Descrição do Produto: Enzymedica, Immune Defense, Extra Strength
O Enzymedica Immune Defense Extra Strength é um suplemento inovador que combina enzimas proteolíticas em uma fórmula de potência dupla, projetada para promover uma função imunológica saudável e um bem-estar sistêmico geral. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam fortalecer suas defesas naturais contra ameaças ambientais, proporcionando um suporte completo para o sistema imunológico.
Com uma mistura de enzimas Thera-blend, o Immune Defense é formulado para atuar em toda a faixa de pH do corpo humano, garantindo que as enzimas sejam ativas e eficazes em diferentes ambientes digestivos. Além disso, o produto é certificado como não transgênico, vegano, kosher e livre de glúten, atendendo a diversas necessidades dietéticas e preferências pessoais. A qualidade que você espera dos especialistas em digestão da Enzymedica é evidente em cada frasco, oferecendo uma solução confiável para quem deseja otimizar sua saúde imunológica.
- Fórmula de potência dupla para uma função imunológica saudável e saúde sistêmica geral
- Suporte completo de enzimas para fortalecer as defesas do corpo contra ameaças ambientais
- Certificado não transgênico, vegano, kosher e livre de glúten
- Enzimas Thera-blend misturadas para cobrir toda a faixa de pH do corpo humano
- Qualidade que você espera dos especialistas em digestão da Enzymedica
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A fórmula de potência dupla ajuda a aumentar a eficácia do sistema imunológico, proporcionando uma defesa robusta contra infecções e doenças.
2. Suporte Digestivo Completo: As enzimas proteolíticas auxiliam na digestão, melhorando a absorção de nutrientes essenciais que são fundamentais para a saúde geral.
3. Segurança Alimentar: Com certificações de não transgênico, vegano, kosher e livre de glúten, o produto é seguro para uma ampla gama de dietas e estilos de vida.
4. Ação Abrangente: As enzimas Thera-blend garantem que o produto funcione em diferentes níveis de pH, maximizando sua eficácia em todo o trato digestivo.
5. Qualidade Superior: Fabricado pela Enzymedica, um líder em saúde digestiva, o Immune Defense oferece confiança e eficácia em cada dose.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar duas cápsulas de Enzymedica Immune Defense Extra Strength por dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante ingerir o suplemento com um copo de água para facilitar a absorção das enzimas no organismo. Para maximizar os benefícios, considere integrar este produto em uma rotina diária de saúde que inclua uma dieta equilibrada e hábitos de vida saudáveis.
GIVE Reviews –
This product is good in general to help out one’s immune system, but I use it mostly to help fight off the headaches I get from having “multiple chemical sensitivities” (certain fragrances give me headaches) and also to fight off colds. This is an excellent product that does as advertised.
I used to take aspirin all of the time for the headaches I would get from having multiple chemical sensitivities, but then I developed stomach ulcers over time and had to lay off the aspirin. So this product helps the immune system fight off the chemicals that give me headaches.
For colds, it has also helped me quickly fight off those when I would feel them coming.
The only issue I have is that this product, which is advertised as a general immune system support, contains an ingredient used to decrease one’s mucus. This may be ok when you’re taking it to prevent or fight off colds, but I once developed a “tickly” cough because my body wasn’t producing enough mucus for my throat to fight off chemicals that entered it when I breathed out of my mouth. Now this only happened once, but that’s because I’ll either take Echinacea and Golden Seal (natural antibiotics that also seem to restore my natural mucus levels) or just simply make sure not to take too much of this product. Overall, this product does as advertised, and this one little problem I had isn’t a problem for me anymore since I know how to manage it.
I highly recommend this product!
GIVE Reviews –
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I really like this product and have used this product for years. It is a high-quality enzyme manufactured by a company that I trust. Most people take this product to aid in healing from being sick. I take this product for two reasons: 1) aiding healing from sickness, and 2) aiding in digesting protein. The video explains why this product helps to aid from healing a sickness. I also take this to aid in digesting protein. As we age, our body produces less protease. Since I am older, I use this product to offset my body’s inability to produce the required protease needed to digest the protein I consume. Mostly, I use it in conjunction with protein powder to help break those proteins down into amino acids.
