O Epionce Lytic Plus Tx é um tratamento inovador para problemas de pele, especialmente formulado para combater acne, manchas e textura irregular. Com uma fórmula suave, mas altamente eficaz, este produto penetra profundamente na pele, promovendo uma limpeza intensa dos poros e reduzindo a inflamação. O uso diário do Lytic Plus Tx não apenas ajuda a minimizar imperfeições visíveis, mas também promove a renovação celular, resultando em uma pele mais suave, radiante e com uma aparência rejuvenescida. Ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficiente para os desafios diários da pele, o Epionce Lytic Plus Tx se destaca como um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados com a pele.
O Lytic Plus Tx é um produto que se destaca por sua capacidade de reduzir a vermelhidão, melhorar a aparência de imperfeições e suavizar a textura da pele, proporcionando resultados visíveis e duradouros.
1. Melhora a textura da pele
O Epionce Lytic Plus Tx é formulado para melhorar a textura da pele, deixando-a mais suave e uniforme.
2. Reduz a vermelhidão
Este produto ajuda a reduzir a vermelhidão da pele, proporcionando um aspecto mais saudável e uniforme.
3. Minimiza imperfeições
Com o uso diário, o Lytic Plus Tx ajuda a minimizar imperfeições, como manchas e marcas de acne.
4. Limpa os poros
Sua fórmula potente ajuda a limpar os poros, removendo impurezas e prevenindo o surgimento de cravos e espinhas.
5. Reduz a irritação
Além de melhorar a aparência da pele, este produto também reduz a irritação comumente associada a manchas, vermelhidão e outras imperfeições.
Para obter melhores resultados, aplique o Epionce Lytic Plus Tx na pele limpa. É recomendado aguardar de 5 a 7 minutos antes de aplicar outros produtos, permitindo que a fórmula atue de maneira eficaz. O uso diário é essencial para minimizar imperfeições e reduzir a irritação da pele, garantindo uma aparência saudável e revitalizada ao longo do tempo.
shannon –
Very edible
ReneeM –
I have been using this product for 20 years and always purchased it from my dermatologist. I had an amazon gift card and noticed it was on Amazon, and purchased. I am extremely disappointed as the “new” pump barely works, and there is very little product in the tube. The old version was terrific, it would last for months, this might last a week, and not worth $56.00 and I will be returning it, I threw out the box it came in since I thought I would NEVER return this product, but now I hope they will take it back despite the box being missing. I am hoping to go to my derm. doctor office and grab the old version of this product, I’ll buy a many as I can, I think the company is trying to save money and designed it differently and put less product in the tube!!!
Just me –
It is very expensive, but it keeps my skin clear and smooth. If my dermatologist holds a special “sale” of the product I can get it from him for less, but typically it is less here.
It really is a product that is worth the price for me. I keep buying it.
Gordon –
I like the added scent (eucalyptus?) this has over the regular Lyctic lotion.
Been using this for a few years now, adn I get comments all the time on how much my skin texture has improved. I have a lot of acne scarring and pitting, and this seems to be improving things.
I use this very daily but sparingly; several drops on my face, then using wet fingers, massage it in to my skin.
Alina –
I have issues with pigmentation, acne, and uneven texture! This is the only product I have been using for years now and it really works! When is too using it I noticed my uneven texture would start returning. This helps keep my skin clear and even! I’m a forever customer!
The Compari-Shopper –
This is a magical lotion that works on hormonal acne like nothing I’ve ever used before.
I’m a 44 year old woman and I’ve been plagued by acne all of my life. I’ve tried every product on the market, including daily use of Retin-A, ProActiv and every other popular cure out there. Nothing worked.
But then I ran across a reference to Epionce Lytic Lotion Plus in some beauty magazine or other and I thought it was worth a try. Boy, was it! I was amazed by how immediately it cleared up my skin. Now, my skin is just clearer in general. Whenever acne starts to pop up, I just rub a little Epionce Lytic Lotion Plus on the spot, and it’s already improved by the next morning. It’s visibly better within 2 days, and usually gone within 3.
If you have hormonal acne, definitely give this a try. It might just change your life!
Linda –
Can’t get any lotion out of the new pump on the tube.
Amazon Customer –
this stuff works!! My lash girl recommended it to me and i’m glad i didn’t sleep on it!! Started to see a difference with in a week of using. Wish there was more in the bottle though