Descubra o poder da natureza com o Nature’s Way St. John’s Wort Herb, um suplemento que promove uma perspectiva positiva e bem-estar emocional. Cada porção de 2 cápsulas contém 700 mg de erva de São João, uma planta conhecida por suas propriedades que auxiliam na manutenção de um estado de espírito equilibrado. Com 180 cápsulas em cada embalagem, este produto é ideal para quem busca um suporte natural para o bem-estar mental.
A fórmula é cuidadosamente elaborada para atender às necessidades dos adultos, recomendando-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas duas vezes ao dia. Para obter os melhores resultados, é aconselhável utilizar o produto por um período mínimo de 2 meses. Além disso, o Nature’s Way St. John’s Wort é livre de glúten e vegano, não contendo trigo, milho, soja, laticínios, gelatina ou corantes, sabores ou conservantes artificiais. O produto é também verificado pelo Non-GMO Project, garantindo que você está consumindo um suplemento de qualidade, livre de organismos geneticamente modificados.
Na Nature’s Way, acreditamos que a natureza é a solução definitiva para muitos problemas. Com mais de 50 anos de experiência, buscamos inspiração no mundo natural para desenvolver vitaminas e suplementos que ajudam você a encontrar o caminho para o bem-estar.
– Promove uma perspectiva positiva, ajudando a melhorar o humor e a disposição.
– Fórmula vegana e livre de glúten, ideal para diversas dietas e restrições alimentares.
– Contém 700 mg de erva de São João por porção, proporcionando uma dose eficaz para o suporte emocional.
– Verificado pelo Non-GMO Project, garantindo um produto livre de organismos geneticamente modificados.
– Sem aditivos artificiais, oferecendo uma opção saudável e natural para o seu dia a dia.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Nature’s Way St. John’s Wort, recomenda-se que adultos tomem 2 cápsulas duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir essa dosagem regularmente e, para resultados otimizados, utilizar o produto por pelo menos 2 meses. Mantenha o suplemento em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Natural way to lift the spirits throughout the day. Definitely feel a difference with it.
Lisa Lane –
I took these faithfully and I felt so good. I had to stop taking them because I was told they didn’t go together with a prescription medication I’m now taking. If you’re looking for energy I’d highly recommend these all day long!
Kate –
Ericka –
I feel this is a good product for temporary relief of stress or anxiety. I used it a couple of times I’ve purchased it and I feel it’s very worth it. Good purchase.
Thomas K. Shomper –
Started taking the recommended dose and literally didn’t sleep for 2 nights, it was too much. Switched to taking one every morning religiously and feel a difference. The change was enough of a boost in mood to help me get more done and be more functional. Then getting more done then also boosts my mood. I would recommend to anyone, start with one per day everyday and be patient. Stay away from PHARMA if possible.
Caleb Bryant –
This is the first time I’ve actually sat down and written a review of a product I’ve purchased on Amazon. I felt I owed my experience to others looking for relief from their depression.
I’m a male Caucasian, 24years old, 6′ tall, blue eyes, and 135lb’s. I’m very lean but athletic shaped. I swim and bicycle at least once a week. I also work in construction so I stay physically fit. I’ve always had ADD and problems making myself fall asleep. I recently fixed that problem with a product called Prevagen. Now that I sleep well, the depression became much more noticeable. I had plenty of sleep, healthy diet, and lots of good people in my life. So why was I still depressed all the time?
I’ve always had ups and downs in my mood but probably mildly compared to most others with chronic depression. I’m still able to function with daily life and keep a job. Sometimes though, I just can’t handle life and I try to stay tucked away from sight…hidden from others. I got to a point where I was genuinely unhappy for longer and longer periods of time. Thoughts of suicide were common. At the same time I had lots of positive things in my life to look forward to. It didn’t seem right to be depressed for so long. About every three weeks to a month there would be a time of happiness where problems seemed solvable and possibilities for my future abounded. Then it was back to the negative thinking and pessimistic outlook on reality. I’ve tried SAMe with no results at all. I’ve also used strattera but with side affects of impotence. That just wasn’t an option. I’ve now been using this brand of St. Johns Wort for about 2 months. Since the first day I started taking it, I cannot recall a bought of depression. I’m now able to see the changes I need to make in life.
If you also suffer from prolonged periods of depression even when things are looking good in your life, I suggest spending the money on this product. I came to Amazon to buy a different product and ended up purchasing this also because it was so inexpensive. It was certainly worth it for me.
UPDATE 02/20/15
After about 2 years of using St Johns Wort daily, i discovered that i had a problem with my liver not functioning properly prior to using st Johns Wort. As a result i suffered the effects of numerous vitamin and mineral deficiencies. The most notable being a deficiency of tryptophan. Tryptophan is naturally occuring in most foods and is needed by the brain to create neuro receptors like dopamine and epinephrine. So i stopped taking St Johns Wort and began taking Tryptophan. I take 700mg of tryptophan 3 times daily which COMPLETELY corrected my depression almost immediately! I felt more clear minded and content within 30 minutes of the first dose. Ive continued taking it as a supplement 3 times daily for several years now. I notice a large decrease in effectiveness when only taken twice daily.
Now im able to focus on the cause of my weak liver. Ive been making strides in this search and just recently believe ive found the cause….Now i just have to fix it.
If you also suffer long term depression it may be possible that your feeling the secondary effects of another bodily illness. I hope my experience helps anyone with similar trials….Also if you choose to use tryptophan long term i suggest purchasing 250g of powder along with 1000 “00” sized capsules and filling machine. Using Amazon as my source it only costs $45 for 6 months worth of tryptophan which is about 300-400% cheaper than buying them pre-encapsulated.
~me –
Like another reviewer, it started working for me on day one.
I have been getting super angry for a while and thought it was just my normal, and I had realized that maybe it wasn’t normal. I remember being super easy going when I was younger, and I would let stuff go. Letting go has recently become a challenge recently and I saw that I was super angry. All. The. Time. So I thought what the heck, I’ll give this a try.
Wow. I could feel the difference immediately. Then I accidently skipped a couple of days due to just life. I immediately saw a change back to the angry me that quickly. I am not a breakfast person so I take them with my lunch. I have one bottle in at my work desk, and one bottle on my table (for the weekends).
Freddy –
If you suffer from periodic low mood I recommend these – you can also take on an empty stomach which is a big help. They’ll move you from a 4/10 mood to a 5/10 – which some days is all you need
Quiero dar mi opinión de este producto,no soy muy constante en andar poniendo reseñas sobre lo que compro pero cuando veo que algo me funciona a mi me tomo el tiempo en escribir en lo que me a funcionado y que puede ser se mucha ayuda para otras personas que estén pasando por la misma situación.bueno hace como un año me e sentido cargada de muchas cosas y eso me a llevado a sentirme mal cansada físicamente y emocionalmente creo que estoy sufriendo de ansiedad y hay veces que me cuenta dormir por las noches ,entonces este producto lo compré varios meses atrás pero no fui constante en tomarlo hasta hace una semana que no me sentía bien no podía dormir me costaba hasta tomar aire cansada y mi mente muy trabajada estresada hasta no más ,y estuve tomando las famosas GOLY ASHWAGANDHA GUMMIES las famosas de TIkTOk y no me ayudaron en lo absoluto al menos a mi no ,y me acorde que tenía estoy y que creen esto a cambiado mi estado de ánimo me e sentido más activa e podido dormir por las noches tomo 2 al día una en la mañana y otra por la tarde o por la noche .si estás pasando algo similar esto Talves pueda ayudarte las recomiendo ,trata!!!!🤍