– Protease Thera-blend(tm) 300,000 HUT (2x strength)
– Catalase 100 Baker
– Serrapeptase 80,000 SPU
– Mucolase 16 mg
– Calcium (from Calcium Citrate) 22 mg (DV 2%)
– Magnesium (from Magnesium Citrate) 0.1 mg (DV <1%)
Note: The active/inactive pertains to what I believe the purpose and effects of the ingredients are to the product’s purpose of helping the body heal and recover from a sickness.
Protease is an enzyme that is produced by the stomach and pancreas. It is also found in foods, but usually, the food contains only enough enzymes to break down the food itself. Pineapple and papaya contain higher amounts of protease. Enzymes are sensitive to heat, so they are easily destroyed during cooking. Protease main function is to break apart proteins. Proteins are comprised of Amino Acids. So, in a sense, the protease releases Amino Acids by breaking the bonds that hold the Amino Acids together within the protein. Once these Amino Acids are free, they can be absorbed by the small intestine and into the bloodstream.
I suspect that almost everyone has leaky gut syndrome; it’s just to what degree a person has it. If a person has a severe enough case or a person digests a large quantity of protein on a regular basis, then proteins can build up in the blood. Protein is not supposed to exist in the blood. It serves no purpose, so it needs to be flushed by the body. If proteins do build up in the blood beyond the body’s ability to flush the proteins out, it can affect how a person feels. This might result in having lower energy by feeling sluggish or even weak.
This condition occurs when imperfections within the small intestine allow proteins or partial proteins (i.e., not amino acids) to enter into the bloodstream. These proteins within the bloodstream serve no purpose and need to be flushed out of the blood by the body. The proteins in the blood are used by viruses, bacteria, and fungus to “hide” from the immune system. Taking protease allows the enzyme to break down these unwanted proteins in the blood thereby exposing the viruses, bacteria, and fungus allowing the body’s immune system to find them and kill them.
To combat a sickness, you must take this product on an empty stomach. The reason is that the enzymes taken on an empty stomach will be absorbed into the bloodstream where the work is needed to break down protein in the blood. If this product is taken with food, the protease will break down the protein in the food thereby leaving little left over to enter the bloodstream.
To aid with protein digestion, you must take these with food for the opposite reason stated above. If taken on an empty stomach, the enzymes will enter the bloodstream and not be present in the stomach or small intestine when the food is later consumed. This product can be effective for people who are consuming protein powders or people who have a more difficult time digesting proteins like meat or eggs.
Dose (for sickness): I take one (2x strength) before bedtime and one in the morning 20-30 minutes before a meal. Those are the times when the stomach will have the least amount of food.
Dose (for protein digestion): For meals, I take one capsule (2x strength) just before the meal. For protein powders, I take one capsule before drinking the protein, or I open up a capsule and put it right with the protein drink. If my meal contains little protein like eating an apple, vegetables, or dessert, then I would not take this because this product only acts on proteins.
There is also another version of this product that is in single strength formula versus this product that is double strength. The single strength has 150,000 HUT versus this product that has 300,000 HUT. This smaller dose in a single capsule might be more applicable when taking as a digestive aid with smaller meals.
Enzymedica – Enzyme Defense, Complete Immune System Support, 120 Capsules
[+] GIVE Reviews. This is my standard for writing reviews.
[G]enuine – Honest, trustworthy review intended to help people in the Amazon family.
[I]nformational – Provide information related to this product in a concise matter.
[V]aluable – Provide value to the reader to help determine if this product is for them.
[E]nlightening – This review needs to go beyond product information such that the reader learns something they did not otherwise know.
I am not a physician nor am I dispensing medical advice. This review is conveying my knowledge, experiences, and opinions in hopes that it provides insight for the reader.
ps. Don’t forget to up-vote if you liked this review, or you think this review will help others.
