O Ensure Max Protein Shake é uma bebida pronta para consumo, sabor chocolate ao leite, que oferece uma combinação perfeita de nutrientes para ajudar no desenvolvimento muscular e no controle da fome. Cada shake contém 30g de proteína, fornecendo os aminoácidos essenciais necessários para a construção e reparação dos músculos. Além disso, possui apenas 1g de açúcar, tornando-o uma opção saudável para quem busca uma dieta com baixo teor de açúcar.
Este produto é formulado com 25 vitaminas e minerais essenciais, que auxiliam na saúde do sistema imunológico, ósseo e cerebral, além de contribuir para o metabolismo energético. Sua fórmula também contém uma mistura de 4g de fibras, incluindo 1g de fibra prebiótica, que promove a saúde digestiva e o equilíbrio da flora intestinal.
Para fortalecer ainda mais o sistema imunológico, o Ensure Max Protein Shake é uma excelente fonte de zinco, vitaminas A e D, e antioxidantes como as vitaminas C e E e o selênio.
Além de todos esses benefícios, este shake tem um sabor delicioso de chocolate ao leite, podendo ser desfrutado como um complemento de refeição ou como um lanche nutritivo. É a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma opção prática e saudável para suplementar a dieta.
Como a marca mais recomendada pelos médicos quando o assunto são bebidas nutricionais, o Ensure Max Protein Shake é a opção ideal para quem busca força, energia e uma nutrição completa.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Alto teor de proteína: Cada shake contém 30g de proteína, fornecendo os aminoácidos essenciais para a construção muscular.
- 2. Baixo teor de açúcar: Com apenas 1g de açúcar, é uma opção saudável para quem busca uma dieta com baixo teor de açúcar.
- 3. Nutrientes essenciais: Formulado com 25 vitaminas e minerais, que auxiliam na saúde do sistema imunológico, ósseo e cerebral.
- 4. Suporte à saúde digestiva: Contém 4g de fibras, incluindo 1g de fibra prebiótica, que promove a saúde digestiva e o equilíbrio da flora intestinal.
- 5. Sabor delicioso: Desfrute do sabor de chocolate ao leite em um shake de proteína que pode ser consumido como complemento de refeição ou lanche.
O Ensure Max Protein Shake é ideal para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma prática e saborosa, facilitando a construção muscular e a recuperação após treinos intensos. Com seu baixo teor de açúcar, é uma alternativa saudável para quem deseja controlar o peso sem abrir mão do sabor. As 25 vitaminas e minerais presentes na fórmula garantem uma nutrição completa, promovendo a saúde geral e o bem-estar. A adição de fibras contribui para a saciedade e a saúde digestiva, tornando-o um excelente lanche entre as refeições. Por fim, sua praticidade permite que seja consumido em qualquer lugar, seja em casa, no trabalho ou na academia, adaptando-se à rotina agitada do dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o shake antes de consumir. Pode ser consumido gelado ou em temperatura ambiente. Este produto pode ser utilizado como substituto de refeição ou como um lanche nutritivo entre as refeições. Recomenda-se consumir até 2 shakes por dia, como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e estilo de vida saudável. Ideal para ser levado na bolsa ou mochila, o Ensure Max Protein Shake é a solução prática para quem precisa de energia e nutrição a qualquer hora.
A regular whey protein shake that you can buy at GNC or Amazon. If it wasn’t on sale, I would have never bought it, because it’s overpriced for what it is. I believe this has casein protein though, and cheesecake is a nice flavor.
The French Vanilla does not taste nearly as good as Ensure High Protein or Complete Vanilla. Has the definite objectionable taste of Sucralose and it’s nasty aftertaste. Sucralose is also in the High Protein and Complete Vanilla, but the taste is not noticeable in either of those. Will not be ordering this one again.
V1 –
It’s a tasty drink with 30g of protein, although it does contain several ingredients from the bad list. I guess nothing is perfect. The chocolate is good.
Oldwolf –
For quite a few years, I made my own protein shakes daily using fat-free milk, 4 different fresh fruits, spinach, and protein powder that I purchased. It was a time-consuming process each morning, but worth it I thought. Due to some circumstances, I had to change over to pre-packaged proteins drinks. I tried several brands and ended up using Ensure Max Protein. It gives me 30g of protein and extra nutrients that my hand-made shake ingredients provided in lesser amounts (vitamins, minerals, etc.)
I still eat the fresh fruits but not in the shake. I like the convenience of the Ensure, in terms of no preparation, ability to take it with me, and level of protein.
The only down side is that it is a little pricey, around $32 for a 12 pack.
Lisa V. –
Getting protein is hard, and as we age AARP and doctors say we need even more protein. UT Southwestern Emergency Room Hospital’s Dietician said my 160 pound, 80-year-old mom needs 68g of protein daily when bedridden and AARP recommends as much as 90g of protein a day when she is able to get around. Ensure MAX Protein drinks have been a savior with just 150 calories, 25 vitamins & minerals and 30g of protein! Trying to get 90g of protein a day into a person who eats like a bird is nearly impossible without this product!!
To determine which flavor(s) she/I liked, we bought different 4 packs and did taste tests. Once we worked out that the best flavor to us unrefrigerated was strawberry, I began ordering them with auto-ship through Amazon for the convenience of arriving on my doorstep without having to track quantities. This also saved me from the headache of the local retail stores all having empty shelves of the good flavors! We have found over time that serving them chilled does improve the flavor. I prefer strawberry flavor if room temperature or refrigerated, while she wants some variety, so I’ve expanded to offer refrigerated strawberry, milk chocolate and French vanilla. Refrigerated she prefers milk chocolate and unrefrigerated she prefers strawberry. However, she does not want to drink the same flavor every day, so I keep a ‘Neapolitan’ of flavors in our fridge door for her: creamy strawberry, French vanilla and milk chocolate.
Not getting enough protein does have health consequences. I kept trying to tell her eating like she was and only drinking one Ensure MAX Protein a day was not enough protein. She needed/needs 2 a day. Despite 2x weekly physical therapy for 2 hours, she kept getting weaker. Finally, her physical therapist asked if she was getting enough protein because she kept getting weaker. Please learn from our mistake and be sure to get enough protein. It is extra hard to have to make up for the loss of muscle that happens from trying to build strength but not having the proper fuel in your body. I feel very badly for my mom, and ‘I told you so’ is not satisfying as now I watch her struggle with extra weakness. THIS IS A LIFE CHANGER PRODUCT!! Also love that it is only 150 calories, so it isn’t packing on the pounds at the same time as providing protein.
Laurelia B –
That even tho my local CVS accepts the OTC card to pay for this eligible item, Amazon does not. A major loss as the OTC card is not ‘out of pocket’ & spreads my budget out; I would buy more when Amazon accepts the OTC Card.
There was oil and stains splashed all over book pages –
My nutritionst recommended Ensure Max Protein for a meal replacement to lose weight since it’s only 150 calories and has 30 grams of protein. The milk chocolate shake was thick and delicious as well as filling. Good quality shake when compared to Atkins. I couldn’t smell the shake but it had no odor.
Lisa V. –
I was advised to drink this by my healthcare team to increase protein intake while keeping sugar low. It’s delicious and low-calorie. I’ve also used these with adding almond milk and banana for additional nutrition. I wish it was less expensive but I need to keep ordering them for my health. Definitely recommend.
Question Asker –
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