Para os amantes da comida: aproveite seus pratos favoritos sem preocupações. Nossa poderosa combinação de enzimas digestivas ajuda a quebrar refeições grandes mais rapidamente, aliviando o inchaço e a indigestão ocasional para uma indulgência despreocupada*.
ATPro Blend: vença a sensação de desconforto pós-refeição e sinta-se energizado para enfrentar o seu dia. Essa fórmula exclusiva apresenta ATPro, uma combinação proprietária de ATP, Citrato de Magnésio, Fitase e CoQ10 que ajuda a fornecer energia para as células do seu corpo*.
Eficácia em todo o processo: nossas enzimas tera-blend proprietárias são formuladas para uma atividade ideal em todos os níveis de pH do sistema digestivo, proporcionando alívio mais rápido e suporte digestivo máximo*.
Dosagem: apenas 1 cápsula diária quebra até 34g de gordura, 16g de proteína e 86g de carboidratos. Não contém glúten, leite, caseína, soja, ovo, corantes ou sabores artificiais, nem organismos geneticamente modificados. Produto vegano, kosher e certificado pelo Clean Label Project.
Fazendo a diferença: os produtos Enzymedica aproveitam o poder dos melhores ingredientes naturais para obter máxima eficácia. Criamos produtos de qualidade sem comprometer, ao mesmo tempo que apoiamos iniciativas que promovem o bem-estar das pessoas e do nosso planeta.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alivia o inchaço e a indigestão causados por refeições grandes
- Fornece energia para o corpo, ajudando a combater a sensação de cansaço pós-refeição
- Enzimas tera-blend formuladas para máxima eficácia em todos os níveis de pH do sistema digestivo
- Dosagem conveniente de apenas 1 cápsula diária
- Produto livre de glúten, leite, soja, ovo e ingredientes artificiais
Tome 1 cápsula diariamente, antes da refeição principal. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de usar este produto se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver algum problema de saúde.
Mrs. K. Looper –
With so many food sensitivities this makes life so much easier. Have many more good days using this product.
Kirstie –
And I’m obsessed! I take them as suggested and have noticed a difference.
Amazon Customer –
I like this product because it works
W. Hoffman –
So far I seem to be getting some relief, but now I’m starting to have questions. This product supposedly is loaded with beneficial enzymes to aid in digestion of certain substances like vegetable matter, protein, fat, sugars, and various other matter that is hard for some to digest. The main material that the capsule is made out of is cellulose itself. If the product inside the capsule contains cellulase, then how does it not break down the capsule itself? Things to make you go hmm 🤔
I don’t know if I’m only feeling a placebo effect because im trying something that is supposed to be helpful or if I am actually starting to feel better.
I came across this product mentioned in an online published medical journal. I have gastroparesis and have been having issues lately that I think may be a bezoar (hard concretion or conglomeration of undigested food particles forming a rock like substance that gets stuck in the GI tract). While trying to research this matter more (before my follow up appointment) I came across many different articles, trying to see if I did have what the doctor said was a possibility if I ate too much fiber. Checking my symptoms against what I could find online. Anyhow I came across an article that said patients have dissolved bezoars with Coca-Cola or Diet Coke and cellulase. The article citied this product as having some of the highest levels of cellulase and the patients tried two a day with two 12oz portions of the soda. So far I feel a little better two days in on just the digest gold capsules and stopping my Proton Pump Inhibitor (if the acid in the cola is supposed to help, why block the acid pumping mechanism of my own body?). Tonight I’ll start adding Cherry zero cola (it has a good low ph but is more tolerable to my taste) and see how things go. Hopefully the doctor can get me in sooner than my previously scheduled appointment to discuss things. Will continue with updates in the future
Renee –
I’ve been using this product for a few years and have found it to be very effective.
Laura C. Chase –
I ordered this product and it was delivered the next day. It was in packaging to protect it from the sun and wrapped to prevent damage. Given that I was home I was immediately able to bring it inside to prevent the pills from sitting in the heat. I tried these pills because of digestive issues and a friend told me this had worked for her. However, they did not work for me and actually made me sicker. It may be that the only enzyme replacement I need at this time is for Lactose. I started eating a kiwi a day and using psyllium husk powder in protein drinks and that has made a great difference in my digestive issues. Yet, I am still not gaining weight.
Gill W. –
Works well. Really wanted it to relieve bloating but instead it helps with the uncomfortable full feeling and helps with using the bathroom regularly after a meal. Overall it is a great product for anyone with digestive issues
DrZappo –
Works well.