Scarlett Smith –
This review consists of two parts:
The first is regarding “stomach flu,” the second – varicose veins and possible MS symptoms. It ends with a call for research. If you wish to skip to the second part, please scroll down to the dashed line.
Before I begin … This is for information purposes only. Please consult your qualified medical professional regarding any issues you may have.
I’m a female, medium built, 120 pounds. Please take into consideration that the dosing of enzymes will vary depending on your weight and body type.
1. “STOMACH FLU” (viral bouts of vomiting and diarrhea)
A week ago my toddler (two and a half years old) had gotten some very bad case of a “stomach flu” (severe vomiting and diarrhea). When I say “severe,” I mean so bad that he’d vomit all over the floor and on both of the beds we have in the house, and the vomit will soak through the foam unto the mattress (we didn’t have a cover on it). The whole house reeked of vomit and poop. THAT bad. As a family member had it right before him and went to a hospital for an IV where no salmonella or another bacterium was detected, I thought it must be viral, if we exclude parasites. Most cases of as “stomach flu” are caused by viruses, according to my research.
I’ve known already how well ViraStop deals with colds and other health issues (more about it below). I’ve also known it’s possible to open a capsule and put some of the powder in water or tea, and drink it. I didn’t come up with that myself, I’ve read it in one man’s review on Amazon (thank you). I’ve tried it before and I knew it’s safe to do, at least for me.
When my son came down with the flu, I thought of Virastop instantly, but I wasn’t sure how his inflamed digestive track would handle this strong formula. I was wondering what would happen if I applied strong enzymes onto a raw stomach… what if he starts bleeding internally? I was scared, and I didn’t use Virastop for two days.
Then, the night came when my son vomited all over both beds and we didn’t even have a place to sleep. It became apparent to me we’ll need to take him to the doctor/possibly emergency room if I don’t try this. I was scared of a possibility of having to take him for an IV.
So, I took a capsule of Virastop 2x and put about a quarter of it into his water cup (it’s a small cup, it holds about one cup of water). My son weighs about 40 pounds.
I stopped with the “electrolyte drink” that was supposed to help and started giving him this enzyme-infused water whenever he wanted to drink. I refilled the cup whenever necessary. I offered the cup to him every fifteen minutes or so if he was awake.
THAT WAS IT. HE STOPPED VOMITING right away (after three days!). He just had a bit of diarrhea the next day. He had his first normal wet diaper about 8 hours after the first sip of “ViraStop water.”
He had three ViraStop 2x pills in several cups of water over the course of three days, which is about 1 pill per day. Again, he weighed about 40 pounds at a time.
As I’d been essentially vomited on for a couple days, I started coming down with the flu myself. The moment I understood that it’s happening, I took three pills of Virastop 2x with water. The effect: I got “cleaned up” within an hour or so (STRONG ENZYMES WILL MAKE YOU “GO,” KEEP THAT IN MIND IF YOU NEVER TOOK THEM: BE CLOSE TO THE BATHROOM!). After that, I had very little discomfort. I continued taking 3 pills of Virastop 2x twice per day for about 4 days, which is as long as I’d still get flu-like stomach cramps.
Update 01/17/2019: I used enzymes in water for my son, as described above, every time he gets sick. The only side effect I see is that if you leave them on the lips, your lips may chap. So I apply chapstick or Vaseline on his lips before he drinks the water with enzymes. At this point my son is 7 years old and I typically give him one third to one half of the capsule with water, once to twice per day, once he starts developing symptoms. This pretty much ends every cold/flu he gets. I also sprinkle probiotic capsules on his food, more if he comes down with something. He’s never been seriously ill with this regimen. He doesn’t like to take enzymes (or any medication) so I typically don’t give them to him on the first symptom, hoping he will improve on his own. Because of that, there’s always drastic improvement when he gets the first dose. The improvement can typically be seen within 5 to 8 hours or so.
