Envoltório de Gelo Facial para Alívio de ATM, Dentes do Siso, Mandíbula, Cabeça e Queixo
O Envoltório de Gelo Facial da All Sett Health é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio eficaz e confortável para dores e desconfortos relacionados à articulação temporomandibular (ATM), dentes do siso, mandíbula, cabeça e queixo. Composto por 4 pacotes de gel reutilizáveis que podem ser utilizados tanto quentes quanto frios, este produto é perfeito para auxiliar na recuperação após cirurgias bucais, faciais e orais, proporcionando um alívio imediato e duradouro.
- COMPRESSA FACIAL SEM AS MÃOS – A compressa quente e fria permite que você trate a dor facial sem precisar de ajuda, oferecendo alívio direto na fonte, seja para dores de dente ou após procedimentos estéticos.
- O AJUSTE PERFEITO – Com uma alça ajustável, o envoltório se adapta a diferentes tamanhos e formatos de rosto, garantindo conforto e eficácia no tratamento da dor.
- LEVE E SUAVE – Feito de material de microfibra, o envoltório é leve e suave ao toque, evitando desconfortos adicionais enquanto proporciona alívio.
- 4 GEL PACKS QUENTES/FRIO REUTILIZÁVEIS – Os pacotes de gel podem ser usados repetidamente, oferecendo uma solução econômica e prática para dores recorrentes.
- BOLSOS EMBUTIDOS – O design inovador com bolsos embutidos permite que você mantenha as compressas de gel sempre ao seu alcance, garantindo que o alívio esteja sempre próximo quando necessário.
- Alívio imediato da dor facial, reduzindo desconfortos e inchaços rapidamente.
- Ajuste personalizável que se adapta a qualquer formato de rosto, garantindo conforto durante o uso.
- Material leve e suave que não causa irritação na pele, ideal para uso prolongado.
- Reutilizável e durável, proporcionando uma solução econômica e sustentável para o alívio da dor.
- Design prático com bolsos embutidos que mantém as compressas sempre ao alcance, facilitando o uso em qualquer situação.
Para utilizar o Envoltório de Gelo Facial da All Sett Health, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Coloque os pacotes de gel no freezer por pelo menos 2 horas para obter um efeito frio.
- Para o efeito quente, submerja os pacotes de gel em água quente por alguns minutos.
- Insira os pacotes de gel nos bolsos embutidos do envoltório.
- Ajuste a alça para garantir um encaixe confortável e seguro no seu rosto.
- Utilize a compressa quente ou fria por 15-20 minutos, conforme necessário, para alívio da dor.
- Após o uso, limpe os pacotes de gel com água morna e sabão neutro para mantê-los em boas condições.
Experimente o Envoltório de Gelo Facial da All Sett Health e descubra como ele pode transformar sua experiência de alívio da dor facial!
Kliwx –
My daughter had jaw surgery. This worked great!!!! The ice packs it came with are the best!!! Love them. And the perfect size. Made it so much easier to keep ice on her during the day when she was awake by ‘wearing’ the ice. I bought a second as a backup put really because I love the ice packs. Do great quality. And freeze quickly.
marriedwith2 –
I recently used the face ice pack wrap after my wisdom teeth surgery, and it provided significant relief during the initial recovery period. The wrap is easy to use, fits comfortably around the face, and delivers targeted cooling or heating to the affected areas. The adjustable straps ensure a secure fit, making it convenient to wear without constantly readjusting.
However, I noticed that after a few days of use, the pack’s ability to retain its temperature diminished. While it initially stayed cold or hot for a reasonable amount of time, this duration shortened as the days went by. Despite this drawback, the wrap still offered comfort and alleviated much of the post-surgery pain and swelling. If you want to prolong the temperature, I would avoid microwaving the packs and instead soak it in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.
