Descrição do Produto: Enzymedica Digest Gold Probiotics
A saúde digestiva é fundamental para o bem-estar geral, e o Enzymedica Digest Gold Probiotics oferece uma solução inovadora e eficaz para quem busca melhorar sua qualidade de vida. Com uma fórmula 2 em 1, este suplemento combina o poder dos enzimas digestivas e probióticos em uma única cápsula conveniente. Os enzimas digestivas atuam rapidamente, proporcionando alívio imediato do inchaço, enquanto os probióticos promovem o crescimento de bactérias benéficas no intestino, garantindo um suporte contínuo à digestão.
Com o Enzymedica Digest Gold, você pode desfrutar de suas refeições favoritas sem preocupações. A mistura potente de enzimas digestivas ajuda a quebrar refeições volumosas de forma mais rápida, enquanto os probióticos mantêm a saúde digestiva a longo prazo, permitindo indulgências sem culpa. A fórmula exclusiva ATPro, que inclui uma combinação de ATP, Citrato de Magnésio, Fitase e CoQ10, fornece energia para as células do seu corpo, ajudando a combater a fadiga pós-refeição e mantendo você energizado ao longo do dia.
Os enzimas Thera-blend, patenteados pela Enzymedica, são formulados para atuar de maneira otimizada em diferentes níveis de pH do sistema digestivo, garantindo alívio mais rápido e suporte digestivo máximo. Com apenas uma cápsula diária, você pode quebrar 34g de gordura, 16g de proteína e 86g de carboidratos, tornando este suplemento uma adição prática e eficaz à sua rotina. Além disso, é livre de OGM, vegano, kosher e certificado pelo Clean Label Project, garantindo a pureza e a qualidade do produto.
– Alívio Rápido do Inchaço: As enzimas digestivas oferecem alívio imediato, permitindo que você se sinta confortável após as refeições.
– Suporte Prolongado à Digestão: Os probióticos ajudam a manter um equilíbrio saudável de bactérias intestinais, promovendo uma digestão eficiente a longo prazo.
– Aumento de Energia: A fórmula ATPro fornece nutrientes essenciais que ajudam a energizar as células, combatendo a fadiga pós-refeição.
– Fórmula Eficaz em Diversos pH: Os enzimas Thera-blend garantem que o produto funcione de maneira eficaz em todo o sistema digestivo, independentemente do pH.
– Praticidade e Conveniência: Com apenas uma cápsula por dia, você obtém um suporte digestivo completo sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula de Enzymedica Digest Gold Probiotics diariamente, preferencialmente antes das refeições. Caso sinta necessidade, é possível aumentar a dosagem conforme a orientação de um profissional de saúde. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Raine OntheWorld –
You have to play with this product to find its sweet spot. Try off with one at your heaviest meal. If it only stirs then take two the next day with your heaviest meal. It will work within an hour. I suggest taking a stool softener the first time. This products enzymes are pure magic.
Raine OntheWorld –
It does what it says no gimmicks like most on the market . I only give it 4 stars because unfortunately my body quickly becomes immune and non effective and it’s back to the drawing board with my life long struggle with CIC .
Marcia Martin –
I was using just a probiotic n then saw this product in another online store, read about it n decided to buy it. After using it awhile their price increased. I then Saw it on Amazon for less so I repurchased it here. It’s a great product. Not only has probiotics but digestives as well. I find it works well n it’s keeping my digestion in good working order. The capsules are easy to swallow n not that big. Recommended.
19air –
I take a lot of enzymes and probiotics with each meal. It’s fine at home to take a handful of pills but when I am in public, I don’t like to have to stop in the middle of the meal and grab the pill pouch and take them. This pill allows me to be able to take 2 small pills discreetly. Love the ease
Shezzza –
I rarely give 5 star reviews & I have not been given any compensation in return for my review. I have wasted more money on pre & probiotics over the years trying every strain available. Taking them literally a handful at a time & nothing has ever worked for me. I’ve also tried digestive enzymes in the past that just made me feel well, “funky” for lack of a better term but other than that didn’t do much at all. Lately, I was unable to eat anything without discomfort, including heartburn, indigestion & gas. I’d wake up every morning in pain that was excruciating right under my diaphragm. I was desperately searching for something. I tried OTC acid reducers thinking it was that but nothing seemed to help. Then while searching on Amazon for a cure I came across the name digestive gold in the reviews for another product which lead me here.
After reading several reviews here that resonated with me regarding IBS & eczema I decided to try it. A little pricey but if it helps I figured it’s worth it.
I can not put into words how much this has helped my quality of life. It is genuinely life changing. It worked immediately with the first dose & only got better each time I took it! I was so impressed I recommended it to my friends & family. I truly believe if it doesn’t work for you then it’s only because you have a different issue then what this is intended for. I had no expectations for this product because nothing ever works for me but this actually did! Even my eczema cleared up, who knew there was a link between digestion & skin conditions?! I will be replacing bottles of pre/probiotics, fennel, ginger, apple cider vinegar, mylanta, phazyme, zegrid & more with this. I can now eat without discomfort & wake up without pain.
Patria M. –
Really really good product great at helping my food digest, less burping and flatulence. I read that when you get to your 50’s your digestive enzymes can weaken, there by leaving food undigested going into the intestines, hence burping and flatulence. The great thing about this product is you get the enzymes to help digest the food in your stomach and also intestinal bacteria that also digest food, so a double goody.
Rod W –
Works great as an aid to gut health and digestion. I don’t have to take prescription enzymes thanks to this wonderful product!
Paula R K –
10 stars!! Digest Gold is by far some of the best digestive enzymes I have found. I have used them for years, since about 1996 or so. I had a severe case of mercury toxicity from dental work (gold crown encapsulating a mercury amalgam creating a galvanic response between the gold and the mercury). This was REALLY BAD NEWS! It did a lot of damage systemically throughout my body. I almost died from it. It took 6 years to get a proper diagnosis. One of the non-reversible results from all of this, is that I can no longer digest certain foods properly. My body cannot produce certain enzymes anymore due to the mercury damage; as a result, I rely heavily on a good quality digestive enzyme. The added probiotics just make it that much better. We all need good gut flora replaced regularly. I take these with every meal. They are not a drug. This is what a healthy body would produce naturally on its own to digest foods. My biggest food problems now are with breads and pastas (gluten intolerant) and dairy (lactose intolerant). The Digest Gold takes care of the problem foods wonderfully. If I take the Digest Gold as the first bite of food goes in my mouth, then I don’t even have to worry about eating Gluten Free or Lactose Free. I can eat normal food! I also give these to my 83 yr old father who has had his gall bladder removed and is on multiple heart meds and blood thinners. He has no problem with these enzymes whatsoever. These are well worth the price! I carry them with me everywhere I go.
Krystal Thurman –
Works well for my wife. Was recommended to her by her chiropractor. Has really helped her with her bowel movements in terms of regularity and overall digestive health. I would highly recommend giving it a try if you have tried other brands with out success.
Patria M. –
It reduce my digestive gas from my stomach. I’m happy with it. I only take it for a few days when I drink milk or oily food.