SIDE NOTE for persons with hemorrhoids / constipation:
If you take enzymes with a sufficient amount of water, your constipation will end instantly. What is sufficient amount? For me, one cup per one to up to three pills of ViraStop 2x or Digest Gold (digestive enzymes manufactured by the same company) is sufficient. You just need the right dose. If you’re new to enzymes, one pill of Virastop 2x with a cup of warm tea should probably make you “go” within 30 minutes if taken on an empty stomach, although you may need more depending on the severity of your condition. Enzymes taken on an empty stomach happen to be therapeutic, as you may find out with a simple online search or by reading Amazon reviews (please take precautions according to the product label as well, for instance if you have an ulcer).
I’ve read so and so many people end up in a hospital due to severe constipation every year …. I don’t know how it’s treated, but a few pills of Digest Gold or Virastop (a.k.a. strong enzymes) would solve the problem. A call for a new protocol, maybe? Try this next time you get irregular, you will know what I mean.
Enzymedica manufactures, in my opinion, the best enzymes there are. Digest Gold/Virastop are extraordinary products.
IF YOU HAVE STOMACH ULCERS, IT’S A CONTRAINDICATION. You don’t want to apply strong enzymes to an internal wound, do you?
If you get stomach sensitivity, TAKE WITH MORE WATER/ warm tea. That’s it.
Again, you’ll most likely need to visit a bathroom if you take enough pills at once, especially on an empty stomach.
If you want THE STRONGEST EFFECT as SYSTEMIC ENZYMES (you may look “systemic enzymes” up: essentially, the enzymes will enter your blood stream and fix your body), take FIRST THING IN THE MORNING WITH WATER/TEA, and wait about 40 minutes / 2 hours before you eat anything.
Please use caution when given to the elderly, again, these are STRONG enzymes, and they contain serrapeptase; I believe there are reports of some pneumonia in elderly that took serrapeptase (you may look it up). If your grandma is 80 years old, maybe you want to start with the regular ViraStop, use half a dose of that, and consult a doctor first.
ViraStop 2x also contains nattokinase, which thins your blood. This may be a contraindication for people on blood thinners and/or with bleeding disorders, according to my knowledge. Blood thinning effect of nattokinase could cause a drop in blood pressure, although in my case it only happens if I take regular nattokinase every day.
Update 01/17/19: I believe at this point there’s no nattokinase in this supplement.
There may be other safety concerns I’m not aware of.
Enzymes do work as long as you use a *quality product* at a *right dose*. Again, I’m a female of 120 pounds, and I need 3 pills of ViraStop 2x per day to maintain my health (more about it below). That’s a lot of quality proteolic enzymes taken every single day! Basic digestive enzymatic formulas don’t come close to that, most systemic enzyme formulas are not of that strength either.
Side note on the price:
These may seem expensive, but three pills solved my son’s severe illness. How much did that cost… Two dollars, I believe. I’d have paid more for laundry if my son continued to be sick.
When a family member recently brought a strong cold, I took about 5 pills per day, and I only got a hint of a sore throat. That’s it. I may have used about 15 pills on top of what I’d normally use, which maybe cost ten dollars or so, but how much would it cost me if I missed a day of work? How much would it cost you if you had to stay at home with your sick kids? (And should you be wary of giving enzymes to children, look up how enzymes can improve a condition of an autistic child … That’s some fascinating read!)
It may get expensive if you take ViraStop 2x daily, like I do (I use one container of ViraStop2x every month.) But, what these do for me has no price.
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2. Varicose, possible MS symptoms
a. Varicose veins (chronic venous insufficiency)
About 9 months ago I started developing painful varicose veins on my legs; it came to the point where I couldn’t even stand in place for one second. It started after a prolonged period of excessive bruising that I didn’t address as I thought it was hereditary.
As my condition worsened and standard medical science offered blood thinners or lasers that don’t address the root of the problem, I started doing a ton of research to find a supplement/supplement combo solution. I believe in supplements (ever since I tried Digest Gold, I’m a believer). First, I tried the typical herbal formulations used for my issue but the condition continued to worsen fast. I went from working out two hours per day to not being able to get on an elliptical for more than ten minutes; I’d have to lie down and raise my legs up. I was desperate.
