Escova de Dente de Bambu Biodegradável – Pacote com 10 Unidades
Descubra a revolução na higiene bucal com as Escovas de Dente de Bambu Biodegradável, um produto que une qualidade, sustentabilidade e conforto. Cada escova possui um cabo feito de bambu natural e sustentável, que não só oferece a mesma eficácia das escovas plásticas convencionais, mas também é completamente compostável. Ao optar por este produto, você está contribuindo para a redução do plástico no meio ambiente, já que a embalagem é 100% reciclável.
Este pacote contém 10 escovas de dente, cada uma embalada em caixas individuais, com duas escovas por caixa. Cada escova é numerada, facilitando a identificação e evitando confusões entre os membros da família. Assim, todos podem desfrutar de uma experiência de escovação única e ecológica.
As escovas de dente de bambu mantêm o mesmo método de escovação que as escovas plásticas, mas com um impacto ambiental muito menor. As cerdas são feitas de nylon de alta qualidade, livres de BPA, e são macias, garantindo uma limpeza suave que respeita suas gengivas, ao mesmo tempo que são duráveis e não soltam cerdas. Elas são projetadas para remover eficazmente a placa bacteriana, proporcionando uma experiência de escovação confortável e eficiente.
A Vitaminer Shop se orgulha de oferecer um produto que não só cuida da sua saúde bucal, mas também do planeta. Com a nossa promessa de satisfação, você pode se juntar à comunidade de clientes felizes que já adotaram uma rotina de cuidados bucais mais verde.
– Sustentabilidade: Cabo de bambu 100% compostável, reduzindo o impacto ambiental.
– Saúde Bucal: Cerdas macias que garantem uma limpeza eficaz sem agredir as gengivas.
– Praticidade Familiar: Pacote com 10 escovas, numeradas para fácil identificação entre os membros da família.
– Sem BPA: Material seguro e livre de substâncias químicas nocivas.
– Compromisso com a Qualidade: Garantia de satisfação, promovendo uma experiência de compra confiável.
Para utilizar a Escova de Dente de Bambu Biodegradável, comece molhando as cerdas com água. Aplique uma quantidade adequada de pasta de dente na escova. Escove os dentes em movimentos circulares suaves, garantindo que todas as superfícies dos dentes sejam alcançadas, incluindo a parte interna e a língua. Após o uso, enxágue bem a escova e armazene em um local seco. Lembre-se de substituir sua escova a cada três meses para manter a eficácia na limpeza. Ao final de sua vida útil, descarte a escova no compostor ou no lixo orgânico, contribuindo para um ciclo de vida sustentável.
Amazon Customer –
I’m trying to decrease plastics in my life. These toothbrushes are perfect for that as they are made from a renewable product bamboo. Will not add to the great waste on the planet. Soft head perfect for my teeth no frills but I’m thrilled. Enjoy
Christine B. –
I purchased two ten packs (stocking stuffers). There are two toothbrushes in each of five sturdy cardboard boxes. The numbers on the handles let the user identify their own brush, from1-5. The handle is very smooth natural bamboo. I didn’t expect the brush to fully measure up to the name brands, but I like it more than any toothbrush I’ve ever used. I chose the soft bristles, and they are very comfortably soft, and yet firm, and clean well. I love that they are sustainable! By searching for zero waste, or sustainable, or green products I’ve eliminated shampoo and conditioner plastic bottles, plastic lotion bottles, plastic dental floss containers, plastic toothbrushes…and more! Feels good to have less waste, and to support businesses that care!
Robyn –
It is a suitable toothbrush short term but it doesn’t hold up very well and soon the brushes look frayed.
I wish you could get these in hard bristles. The first one I used lost a piece in my mouth but none of the other ones have afterwards. But coming from other toothbrushes, this one doesn’t feel like it’s cleaning as good since the bristles are so soft.
Kel –
But I really like this one. I don’t know that the bristles are any different than all other toothbrushes, but I like the feel of the bamboo handle. It’s not as bulky as most plastic ones. I keep waiting for it to fall apart, but it’s sturdy. I’ve been using it (I have only opened up one of the toothbrushes to use.) for several months. And, yes, I actually look forward to using it.
Mamma Llamma –
The bristles are just right, not to stiff or soft. Better for environment and I still recycle for cleaning.
Ann W. –
I really like these toothbrushes. Not too soft or hard! Just right and so many for the price! Great value!
Pascale D89 –
طبعا يجب الأخذ بعين الإعتبار إن طعم الخشب ستشعر به وأنت تنظف ولكنها ممتازة شكلها مميز
Letrew –
VERY good materials: HANDLE is unpolished (non-slippery) bamboo that feels light, sturdy and even elegant compared to bulku plastic brushes. The BAMBOO does not stain from the black charcoal or dark yellow turmeric powder I add to my self-made tooth pastes . BRISTLES feel natural but are not. They are firmly embedded in the handle-head. After one month of use twice/day with vigorous brushing, they are all upright. There is an outer ring with synthetic bristles around the inner stand of bristles. I hope this quality brush is available for years to come.Each brush has a number stamped on it, 1-10, I guess for family members to distinguish them. The pack of ten brushes is super economical, the cost far less than plastic brushes. This is a brand to stock up. The packaging, crisp (recycled) brown cardboard is biodegradable, like the handle is. Two brushes per box. five boxes. A great item for the hospitality trade. I gave some away to inspire others to buy these brushes, for Ecology’s sake alone.
Kel –
It’s not my favorite. This is my first time using a bamboo toothbrush. I don’t like the way the bamboo feels in my mouth, but I can get past that. I’ve been using my first brush for about a month now. The bristles started falling out on the first use. Not a lot, just like a single bristle here and there. Sometimes getting stuck in my mouth (it feels gross, like a thick piece of hair). Currently the brush has many lose bristles that stick out beyond the rest. The brush still works fine, I do like the softness of the bristles, but I don’t like how the bristles fall out. I am not a hard brusher, and my toothbrushes are never frayed after a few months of use, so I’m fairly confident it’s the quality, not how I use it. I will likely not use the rest of these for tooth brushing. I’m sure they’ll work just fine for deep cleaning around the house. I will not be purchasing again.
4/2/24 update:
The seller reached out to me immediately after my initial review and offered to make things right. They issued a full refund without my asking, and offered to send me a replacement. I declined the replacement, but their offer was well received and appreciated. I am adding 1 star because of the excellent customer service. My initial rating still stands for the product itself. It’s possible I got a bad batch, so take that is you will. Do they brush teeth well? Yes. Do they lose bristles? Also yes. But, if you are unsatisfied, the seller will make it right, so might as well chance it if you are looking for a soft bristle bamboo toothbrush.