Descrição do Produto: Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes for Gut Health
A saúde digestiva é fundamental para o bem-estar geral, e o Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes é a solução ideal para quem busca um suporte eficaz e prático. Este produto combina enzimas digestivas, probióticos e prebióticos em uma fórmula 3 em 1, proporcionando alívio para inchaço ocasional, gases e desconforto causado por alimentos de difícil digestão. Com a conveniência de ser utilizado em casa ou em movimento, é a escolha perfeita para quem deseja manter a saúde intestinal em dia.
A mistura de enzimas multi-laboratório comprovada é um dos destaques deste produto, demonstrando a capacidade de digerir alimentos até 31% mais completamente e 2 horas mais rápido do que o corpo humano consegue por conta própria. Isso é especialmente benéfico para aqueles que têm exposição ao glúten ou seguem dietas Keto e Paleo. Com enzimas como lactase, lipase e bromelain, a digestão se torna uma experiência muito mais suave e eficiente.
Os probióticos em esporos clinicamente comprovados garantem que as culturas cheguem vivas ao intestino delgado, onde 90% da absorção de nutrientes ocorre, trabalhando em poucas horas para otimizar a saúde intestinal. Além disso, a fórmula é enriquecida com uma variedade de botânicos, incluindo cúrcuma, gengibre, papaia verde, inulina, pectina de maçã, bladderwrack, erva-doce e wakame, todos conhecidos por suas propriedades que favorecem a saúde do intestino e o conforto estomacal.
O Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes vem em uma embalagem prática, com 15 cápsulas em uma lata vazia e 180 cápsulas de reposição. A recomendação é tomar 1 cápsula antes de cada refeição ou bebida para experimentar o prazer digestivo que este produto oferece.
– Alívio Eficaz: Reduz o inchaço e os gases, proporcionando conforto digestivo.
– Digestão Acelerada: Melhora a digestão de alimentos, permitindo uma absorção mais eficiente de nutrientes.
– Saúde Intestinal: Promove um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal com probióticos vivos.
– Fórmula Natural: Contém ingredientes botânicos que favorecem a saúde do intestino.
– Praticidade: Fácil de usar em qualquer lugar, ideal para o dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula do Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes antes de cada refeição ou bebida. Isso maximiza a eficácia das enzimas digestivas e probióticos, garantindo que seu sistema digestivo esteja preparado para processar os alimentos de maneira mais eficiente. Mantenha a embalagem em local fresco e seco, e siga as orientações de uso para uma experiência digestiva otimizada.
Kelly –
Works great for my digestion
Crystal Smith –
I tried these out because there seemed to be quite a few positive reviews. I had my gallbladder removed 3 years ago and since then have struggled with my digestion. The main issue being loose stools if I am not super careful about what I eat. Sometimes I have issues even when I am being careful. I took them for about two months. I would take one with any meal that was larger or more fatty than I thought my body could handle. Some days that meant taking one and some days two. I didn’t notice a huge improvement, possibly a slight improvement, but what I did notice is that I started to feel awful in other ways. I was bloated, gassy, and nauseous, and I had reflux issues. My appetite decreased and I was having a hard time getting food down. I was more moody as well, but this may have just been because my stomach felt so off that it was stressing me out. I kept taking the digestive enzymes because I wanted to see if they just needed time to really start working well. I hadn’t connected that perhaps they were causing all the problems. Then one day it struck me that I felt way worse than before I started taking them. I stopped taking them and within a few days the reflux, bloating, gassiness, and nausea went away. My appetite and anxiety levels also improved. These definitely did not work well for me. Even if they had helped with my loose stool issues, which they didn’t really seem to do that well, it would not have been worth all the side effects. I will have to look for other solutions.
Edna Chasco –
Feel good. No side effects. Worth it!
The new clever and convenient tin packing is what I came here to comment on, what a great idea!
The rest may be TMI…
These have made a world of difference in my health and happiness. For years I had been experiencing a variety of GI problems that severely impacted my life. Every meal brought severe nausea and pain followed by debilitating bowel movements. It wasn’t until I started getting sick in the middle of the night vomiting food that I had eaten 8+ hours earlier that I realized my food was not breaking down and would just putrefy and ferment in my stomach. A hair analysis showed I had signs of low stomach acid so I started taking betain hcl which helped a lot. But after sometime, along with daily ibuprofen use, I ended up developing an ulcer. So I was back to square one and worse. I had taken enzymes years before that didn’t seem to help, but now, being years later I knew my stock was running out, so it couldn’t hurt replenishing my reserve at least. And I’m so glad I did! This time, this product, has made all the difference. Food is finally feeding me, rather than killing me! Not only is my food moving on in a timely manner, but the nutrients availability is obvious as well. Truly, gave me a new lease on life.
JMLevy –
tasteless capsules, not small but able to swallow. Works to aid digestion.
Cassie Hutchison –
It’s a fairly good product. It works but not as good as others.
Norma K. Scaglione –
This product works really well! Saves me a lot
Of money as I was on a RX that was VERY expensive! This works just as well and saves me over $700 per month! Gets rid of gas and bloating and helps digestion of even difficult foods!
Peter Berger –
If this is a mistake I understand we are human and nobody is perfect, but if this is on purpose it is blatantly scamming people, my review will be removed when I am sent the correct amount of capsules
A.RL –
Description says 90 count but only received 3 tins of 15 count each. This is half the number of tablets expected.
Amazon Customer –
I was in a really bad bout of constant heartburn and was in a lot of pain, couldn’t eat anything even semi-triggering. Nothing would help. Lots of tests at the doctors, and months of medication (double doses a day) with no help at all. My own research led me to a lot of natural resources, and this one I was able to afford and found it to be a good risk to take because it wasn’t risky at all. At least if it didn’t help, I would still be getting some beneficial pro-biotics and pre-biotics, which I like to take anyways. Well, within a week or two of taking these digestive enzymes, my heartburn was gone. I told my doctor I was going off the medication and would take these before every meal instead. It has helped tremendously and I will continue to take them! Ps- the travel tins were really helpful for my first order when I could have them with me at all times, now that I am better I am not as diligent, but I now buy the big bottle and just fill the travel containers to keep in my purse!