Then, in one of the reviews on some systemic enzyme supplement on Amazon I’ve read someone write that if his wife doesn’t take them, she develops varicose veins; if she does take them, they disappear. I had a bottle of Digest Gold on hand that I would occasionally take for digestion; I knew I can take it on an empty stomach as a systemic enzyme formulation. I popped I think four pills on an empty stomach at five a.m., as it came to the point where I couldn’t even sleep. The relief was immediate and it came within 40 minutes. I took about ten more pills by the end of that day, and slept normally the next night. Within two days, I could stand in one spot for about 60 seconds or so, although it still didn’t come easy.
I did more research; I read about proteolic enzymes and how they address inflammation in the body, and how varicose as many other ailments has its root in inflammation. I already had a bottle of Virastop 2X as well on my shelf, and it was in plain view as I’ve given it to a family member for a cold (they came three days later to thank me, without a sign of cold). So there I am, looking at ViraStop 2x. I knew these were enzymes; I looked at the label to discover an amazingly strong proteolic formulation (I think it’s the strongest OTC formula of this type on the market). Not only that, but nattokinase that I already purchased anyway to naturally thin my blood was in the formula as well. I also knew I can take up to three pills of virastop 2x at once, as I had done it to ward off a strong cold. So off I go and pop three pills on an empty stomach, right there… forty minutes later, I felt the greatest relief, as the enzymes started pouring into my blood. I could actually feel the warmth in my legs, and such great relief of the tension/itching associated with my issue.
Digest Gold was effective, but to achieve the same strength of a proteolic formula as in one pill of Virastop 2X, one would have to take 4 pills of Digest Gold. So, virastop 2x is a whole different planet of “strong” in cleaning your system out of whatever it is that causes inflammation.
About an hour later after I took those three pills, I took four more pills. Since then, I take 3 every day; sometimes I take 2 and couple it with Repair Gold, anything between one and fours pills of Repair Gold taken in the morning on an empty stomach. I can’t tell you exactly how many Repair Golds I take per month, I take it whenever I have a “feeling” I should take it that morning.
I found that if I slip in my regimen, it all comes back. I also found that Bromelain, “extra strong” (I buy the one by Now brand available here on Amazon, 2400 GDU/g, 500 mg) works great as well. (Please make sure to check for GDU strenght of bromelain you buy. NOW brand is of excellent quality and great strenght for the price, I haven’t found better yet!) Initially, I took four pills of that bromelain for several weeks to help clear the inflammation, during the time when I’d still feel a bit of burning in my legs. Right now I take it occasionally. I also started taking Pycnogenol (I think due to price I’ll be switching to pine bark bulk powder available here on Amazon from Bulk Supplements). I know that according to clinical studies this will help my veins.
On Nattokinase:
I’ve tried to take nattokinase separately for varicose veins before, but it would only work by itself at a dose of two pills (2 pills of 2000 units each), at which point it would cause unsafe drops in my blood pressure: my pressure would go down into fifties on systolic and thirties on diastolic, and I’d get dizzy. I’m fit and my pressure is naturally low, and I despaired about losing this one way of possibly dealing with varicose via naturally thinning by blood. Interestingly, taking Virastop daily at a dose of 3 pills, which is the equivalent of 3×800 units of nattokinase, or slightly over one standard dose of 2000 units, does not cause this problem for me at all. I feel great.
I also started taking Rutin, on and off, to address bruising. It does just that! I knew I had to address the strength of the walls in my veins. However, I also know it does not solve the varicose vein problem, or at least not for me: I started taking it early on after initial research. Bruising stopped, but varicose kept getting worse.
b. Multiple sclerosis?
Please do a search on MS and enzymes. There are some videos on YouTube and some positive reviews on this site as well. In the YouTube search box, if you type in “multiple sclerosis enzymes,” videos on “multiple sclerosis: systemic enzymes can provide relief” should pop up, among others.
