As Enzimas Digestivas Dr. Tobias são uma fórmula avançada projetada para auxiliar na digestão de alimentos difíceis de processar. Cada enzima presente nesta fórmula é especializada em quebrar compostos específicos encontrados em proteínas, gorduras, laticínios, glúten e carboidratos. Com uma mistura abrangente de 18 enzimas vegetais, incluindo Amilase, Lipase, Bromelina, Lactase, Papaína e Protease, este suplemento é ideal para quem busca uma digestão mais eficiente e uma melhor absorção de nutrientes.
- Suplemento de Enzimas Digestivas: Nossa fórmula de enzimas ajuda na digestão de alimentos difíceis. Cada enzima é especializada para quebrar compostos específicos em proteínas, gorduras, laticínios, glúten e carboidratos.
- Enzimas Essenciais para Aumento da Absorção de Nutrientes: Uma mistura abrangente com 18 enzimas vegetais para digestão, incluindo Amilase, Lipase, Bromelina, Lactase, Papaína, Protease, Celulase, Invertase, Glucoamilase e mais.
- Alívio de Gases e Inchaço: Tome 1 cápsula, 1 a 2 vezes ao dia, preferencialmente no início de uma refeição, para ajudar a repor enzimas e minimizar o desconforto digestivo.
- Qualidade Premium, Não-OGM: As enzimas digestivas Dr. Tobias para mulheres e homens são fabricadas por especialistas em vitaminas em uma instalação que segue as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP). A satisfação do cliente é nossa prioridade máxima.
- Um Você Melhor Começa Aqui: Nossa missão é encorajar as pessoas a se tornarem a melhor versão de si mesmas; seja você está procurando um probiótico digestivo, enzimas para a vesícula biliar, um aumento de nutrientes ou desintoxicação do cólon, temos um suplemento de digestão ou vitamina diária para ajudá-lo a chegar lá.
1. Melhora na Digestão: Facilita a quebra de alimentos complexos, reduzindo o desconforto após as refeições.
2. Aumento da Absorção de Nutrientes: As enzimas ajudam a maximizar a absorção de vitaminas e minerais essenciais.
3. Alívio de Sintomas Digestivos: Reduz gases e inchaço, proporcionando conforto digestivo.
4. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com enzimas de origem vegetal, é uma opção segura e eficaz para todos.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Produzido em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando um produto confiável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Enzimas Digestivas Dr. Tobias 1 a 2 vezes ao dia, preferencialmente no início das refeições. Isso ajuda a repor as enzimas naturais do corpo, promovendo uma digestão mais eficiente e minimizando o desconforto digestivo. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde em caso de dúvidas ou condições específicas.
Robert churilla –
I like that it works that it works not wasting your money.
Amazon Customer –
I tried the digestive enzymes for the first time about two weeks ago. I had been having severe digestion issues that had been getting worse and worse. Some of it was due to antibiotics just throwing me out of whack, some was from traveling and I never got evened out. Worse yet, I was exhausted. I wasn’t digesting my food. My appetite was completely messed up. I had heartburn, constipation and diarrhea when I would finally go (sorry for the tmi). Add to it bloating and gas… I was a mess. Two weeks later, and I feel sooo much better. I’ve started taking a pro-biotic too, but I didn’t add it til a week ago. With just one week of just this product, I was just thrilled with the results. I also have noticed that I can eat dairy with no effects if I take this first. I take it right before I eat. Just one capsule has been enough. I was also reading about how this helps with autism spectrum symptoms. I am on the spectrum, and have noticed some symptoms aren’t quite as bad… Not sure how or why. My restless leg is better, my eye contact is a bit better and feeling a little more grounded than I normally do. In short, I am gratefully hooked. This stuff has really made a huge impact on my health and well-being. Thank you so much for making it!
