Ervas da Montanha do Prado Suave Parto – 60ml – Suporte ao Parto é um produto inovador que se destaca no universo dos cuidados pré-natais, oferecendo uma fórmula suave e eficaz para auxiliar as mulheres durante o processo de parto. Com uma combinação única de ervas naturais, este extrato líquido é projetado para fortalecer e tonificar o útero, preparando-o adequadamente para o trabalho de parto. A utilização deste produto pode resultar em um parto mais tranquilo e confortável, além de acelerar a cicatrização e recuperação pós-parto, tornando-se uma escolha popular entre as futuras mamães que buscam um suporte natural e eficaz.
O Suave Parto é especialmente formulado para promover um trabalho de parto mais fácil e menos doloroso, reduzindo a necessidade de indução. As mulheres que optam por este produto frequentemente relatam experiências positivas, com partos mais curtos e uma recuperação mais rápida, permitindo que se concentrem no cuidado do recém-nascido. Recomendado por parteiras, doulas e até mesmo médicos, o Suave Parto é um dos principais produtos procurados por gestantes que desejam um parto mais harmonioso e natural.
Este extrato contém uma seleção cuidadosa de ervas, incluindo erva cardo abençoado, folha de framboesa vermelha, raiz de unicórnio falso, erva de mirtilo, raiz de cohosh azul, raiz de gengibre, erva de chapéu-de-couro, erva de cardo-mariano, raiz de inhame selvagem e raiz de mirtilo. Para aquelas que sofrem de pressão alta ou que já estão utilizando suplementos de framboesa vermelha, é recomendável optar pela versão do Suave Parto sem Cohosh Azul, garantindo assim a segurança e eficácia do produto.
Os extratos líquidos da Mountain Meadow são até 70% mais eficazes do que comprimidos ou cápsulas, proporcionando uma absorção quase instantânea e resultados rápidos. Cada frasco é produzido em uma instalação de última geração, utilizando um processo artesanal em pequenos lotes, o que assegura a frescura, pureza e potência dos ingredientes.
- Fortalecimento e tonificação do útero: Prepara o útero para o trabalho de parto, resultando em um parto mais suave e menos doloroso.
- Recuperação acelerada: Muitas mulheres relatam uma recuperação mais rápida após o parto, essencial para o cuidado do bebê.
- Recomendado por profissionais: Parteiras, doulas e médicos atestam os benefícios e resultados positivos do produto.
- Ingredientes naturais: Composição feita com ervas cuidadosamente selecionadas para garantir eficácia e segurança.
- Processo de fabricação de alta qualidade: Produzido em pequenos lotes, garantindo frescura e potência dos extratos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 ml (30 gotas) de Ervas da Montanha do Prado Suave Parto três vezes ao dia durante a gravidez. É importante agitar bem antes de usar. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso deste produto, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando outros medicamentos. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar a qualidade do extrato.
Kay P –
The taste is my number one complaint. I see reviews complaining about the dropper measurements. There are no indication on the dropper itself but when completely empty, I’ve had no problem pulling an appropriate amount after some practice. You can always go as far as trying the dropper (w/water) into a measuring spoon or glass for confirmation or even using a infant motrin syringe (1.25ML). Hopefully that helps you!
I do not know for sure how well it will work. I’m only just started it. Looking to have a VBA2C.
I think I should also state, everyone’s experience will be different. We can’t say it’s all because of this magically potion..But it’s worth a try.
Good luck future mama’s.
Cost: A little too expensive in my opinion.
High Quality Packaging! Perfectly bubble wrapped for less mess if damaged
Performance: I’ll update my experience later.
Fernanda Torres –
This stuff works! I purchased upon my doulas recommendation to prepare for my labor. I combined taking this and eating 5-6 dates every day and bam went into spontaneous labor about a week in. It does have a funny taste. I masked it by taking it in orange juice.
Shelby –
This stuff is amazing. This is my third baby but first time using the tincture. The taste is not bad and I actually started to almost crave it. I’d look forward to the next dropper full. My labor was only 3 hours from first timed contraction to delivery. (My first baby was about 24 hours and my second was close to 12.) And so easy. My contractions were never unbearable. I was reading a book to my older kids just an hour before giving birth. I really believe this stuff helped prepare my body.
Zee W. –
I took this as the bottle suggested 3x’s a day starting at 35 weeks along side Evening Primrose Oil starting at 37 weeks. I bought this to help me in having a successful VBAC and it did just that ! I went into labor at 39weeks and 3days just 4 days before my due date. The day I went into labor, I had a doctors appt. that afternoon at 3pm. When my midwife checked my cervix it was closed and I was dilated only 1cm. I was determined to have my baby naturally and I knew if I went pass my due date, I would be pushed to get induced ! So I went home that day and started nipple stimulation at 6pmish. Around 7:30ish I began having contractions, I didn’t think much of it. They were a bit strong but tolerable and not to painful. Around 9pm I contacted my doula, we timed my contractions for an hour. They were coming every 2-3 mins and lasting 40sec. and at this point I was in active labor! Right before I made it to the hospital my water broke ! I made it to the hospital at 11pm. My doula could not believe how well I was handling the contractions that were coming an going so quickly, I was literally up talking, walking and breathing through every contraction. My contractions were still strong, effective and very much so tolerable. When the nurse checked my cervix I was 8-9cm dilated, almost fully effaced, soft cervix. The nurses were shocked in how calm I was. They were like you’re handling this pretty well to be so close to possibly giving birth soon! Around 2am I was fully dilated. Due to my babies position *sunny side up* I ended up pushing for almost 5 hrs🥵. I had to have a vacuum suction assistance to help bring his head out of my birth canal. He made his grand entrance at 8:16am!💙 This tincture definitely helped with the birth I envisioned. I dilated so quickly once my contractions started and it also helped prep my body to give birth. If it wasn’t for my babies position he definitely would have been born sooner. Even so, I was still in labor for only 13hours! My birth was indeed gentle, all natural and quick. I did tear a bit only because of the vacuum assistance and even while been sown up it did not hurt that bad. I didn’t think I could do it, I feared I was going to have a 2nd C-section but taking this tincture along side EPO definitely helped me achieve a non-medicated, natural VBAC. I will most definitely purchase this tincture again for any and every future pregnancy I may have❤️
Anakarina A –
I started this at 36 weeks and ended up using 2 whole bottles i used as directed ! My baby came at 41 weeks and i gave birth at a birthing center didnt even realize i was in labor untill i was about 5cm and contractions were super close but manageable ! I had a 5 hour birth and pushed about 5 times with no tears i so think this is what helped me i did an unmedicated birth 100% home birth setting
Kay P –
I took this supplement as directed. I had a 6.5 hour labor as a FTM, pushed from 35-40mins. Contractions sped up quickly but they were tolerable the whole time. I will say I also drank raspberry leaf tea, ate dates, and curb walked late in pregnancy, but I would recommend adding ‘gentle birth’ to your tool box if your hoping for an unmedicated delivery!