Overall, it’s a good product for immediate relief following dental procedures, but its temperature retention could be improved for longer-term use. Nonetheless, its comfort and ease of use make it a worthwhile purchase for short-term recovery needs.
kim –
My 16-year-old had to have all 4 wisdom teeth cut out and she looked like a chipmunk with all her jaws swollen. Lucky for her we bought this ahead of time anticipating such. This brought her instant relief and kept the swelling to a minimum. However the buck doesn’t stop there… we have used the icepacks from anything like she jammed her finger playing playing volleyball, or my son had some neck pain. The ease of them being able to be removed is a great design. This product won’t disappoint.
Marissa Howard –
product was good for the use of tonsil removal. easy to use and great for swelling. it maintain cool better than an ice bag
Natasha –
It was easy to put on and came with both hot and cold packs. Very versatile!
stacey223 –
My son recently had his wisdom teeth removed and this has worked well! He didn’t have to sit and hold an icepack in place and liked being hands free. The Velcro closure fit ideally around his head and the notch to accommodate the chin made it easy to wear. The material is soft and the 4 ice packs are a great quality. Having a set to rotate and the versatility of options to freeze/ heat is a great value!
Noah –
Empaquetado muy bien. Instrucciones sobre cómo usar. Elegí este porque viene con 4 bolsas de hielo para que siempre tengas 2 listas.Honestamente, tengo 50 años y compré esto para los sofocos y también para usarlo en mis hombros cuando tengo dolores de cabeza por tensión. No he probado a calentarlos. Usé la bolsa de plástico en la que venía y coloqué las 4 bolsas de hielo en el congelador durante 2 horas según las instrucciones.Hasta ahora funciona perfecto por las razones que compré. Hace mucho frío. La mayoría de los otros no vienen con 4 paquetes de hielo, así que este fue un muy buen negocio para mí.
followingmybliss –
I am now three weeks into recovery after double jaw surgery and I must say this product has been a necessity from the start. I used the packs freezer frozen initially to help reduce swelling, but honestly where I think this product shines is for heat therapy.
– The head wrap is soft, comfortable, and easy to put on and adjust with the velcro (I have a small head and fits great). Also just pop it into the washer to clean.
– Price point and fast delivery.
– When heated, the gel packs stay hot for quite a while.
– When packs were frozen, couldn’t really feel sufficient cold through the wrap.
– When using the microwave, you must be careful and heat incrementally (30 sec intervals), otherwise they can burst easily. I burst 2/4 within the first 2 days of use (in for 1 min) and subsequently opted to dip them into boiling water on the stovetop instead and pick out with tongs, which works like a charm, albeit slightly inconvenient by comparison.
– The heated gel packs stay hot for quite a while, but not sufficiently for the heat to make it through the material of the wrap beyond 10mins or so. Beyond that, I recommend removing one gel pack at a time (still quite hot) and wrapping with something less thick (I even used kleenex) and manually hold where you need it. BE CAREFUL if you’re the least bit numb, because you can burn yourself even at this point!
– Although comfortable, I think maybe the inside material of the wrap may be a tad too thick, but understandably difficult to find the right balance to ensure people don’t burn themselves.
– Finally, although the pockets in the wrap allow the packs to slide down the sides of your jaw/cheeks, I think what I personally would have really appreciated is having a 3rd pocket/gel pack under the chin, since I also had a genioplasty and would benefit from full wrap-around heat. Maybe a consideration for the next model?
Even though it looks as though there are more cons to pros in my review, I still rate the full 5 stars because this was an absolute necessity to get me through these past weeks and really, the issues are negligible. I strongly recommend to anyone recovering from any sort of face/jaw/dental surgery!
Marissa Howard –
I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled. And this has been the only reason i have gotten sleep. Its helped me with my pain. And relaxing enough to sleep! It’s definitely worth it. The only thing i dont like is my ears get cold but who cares when your jaw hurts like a b****. Highly recommend. Also before i had my wisdom teeth pulled i got diagnosed with tmj so this will be very useful for me. Quilty is nice. It stays in place. And i love that it comes with 4 ice packs. So i can do 2 at a time in it and always have some cold. Recommend 1000%
T. Brig –
This worked perfect! My husband had his wisdom teeth removed and this was a life saver! Only complaint I have is that the ice packs did not stay cold long enough. But they were forming to his face so it was comfortable for him.