Tom Whit –
After reading a couple of reviews of people who suffered from the same medical issues as I and praised these pills I thought that I would give it a shot especially for the sale price of about $14 for 60 pills. I have always had IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) since I was a little kid (now 67) and other stomach problems. I always joked with my parents about maybe being born into a defective gene pool. Anyhow a couple years ago suffered from galls tones and after four trips to the emergency room, finally had the sucker removed, stones, and gall bladder. However at that time x-rays revealed also that my intestines were impacted and not functioning correctly to process and digest food. I have had a recent colonoscopy and endoscopy to rule any illnesses out. Since then the stomach problems have increased and the doctors are not sure what to do. One doctor, my primary suggested that he thought I had Crohn’s disease. Anyhow in the last month or so things got worse, with no appetite and afraid to eat anything besides. I could go three or four days and not feel the least bit hungry. Also unable to go number #2, constant constipation even with taking daily doses of Metamucil. Along with that came bloating, extended stomach, nausea and acid reflux because stomach acid had no where to go but up, especially at bedtime. I never got hunger pains and never had flatulence which is not normal. If I had a small hamburger or sandwich it felt like I ate two thanksgiving dinners. People ate more in one day than I did in a week. So a couple weeks ago as things got worse I called the doctor and can’t get in until June 1st, a whole month away, being told by the doctors office if things get worse go to the emergency room. So I said I will try to fix myself as crazy as that sounds. I would advocate for myself since the doctors didn’t know what was wrong. So hearing about Probiotics I thought I would try them first.. I took probiotic capsules for a few days and maybe noticed a slight improvement maybe. I knew about enzymes since the doctors explained them to me and what they do when I was in the hospital, so I looked them up to see if they were offered on my favorite place Amazon and found these capsules from Dr. Tobias, who ever he is. Anyhow I ordered them and received them in fast Amazon fashion and started taking them twice a day, one in the morning and one at supper time. Now call me crazy or it’s one heck of a coincidence and or miracle, but only after two days, my bloating went away, my bathroom visits became normal, I had a sense of appetite. I no longer had nausea, the acid reflux went away, and basically I felt normal again. I was hungry again, had no bloating and could eat a regular meal and not feel stuffed. I am now into my fourth or fifth day of taking these and feel fine. I don’t know what else to say other than I must assume that the enzymes work really well in the digestive tract and get everything back online. I feel great, and that’s all I can say. In fact thinking about cancelling the doctors appointment since all they will do is take more xrays etc. Worked for me…..or it’s a miracle!!
Xesez –
This is a very effective enzyme formula, meaning that it is very powerful. If you don’t eat enough when you take this pill it will give you massive stomach discomfort for the rest of the day. This is in my experience of course. I have to eat a normal large meal like dinner for example, to benefit from the enzymes without necessarily giving me stomach discomfort and or cramps. Take the pill 10 minutes before you eat a normal meal and you should be OK. If you are having digestive issues and or have had your gallbladder removed, it is highly recommended that you take digestive enzymes like these when you eat, especially the biggest meal of the day as these enzymes are very powerful. These definitely work really well and you can feel them working. Try them and see how they work for you. If you’re a big steak and potatoes type of person, these are perfect. If you just snack small meals during the day I would think these would be too powerful for you and maybe you benefit more from a less powerful formulation of enzymes. You will only know what’s best for you if you try these and see how your body responds to this powerful formula.
bop1978 –
Had my gallbladder removed several years ago, since then I’ve always had a problem digesting any type of fats in my food. Recently heard about digestive enzymes, and how without a gallbladder you don’t make certain enzymes any longer, so I started doing research, somehow, I found these, and after reading more than just several reviews, cause there are a bunch of reviews to read on Dr. Tobias enzymes for digestion I decided to give it a try. Was very surprised but, It works, I’m no longer have heartburn, or abdominal rumblings when I eat anything with any type of fat in it. I feel better than I have in years, more clear, if that makes any sense, I also don’t eat as much as I used to, fewer meals, not as hungry, I think that by digesting more of my food I’m actually getting better nutrition, which is what these enzymes are supposed to do…. I’ve ordered another bottle already, I’m going to see how I feel in 60 – 90 days, and make my final decision as to whether I stay with these enzymes or try to find others, as with anything else in life, time always tells….