O Ensure Original Pó Nutricional com 9g de Proteína por Porção, sabor baunilha, é a solução ideal para quem busca uma nutrição completa e balanceada em um formato prático e saboroso. Com 400g de produto, cada porção oferece 220 calorias e 9g de proteína de alta qualidade, essenciais para fornecer a energia necessária ao longo do dia. Este suplemento é perfeito para quem precisa de um reforço na dieta, seja como substituto de refeição, lanche ou complemento nutricional.
Além de sua composição rica em proteínas, o Ensure também se destaca por oferecer suporte ao sistema imunológico. Com 80% do valor diário recomendado de Vitamina C e 40% de Vitamina D, este pó nutricional ajuda a fortalecer as defesas do organismo, promovendo uma saúde robusta e protegida. A confiança em Ensure é reforçada pelo fato de ser a marca número um recomendada por médicos, garantindo que você está optando por um produto respaldado por profissionais de saúde.
O sabor é um aspecto crucial quando se trata de produtos nutricionais, e o Ensure não decepciona. Com um delicioso gosto de baunilha, as shakes são agradáveis ao paladar, tornando a experiência de consumo não apenas nutritiva, mas também prazerosa. Além disso, são adequados para pessoas com intolerância à lactose e são isentos de glúten, oferecendo uma opção versátil para aqueles com restrições alimentares.
Incorporar o Ensure à sua rotina diária é simples e prático. Você pode consumi-lo como um substituto de refeição, acompanhando uma refeição ou como um lanche nutritivo. Basta misturar o pó com água ou sua bebida favorita, agitar bem e saborear a riqueza de nutrientes em cada gole.
- 1. Nutrição completa e balanceada para uma vida saudável.
- 2. Suporte ao sistema imunológico com Vitaminas C e D.
- 3. Recomendado pelos médicos, confiável e seguro.
- 4. Sabor delicioso, adequado para intolerantes à lactose e sem glúten.
- 5. Versatilidade de uso como substituto de refeição ou lanche nutritivo.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Ensure Original Pó Nutricional, misture uma porção do pó com água ou sua bebida preferida. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido e desfrute de um shake nutritivo. Este produto pode ser utilizado como substituto de refeição, acompanhado de uma refeição ou como um lanche prático para garantir a ingestão adequada de nutrientes ao longo do dia. Mantenha-se saudável e energizado com a facilidade que o Ensure oferece.
Sean Bryant –
I was a caregiver for a family member who has since passed away, and I am now just getting the opportunity to write reviews for all the products I purchased here during the time that I have provided care.
The doctors and nurses recommended I give my patient Carnation Instant Breakfast, Ensure, or Boost, and I looked around, and priced it all, and then I found Ensure Nutrition Drink Powder, Vanilla Flavor here.
I purchased this for the sole purpose of getting more fluids and nutrients into him.
He would not drink the volume that was prescribed, but he loved ice cream, and so I would mix up a batch of Ensure Powder with milk, and then freeze it into an “ice-milk” in a Cuisinart Pure Indulgence Ice Cream Maker, then top it with a little chocolate sauce, and that way I could get him to eat as much as he wanted.
The nurses who came to do home visits and checkups were impressed with my inventiveness, and they were not even aware that Ensure came in a powder form. So, if you are a caregiver for a loved one, and nutrition and fluids are a serious issue, then perhaps some of this advice will help you.
Buy this with confidence!
Jacqueline –
So I was plagued with an AWFUL case of mono and if you have ever had mono you know you lose your appetite.
So I needed to make sure I was still getting nutrients and something fairly healthy in me, even though I didn’t really want to be eating. This worked great.
It was actually recommended by a friend who has also had mono years earlier. They said it really helped them on those days they just couldn’t eat.
It’s obviously a really good meal replacement. It’s fill of vitamins and minerals.
Miguel Rosario –
Es una leche que tiene mucho nutriente para la persona que han entrado en edad
Neesh –
I was excited to see that this was an add on item since every other Ensure product has a high shipping fee. I noticed on the serving size that it was 7 servings (when buying from the store it will come 6 in a pack) and for the price it was worth it. The good reviews tempted me to buy it even more. It came very fast in shipping but boy! It tastes and smell like baby formula! For a little bit a water you need a lot of powder to mix with and even with a lot of powder it still does not taste like the ensure out of the bottle. It has a more watery taste to it. I really tried to give this product a chance but i hurried up and finished it so I could go to the store and get the value pack.
Oh and btw- I paid 8.97 for this, they raised the price. Good thing I bought it beforehand or I would have been upset
José Leonardo –
Es lo que describen
B –
Vitamins make me nauseous. This stuff is great! You can mix it with just water instead of requiring milk making it easier to grab on the go. I just put the recommended scoop in a cup and take it with me, since I know I can get water anywhere. Can also be made with milk but I try to limit my milk consumption. This is the best way for me to make sure I am getting the nutrition my body needs with a busy lifestyle. The flavor is good. Much better then other drinks I have tried including slim fasts.
tran van my –
Sehr gut und schnell Lieferung
PRReardon –
Purchased for an ill relative in Jamaica. He prefers it to the premixed. it is easier to carry in luggage
Nicola Anderson –
I have one glass each day for lunch. Ensure helps to maintain my weight. I have been doing this for over a year now. I see the difference in my nails and hair, as they are longer, and of course my weight. Unfortunately, since Jan 2011 the powder is not available in Jamaica, I now have to ship it internationally. I hope this shortage changes soon as this makes the cost prohibitive.
egd –
I purchased this product for my parents and they loved it. Because it replace the heavy liquid ensure and you can adjust the flavor as you wish.
The powder can last about a month for my parents and you can mix it with milk, soy milk or just plan water depend how you like it. It helps her get all the nutrition when she doesn’t feel well.