O Ensure Plus Shake de Nutrição Morango Com Fibra é um shake nutricional pronto para beber, que serve como substituto de refeição. Com 16g de proteína e 27 vitaminas e minerais essenciais, ele fornece uma nutrição completa. Embalado em um pacote com 24 unidades de 240 ml, é uma opção conveniente e saborosa para garantir uma alimentação balanceada. Este shake é ideal para quem busca uma maneira prática de manter uma dieta equilibrada, seja em casa, no trabalho ou em qualquer lugar.
O Ensure Plus Shake é clinicamente comprovado para ajudar a ganhar ou manter um peso saudável, oferecendo 350 calorias por porção. Ele é uma excelente fonte de nutrientes que fortalecem o sistema imunológico, incluindo zinco, vitamina A e antioxidantes como as vitaminas C e E e selênio. Com 27 vitaminas e minerais e 16g de proteína de alta qualidade, o produto também apoia a saúde muscular, cardíaca e óssea, além de fornecer energia para o dia a dia. O sabor delicioso de morango torna a experiência ainda mais agradável, permitindo que você substitua uma refeição, consuma junto com uma refeição ou desfrute como um lanche.
Como a marca número 1 recomendada por médicos que sugerem bebidas nutricionais aos seus pacientes, o Ensure Plus Shake é confiável e reconhecido por sua qualidade e eficácia. Se você está procurando uma maneira conveniente e saborosa de obter os nutrientes necessários para uma vida saudável, este shake é a escolha ideal.
- 1. Ajuda a ganhar ou manter um peso saudável.
- 2. Fonte de nutrientes essenciais para o sistema imunológico.
- 3. Rico em vitaminas, minerais e proteínas de alta qualidade.
- 4. Sabor delicioso de morango que agrada ao paladar.
- 5. Recomendado pelos médicos como marca de confiança, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o frasco antes de consumir. Este shake pode ser consumido gelado ou em temperatura ambiente. Pode ser utilizado como substituto de refeição, consumido junto com uma refeição ou como um lanche. Recomenda-se consumir 1-2 porções por dia, de acordo com as necessidades individuais, para garantir a ingestão adequada de nutrientes e apoiar um estilo de vida saudável.
Jeanne Baribeau –
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Got the Ensure plus but 3 is broken, so sad🥹🥹
Kaysox27 –
Strawberry flavor tastes the best in my opinion. Chilled. Smells good. Constantly on the go and sometimes can’t eat or forget to eat and had dropped a lot of weight recently. Started drinking one 1st thing in the morning and then maybe 2-3 more throughout day if I was hungry but couldn’t eat right then or just to add to my diet. After drinking these for about 3 weeks, I had put on 8lbs(while still eating at least 2 meals a day) Similar to a milkshake but not as thick. Have never had an upset stomach, although 1st few times I got an instant headache but may have drank it to fast. Been drinking them for 2 months now on and off and no negatives effects and it’s helped in me being able to put back a little over 10 pounds and counting. Would definitely recommend if your looking to add to your diet and help with weight. Plus they have 16g of protein which is a plus
Omolade –
Julie –
I order one to two cases a month. I am very please with the service and the price. I will continue to order.
mdrenna –
I am not really a big chocolate person so i am always interested in the other flavor options out there. I have been ordering the strawberry in this shake for quite awhile and really like it. I also like it bc it has more calories and fat that I need for my own nutrition.
Don A. –
Helps me sleep through the night!!
JStevens –
We purchase these for our elderly father to help him gain and maintain a healthy weight.
**He loves the taste and they do not leave an unpleasant aftertaste that some other brands do.
**We love that these are higher in calories and protein – which are both requirements for him, he drinks 2-3 daily.
**Great news is, after switching to this higher calorie shake he is finally gaining weight and able to maintain it!
**I do think that the price increased a little which is a bit of bummer. Currently they are running around $1.73/per bottle. Here on Amazon and other sites.
Overall, a great tasting high protein/calorie product! I highly recommend for anyone that needs to gain weight or needs the higher protein content.
Aeri –
I have been using ensures for over 10 years, and I am still pleased. I have had some troubles making time for breakfast, and have turned to these to replace those important meals. The taste is amazing, it does cause weight gain if you drink more than 2 a day, otherwise it helps meet your daily calorie needs.
Julie –
I’ve been drinking this exact Ensure, but in VANILLA flavor for years and love it! I recently switched up my autoship on accident, so when I reset it I decided to venture out and give the strawberry flavor a try. Big risk since there are 24! I expected it to taste a little more like strawberry Nesquick I had as a kid. 😂 It really doesn’t. It’s a lot less sweet, which is a good thing- but less tasty than the vanilla. Not bad at all & I will drink the remaining bottles, but I enjoy the vanilla flavor. Maybe I’m just weird. 🤷♀️
I drink these Ensure every morning (regardless of flavor) to make sure there’s something in me to start the day. They are high in protein and fat, plus lots of other vitamins and minerals. If you’re looking for weight make sure you check the fat content. Many other brands, even other Ensures have less. Highly recommend this product, but personally prefer the vanilla flavor.
Dee Finn –
Love the product. I use it every day. Just want it to go to BACK DOOR. I am old and sick