than 1 for sure.
MamaNature –
We bought this toothbrush/teether when we had our first child and despite some yellow discoloration that has developed over time, it has held up well and is now used by our second baby. There isn’t much to it; it is pretty much what you’d expect from the the pictures. It works well as a teether since it is long enough that it can reach back to those hard to get to gums and helps to provide some relief when it’s time for molars to start breaking through and I’d recommend it for this purpose. If your intention is finding a toothbrush however, I would recommend looking at the baby banana toothbrush as it’s handle and head design is much more suited to this purpose.
This Baby Buddy toothbrush/teether is composed of a clear or colored (blue or pink) transparent silicone. The silicone is food grade but I would have preferred if the manufacturer had opted to use medical grade silicone instead. Medical grade silicone is high-end silicone and is more pure then food-grade silicone. The lower the grade you get the more additives become “acceptable”. For me I am just not crazy about the potential of un-known additives. The quality of the silicone appears to be pretty good…I just would have preferred the assurance of “Medical-Grade”.
I hope this helps you out!
Brittany –
These are durable, a good value and my 6 month old loves it because it’s small enough she can hold it herself.
Kristin –
My baby likes this. I got it because I thought she’d find the texture interesting, and it’s a good precursor to tooth brushing in that way. Though I didn’t have one for my first baby and he transitioned to using a toothbrush without issue, I’d not consider this a ‘must have’ or anything. But it’s fun and something a bit different. She definitely likes it, and finds it very easy to hold and nom on.
One thing I don’t like is that it really does pick up hairs/dust/lint like a magnet. It’s a softer silicone, and you put it down literally anywhere and it *will* find a hair. Not the end of the world, but we’ve found we have to wash it off every time before we hand it to baby. Also means it’s not great to throw in a bag either. Even in a clean bag, it’ll still pick up stuff. You could travel it in a plastic bag, or reusable container, but I just am not going to go through that bother when we have other teethers that are less hassle.
Also, considering babies spend a whole lot of time on the floor, it’s inconvenient to have a toy that you have to clean so much (literally every single time it gets put down). And I keep my wood floors clean. But if baby is on a blanket or rug and this gets dropped, boom, hairs.
Overall, it’s a nice teether. The size and shape are really great and we’ll designed for babies. But they need to find a silicone that’s less attractive to all hairs, dust and lint.
Joann Cunningham –
Pedro –
Es un buen producto, fácil de usar (pueden moverlo los padres o el bebé puede estar mordiéndolo por sí mismo), limpia relativamente bien, y parece provocar una agradable sensación en las encías y dientes nuevos del bebé, es recomendable, sólo hay que tener cuidado de desinfectarlo bien cuando el bebé lo tire, y me parece también recomendable cambiarlo cada 3 meses como los cepillos normales (prácticamente lo compras una sola vez, pues al ser dos alcanzan para medio año, tiempo en el cual puedes cambiar a un cepillo de diseño diferente para bebés un poco más grandes).
Channing –
I purchased this for my 8 month old baby and it’s too big to fit in her mouth so we don’t even use it. The material is nice and soft and would be better it it wasn’t so large and awkward.
Renee –
When she’s having a serious Teething Moment™️ and all other teethers are strewn about in her drooly frenzy, my 8m old will gnaw on these contentedly and thoughtfully for 10+ minutes. They seem to be nice and chewy, and I imagine the bristles feel great. So far they have held up with her bottom two front teeth and now her uppers coming in.
I love the two pack; I wash them right after every use and so we usually have one clean and one drying. I don’t use these as toothbrushes for her, I prefer having the ones that go on my finger to have control over where I’m rubbing in her mouth.
Eryn –
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this toothbrush. And so does my toddler. We actually had to hide it in the medicine cabinet because we found her using it without us knowing and we didn’t want it to end up on the floor! Now she walks in and asks for it every day. She can hold it well, and it fits in her moth wonderfully. The little bristles work on her teeth as well as helping sore gums as new teeth push through. It’s durable and washes well.
The only negative I can come up with really won’t be an issue for most people – and that’s that it easily fits down the drain. We had removed the sink stopper to work on the sink, and didn’t think as we gave the baby her toothbrush… only to watch in horror as she finished brushing her teeth and shoved it down the drain before we could stop her. Being so flexible and soft, my husband had to actually pull the drain apart because we couldn’t get it back out the way it went in. As a result, we are now on our second toothbrush and love it just as much as the first! Just watch your little ones to keep them from stashing it where it doesn’t belong!