O Enzymedica Digest Spectrum é um suplemento de enzimas digestivas projetado para atender às necessidades de pessoas que enfrentam múltiplas intolerâncias alimentares. Com uma fórmula avançada, ele proporciona alívio rápido de gases e desconfortos digestivos, permitindo que você desfrute de suas refeições sem preocupações. Este produto é especialmente formulado para ajudar na digestão de alimentos que contêm glúten, lactose, caseína e fenóis, reduzindo o inchaço e a indigestão ocasional.
As enzimas de alta qualidade presentes no Digest Spectrum, como amilase, lipase, celulase e protease, trabalham em sinergia para quebrar os alimentos de forma eficiente, melhorando a absorção de nutrientes e promovendo um conforto digestivo significativo. A inclusão da enzima DPP-IV, que atua especificamente na digestão de glúten e caseína, torna este suplemento ainda mais eficaz para aqueles que precisam evitar esses componentes. As enzimas Thera-blend, uma tecnologia proprietária, garantem que a atividade enzimática ocorra em todos os níveis de pH do sistema digestivo, proporcionando um suporte digestivo máximo e alívio mais rápido.
Com apenas uma cápsula por dia, você pode quebrar até 8g de gordura, 20g de proteína e 53g de carboidratos, tornando a dosagem prática e conveniente. O produto é livre de glúten, leite, caseína, soja, ovo, corantes ou sabores artificiais, e é vegano, kosher e certificado pelo Clean Label Project. Os produtos Enzymedica são elaborados com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, assegurando eficácia sem comprometer a saúde e o bem-estar do consumidor.
– Suporte especializado para a digestão de alimentos com intolerâncias, aliviando o inchaço e a indigestão ocasional.
– Permite desfrutar de laticínios, glúten e outros alimentos sem desconforto, promovendo uma alimentação mais variada.
– Proporciona alívio rápido e eficaz, com enzimas que atuam em todos os níveis de pH do sistema digestivo.
– Dosagem conveniente, com apenas 1 cápsula necessária para uma digestão eficiente, adaptando-se às suas necessidades.
– Compromisso com a qualidade, utilizando ingredientes naturais e apoiando iniciativas de bem-estar.
Tome 1 cápsula por dia com uma refeição. Para refeições mais pesadas ou quando necessário, recomenda-se tomar de 1 a 2 cápsulas adicionais. É importante não exceder a dosagem recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso deste produto, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou em uso de medicamentos. Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Pilar –
I’m taking 2 a day I’m still bloated after I eat
Long black hair –
With these supplements, I can eat cross-contaminated foods without any sickness now. I am severely intolerant to wheat, eggs, and dairy. Digest Spectrum has made my life simpler, because if I’m put in a situation where I don’t have many options but really need food, these help prevent me from getting nearly as sick as I normally would. This also means I can finally stop bringing an arsenal of emergency snacks with me everywhere.
I take one to two with a meal if I didn’t prepare it and can’t be sure about cross-contamination. If I know for a fact that a meal contains one of my intolerances and I have no other options available, I take three or four and my stomach pain later isn’t nearly as severe.
Be wary of purchasing from Amazon. My last bottle from NetRush, who is a primary distributor, looked suspicious compared to the bottles I’d purchased before. There was no expiration date or lot number on the label like there usually is, and certain parts of the label were pixilated. I purchased a bottle directly from Enzymedica to compare it to, and also contacted Enzymedica about the discrepancies between the two bottles. They said to not use any bottles that do not come with a lot number and expiration date printed on the side of the label near the list of supplement facts.
I will include photos to help anyone else who is unsure whether or not they received a legitimate bottle.
Driver picks the music –
It works really well, when I know I may eating some food it exposes to gluten, helps to digest and discomfort
Tried these because they were cheaper, or so I thought, than my other brand. I realized you need to take two so I would go through a bottle of these super fast. I decided to go back to my other brand which has 90 capsules and I only take one at a time so it’s a better value. They did seem to work for the short time I used them.
Driver picks the music –
They make digest spectrum and digest complete. The complete is basically just a lesser milligram and the digest spectrum is more milligrams so if you’re having a bigger meal, I would suggest the digest spectrum and if you’re having a smaller meal like a snack, I would suggest the digest complete Work very well. They’re basically the same thing they’re just different milligrams if you’re I would just start the digest complete I have had really horrible problems with my stomach over the past year and have not been able to eat pretty much. I’m still having stomach problems, but they are something else. This has lessened my bloating my my burping, and I don’t feel uncomfortable after me for the rest of the day.
Lori –
The product works well in helping my digestive system work properly
Deidre Moore –
I’ve found that this product really helps keep my reactions to certain foods at a minimum. Would recommend.
Mother of Kitties –
I am on AIP diet and this helps tremendously.
M.M –
I bought this product because it had all the ingredients i used to get from another brand that is not available in the USA but unfortunately it is not as powerful as the brand i used to take, no clue why! The good thing is that at least it did not upset my stomach. It is smoothly digested. I have a very sensitive stomach with bad absorption of food. The main brand i used to take was really solving all these issues and help my body gets all the nutrients from the food i eat, it shows through my overall health, my energy, how my nails grow faster, my skin glows, my hair etc
I really wished this product acted the same but for some reason it didn’t work for me.
UPDATE: I got a message from the seller offering me a refund for this product as it did not work for me as i mentioned in my comment, which was very professional from their side and made me change the rating to 5 stars because i appreciated how they value their customers feedback. I refused the refund though as i already used the digestive pills. I might continue taking the capsules until i finish the bottle i got maybe by then i can see some better results. As i mentioned my case is different because i have a super sensitive stomach. Lets see.
Update (2)– I finished the whole bottle of 30 counts and my final verdict is: this product helps ease the digestion process, it gives you a quick feeling of comfort, instead of that nagging discomfort after a small meal as if you just swallowed an elephant that stayed there refusing to pass :)) It helped me a lot with late night meals; i usually don’t eat after 7 p.m. but some days i come back from work very late i end up having my dinner by 10 p.m. then.i can’t sleep until 4 a.m.!! So taking the pill before my late night meal helped a lot.
Another important advice, you must not rely on these pills alone to solve all your digestion issues. I noticed some reviews mentioned that it is better to take 2 pills, which i personally found unnecessary. You must strengthen your stomach as a first defense strategy by taking good probiotics for short term, eating food high in fibers, avoiding fried meals, vegetable oils except olive oil, drink herbal teas, take kefir one hour before bed and so on. Your pancreas gets sensitive over time as you eat unhealthy food. A serious change in your diet lifestyle will restore the pancreas and enhance your digestion. Two weeks ago, i did exactly this along with the pill only at late night dinner and it helped a lot. Bottom line is: do not take these pills forever otherwise your stomach will reply on them and loses its natural functionality.
Mother of Kitties –
This is a good brand and it works really well.