Descrição do Produto: Enzymedica Repair Gold – 120 Cápsulas
O Enzymedica Repair Gold é um suplemento enzimático de alta qualidade, projetado para oferecer suporte terapêutico à função muscular, tecidual e articular. Com 120 cápsulas em cada frasco, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam otimizar a recuperação muscular e aliviar o desconforto nas articulações. Reconhecido como a marca de enzimas número 1 no mercado, o Repair Gold é formulado com ingredientes não transgênicos (Non-GMO), garantindo que você esteja consumindo um produto puro e eficaz.
As enzimas presentes no Repair Gold atuam de maneira sinérgica para promover a reparação e regeneração dos tecidos, ajudando a reduzir a inflamação e acelerar a recuperação após atividades físicas intensas. Este suplemento é especialmente benéfico para atletas e pessoas que praticam exercícios regularmente, pois oferece suporte otimizado para músculos doloridos e desconforto nas articulações. Com uma fórmula terapêutica, o Repair Gold se destaca por sua capacidade de melhorar a mobilidade e a flexibilidade, permitindo que você mantenha um estilo de vida ativo e saudável.
– Redução da dor muscular e articular após exercícios.
– Aceleração da recuperação de lesões e fadiga muscular.
– Melhora na mobilidade e flexibilidade das articulações.
– Suporte à saúde geral dos tecidos e músculos.
– Fórmula não transgênica, garantindo pureza e qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Enzymedica Repair Gold, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente entre as refeições ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do produto e, se necessário, ajustar a dosagem de acordo com a intensidade da atividade física ou o nível de desconforto.
Robin R. –
I started taking Repair Gold in November 2010 to address what I thought was a mild case of chronic inflammation. The beneficial results were immediate — increased range of motion, lessening of stiffness everywhere. But the most startling thing was the extent of my condition. At first the release of old toxins and dead protein tissue was so intense that I had to take only 1/3 the recommended does. I’m still taking this product — up to 2/3 the recommended dose now — and I’m still improving. This stuff might have saved my life.
desiree –
I have been using this product daily for a couple years after trying several other serrapetase supplements. It works very well as an anti-inflammatory for knees and hands. I use it to reduce joint discomfort from working out but it has the added benefit of eliminating stomach distress. Also, this is the best price I’ve found.
ladysail –
Wonderful for repairing joints. I used this after knee surgery to help speed recovery by taking 5 3x daily. Helps also with muscle recovery. I have used this after a hard workout to help my muscles recover. I can’t say enough about this product.
mama baker –
I have learned over the 2 years I have used this product that I like the comfortable sleep when i take the 2 suggested capsules when I have over done it. I use it in lieu of an NSAID or acetaminophen. Definitely worth a try.
R. L. Siggelkow –
Repair Gold is an anti-inflammatory enzyme. It works quickly and, even at high doses, is safe. I always have some close.
My son has Aspergers Syndrome and severe depression. HBOT helped his depression because it reduced the inflammation. Then I used Repair Gold (4 caps in am. & pm.) and he was able to get off his SSRIs. No meds today at all.
My son is doing great now and I think he will be fully recovered in 2 more years. Repair Gold has been a big help in this and we are grateful.
Laura in Seattle –
I had a really bad case of tendonitis (carpal tunnel-like) earlier in 2010. A noticeable lump had developed on my left inner wrist and I had considerable pain, particularly when playing my musical instrument and doing my hatha yoga (both of which likely contributed to the problem in the first place). I feared that I might no longer be able to do either.
I used Repair Gold in conjunction with B Vitamins and a topical ointment called Topricin. I initially laid off either physical activity but received massage and accupuncture. So, it’s a little hard to say which intervention(s) worked but I can say that I am now pain free and the lump dissolved. Repair Gold is supposed to metabolize scar tissue, amongst other benefits.
I’ve reduced my dosage, but I’m continuing to use the product prophylactically, twice daily.
Susan Petro-carlson –
When used in combination with fish oil and stronium this product works improving osteoporosis!!!!
I have the documentation to prove it and the doctors are amazed.
GoodDeal –
I’ve been taking Repair Gold for 3 weeks for shoulder pain & it’s working. It provides me great digestive benefits (major gas reduction), too. While it’s expensive, I prefer taking Repair Gold to using medications w/unhealthy side effects. I heard about it from a friend who’d had severe rotor cuff pain w/limited range of motion last year. I asked how her shoulder felt & what she did to help–she’s fine now. She took Repair Gold & she does some stretching exercises her physician recommended.