Descrição do Produto: No-Fenol Enzyme for Polyphenolic Foods – 90 Cápsulas (90 Doses)
O No-Fenol é um suplemento inovador, projetado especificamente para otimizar a digestão de alimentos ricos em polifenóis, como frutas e vegetais coloridos, vinho tinto, café, chás preto e verde, especiarias e chocolate amargo. Cada cápsula contém uma fórmula profissionalmente elaborada que não apenas apoia a digestão de compostos fenólicos, mas também melhora a degradação das fibras presentes em frutas e vegetais, promovendo uma absorção mais eficiente dos nutrientes essenciais.
A fórmula do No-Fenol é enriquecida com a enzima xilanase, que desempenha um papel crucial na quebra de carboidratos complexos encontrados nas paredes celulares das plantas. Isso significa que, ao consumir alimentos ricos em polifenóis, você pode contar com o No-Fenol para facilitar a digestão e maximizar os benefícios desses alimentos para a saúde. A combinação de enzimas e a ação específica da xilanase tornam este produto uma escolha ideal para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde digestiva e aproveitar ao máximo os nutrientes presentes em suas refeições.
- No-Fenol apoia a digestão de alimentos ricos em polifenóis (fenóis) enquanto melhora a degradação de fibras de frutas e vegetais.
- Alimentos ricos em fenóis incluem frutas e vegetais de cores vibrantes, vinho tinto, café, chás preto e verde, especiarias e chocolate amargo.
- Formulado com a enzima xilanase para apoiar a quebra de carboidratos complexos encontrados nas paredes celulares das plantas.
1. Melhora da Digestão: Facilita a digestão de alimentos ricos em polifenóis, reduzindo desconfortos gastrointestinais.
2. Aumento da Absorção de Nutrientes: Promove uma melhor absorção dos nutrientes essenciais presentes em frutas e vegetais.
3. Suporte à Saúde Intestinal: Contribui para a saúde do microbioma intestinal, favorecendo uma flora intestinal equilibrada.
4. Ação Antioxidante: Os polifenóis são conhecidos por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres no organismo.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Ideal para quem consome uma dieta rica em frutas, vegetais e bebidas como vinho e chá, otimizando a digestão desses alimentos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de No-Fenol antes das refeições que contenham alimentos ricos em polifenóis. A dose pode ser ajustada conforme a necessidade individual, mas é aconselhável não exceder a dose recomendada de uma cápsula por refeição. Para maximizar a eficácia do produto, mantenha uma dieta equilibrada e rica em frutas e vegetais, e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
R W –
Helps digest the fiber and salicylates in frutis and vegetables. I consume with bananas, watermelons, pears, and avocados.
Reviewer –
I have issues with Polyphenolic Foods. This supplement takes care of that.
Christine –
I looked into 2 good companies cl;aims for enzymes for vegetables, as we eat Paleo, and they kind of contradicted each other. So I experiented myself. My winning combination is definitely 1 Trienza and 1 No Fenol, for a meal with meats, fats, and vegetables. I take ZyCarb if i eat carbs.
Loyalbasin –
I’ve been taking these for about 2 months now. These enzymes are have kept me afloat as I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of a lot of health problems. I learned about phenols a year ago and stopped eating berries due to stomach and digestive issues I was having. Berries are high phenol foods. That helped a lot. But then my sensitivities progressed to where I’m not able to eat anything without taking one of these pills with my food. At some point I also came across some info explaining that the molecular structure of phenols is very similar to the molecular structure of mold. Well, guess what? We found black mold growing in our attic above our bedroom and bathrooms. I also had a blood analysis done that showed signs of mold illness. So everything is making a lot more sense now. Like I said, thanks to these enzymes I’ve been able to tolerate things in the mean time.
ahensel –
My son is very sensitive to phenols in foods. He can’t have food dye, artificial flavor, nitrates and many over preservatives. When he does his whole personality changes. For years We simply avoided as best we could. We always knew when he had accidentally consumed some by his change in behavior. These pills have been a game changer for us. Simply taking one or two before eating something suspect prevent a reaction. We still avoid strait dye. But this has opened up so many opportunities for eating out of the house for us. We always keep them on hand.
Susan Koo –
Great for kids to help the digest phenolic foods. Great for meltdowns caused by food, or preservatives and helps adhd and autism.
Cristine B. Luce –
I’m able to eat food high in sals and phenols with the help of this little pill with virtually everything I eat. Without it my “bucket” starts to fill up and overflow!
Ellen Bird –
My son suffers from a chronic stuffy nose and I read that he may have a phenol intolerance as he is autistic. I was at my wits end with Why he was getting so many occasions of a stuffy nose and acting so frustrated so I tried this after reading phenol allergy side affects and gave it to him after each meal and with fruits and vegetables and he hardly ever gets a stuffy nose now!!! But when he does I use fruit fast cherry flex liquid fruit supplement and it takes care of his occasional stuffy nose without having to use over-the-counter meds with side effects. Hope this helps others as it has changed our lives for the better and my son is so much happier!