About a week before I started taking Virastop 2X I started feeling tingling in my toes and sometimes in my left pinky. I’d also feel severely exhausted. It could be that it was somehow circulation related, but a search on the web points to possible MS symptoms (I’m thirty years old, by the way). On that day that I took three pills of Virastop to address inflammation in my legs, I had that persistent tingling at the top of my pinky. After I took the pills, about forty minutes later (taken on an empty stomach with warm tea to help it dissolve and penetrate faster), I’d feel that tingling disappear. It was amazing. It would appear for about a week more and disappear when I’d take enzymes. It never comes back now, but I take these enzymes. The exhaustion disappeared as well. Even though I started taking many supplements to aid energy, there’s a great difference between achieving “optimal energy” and severe exhaustion, the type where you lie on your bed at seven p.m. staring at walls, feeling that tingling in your small finger, thinking that you’re dying, and wondering who will take care of your children. And yes, enzymes will end it, IF TAKEN IN THE RIGHT AMOUNT.
Again, I take 3 pills of VIraStop 2x per day, and I’m a female, 120 pounds. I upped the dose of Digest Gold (I take 4 – 6 per day). I frequently take a few pills of Repair Gold or strong bromelain, as indicated above.
As a side note: I’ve worked out my whole life and always watched what I eat. I went fully organic two years ago. I’ve had an unwanted c-section about a year and a half before the above described problems started, and I’ve read that both varicose and multiple sclerosis can be triggered after an operation. Doctors push for C-sections: they get paid better than for regular births, they can schedule them. What about women’s health? It technically could be that it is all unrelated, but my health deteriorated terribly after that operation. Nausea aside, I had a great pregnancy, I walked an hour per day up until two days before delivery. I went to the gym until 8 months pregnant! All my checkups were great, except my iron got low at the end. The baby was breech. I believe experienced midwife would have guided me through that; for centuries breech babies were born without c-sections. If you’re reading this and think of having a baby, please watch “The business of being born” and make an informed decision about how you wish to deliver. A c-section is an operation, and your body is not indifferent to an operation. Your organism will typically react to an operation with higher inflammation, and just a basic search on inflammation should alarm you as to what inflammation can do to your body. An operation can trigger a gluten sensitivity, for instance; isn’t that interesting?
Let this be my first review on this site as I rely heavily on reviews myself. Without Amazon reviews, I’d probably be crippled today, as I’d have never found the information needed.
I purchased Virastop 2x on automatic recommendation of Amazon the first time over. I’m actually happy about these recommendations, even if my wallet takes a hit ;).
Thank you for reading, and welcome to the era of state-of-the-art supplements!
We need more clinical research on enzymes.
In one of the TED talks, a scientist described scientific research as looking for a cat in a dark room while you don’t know if the cat is there. In this case, at least you know the room isn’t empty.
Update 01/17/19
This is still hands down the best cold medication I have found. When someone in the family gets sick, I take these to prevent a cold.
Regarding possible MS symptoms: I am now confirmed HLA-B27 positive (a test used to diagnose autoimmune process in the body). Around 2015 I stopped taking those enzymes much and my condition drastically worsened. I also have recurring iritis, possible AS, and likely a host of other autoimmune conditions/possible conditions. I was told, in 2014, that I should start taking immunosuppressive medication. I didn’t like the idea due to the side effects. But I also, through the practice of fasting, understood there was something in the food I was eating that was giving me autoimmune issues. I started looking for solutions and as someone here commented, there is a dietary protocol for MS: Dr. Wahl’s protocol. There’s also another dietary protocol, very similar to Dr. Wahl’s, by Dr. Gundry (please read his “Plant Paradox” book). He stresses that the reason for autoimmune conditions in humans are… wait for it… mainly PROTEINS called LECTINS found in plant foods, or in animals fed with grains etc. *No wonder proteomics enzymes worked so well for me!* May I add that Dr. Wahl’s protocol largely excludes most sources of lectins as well.
Currently I’m on Dr. Gundry’s protocol and also supplement with these enzymes. This takes care of my iritis and back pain. If I stray from the diet, I take digestive enzymes and more of those pills. I am also trying Wobenzym now.
Thank you for reading. Please mark helpful if you deem appropriate.