Conheça o Ensure Clear Mixed Berry, um suplemento oral em formato de carton reclosável de 240 ml, produzido pela Abbott. Este produto é uma excelente opção para pessoas que necessitam de um suplemento nutricional completo e saboroso. Com apenas 240 calorias por porção, o Ensure Clear Mixed Berry é uma escolha ideal para aqueles que desejam manter uma dieta equilibrada e saudável.
Este suplemento é especialmente recomendado para pessoas com restrições dietéticas, como a galactosemia. Sua fórmula exclusiva de sabor de frutas vermelhas mistas torna o consumo do Ensure Clear uma experiência agradável e refrescante.
O Ensure Clear Mixed Berry é uma fonte de nutrientes essenciais, incluindo proteínas, que são fundamentais para o bom funcionamento do organismo. Com este produto, você pode garantir a ingestão adequada de proteínas, ajudando a manter a saúde e o bem-estar.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suplemento oral completo e saboroso
- 2. Baixo teor calórico (240 calorias)
- 3. Indicado para pessoas com galactosemia
- 4. Delicioso sabor de frutas vermelhas mistas
- 5. Fonte de nutrientes essenciais, incluindo proteínas
- 1. Nutrição completa em um formato prático e fácil de consumir.
- 2. Ideal para auxiliar na recuperação de pacientes em tratamento ou convalescência.
- 3. Sabor agradável que facilita a adesão ao uso diário.
- 4. Embalagem reclosável que proporciona conveniência e frescor.
- 5. Suporte à manutenção da saúde em dietas restritivas.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir o Ensure Clear Mixed Berry diariamente, como parte de uma dieta equilibrada. Agite bem antes de abrir e sirva gelado para uma experiência ainda mais refrescante. Consulte um profissional de saúde para determinar a quantidade adequada de consumo com base em suas necessidades individuais. O produto é fácil de transportar e pode ser consumido em qualquer lugar, tornando-se uma opção prática para quem busca manter a nutrição em dia, mesmo em dias corridos.
William K Wheatley –
My wife has a medical condition that prevents her stomach from moving the foods she eats through her stomach and into her digestive tract. Her physicians originally had her on a “liquids only” diet, with protein shakes and cream soups providing the only nutrition she could have for almost one year, but she continued to empty even the liquid contents of her stomach through emesis an hour or two after she drank or ate her liquid diet foods. Her physician said she could try adding some more easily digested “regular” foods as she felt she could tolerate them. Her emesis of the foods she ate continued. Soon she couldn’t even drink the protein shakes, which she said seemed to “sour” in her stomach quickly after she drank them. We learned about the Ensure Clear Nutrition Drinks and purchased a four-pack of the Blueberry-Pomegranate flavor and a four-pack of the Mixed Berry flavor Ensure Clear drinks. She found the Mixed Berry flavor to be “sweeter” than she liked, but when POM Blueberry-Pomegranate juice is mixed in with it, she likes the flavor more. We keep 4 or 5 of the Ensure Clear bottles in the refrigerator (which isn’t necessary while the product has not been opened), and my wife pours it over ice cubes, which she says improves its flavor. Even though her medical condition doesn’t always let her keep the Ensure Clear Nutrition Drink down until her next “meal”, we are thankful to have found a liquid nutrition drink that my wife can drink that helps her maintain the nutrition and hydration level she needs to keep going from day to day. Thanks, Abbott Nutrition Division of Abbott Laboratories! Please keep producing the Ensure Clear Nutrition Drink product!
Lori Oneal –
I love the Ensure Clear Mixed Berry! I was first given it in the hospital. Whenever I am in the hospital I have to have it.
I have chronic pancreatitis. Eating can be tough because it makes my pancreas hurt. A lot. The last time I was in the hospital I only weighed 99 pounds. I am 5’5. I can always drink my Ensure Clear. I couldn’t find them in the store but I found them on Amazon. They are a little pricey, but well worth it to me.
I will be moving from California to Michigan in two weeks. I have to drive there. It will take about four days. I bought a case of my favorite, mixed berry, to take with me. I can’t drink soda and who knows what will be available at gas stations, convenience stores, or restaurants. It won’t matter to me now. They don’t have to be refrigerated and they are the perfect size, not too much or too little. Well, maybe too little! Stress makes my condition worse and it has been stressful and I expect it will increase before I get to Michigan with everything I own. I’ll have my ‘juice boxes’, so come what may I will at least have something I can put in my tummy that won’t make me sick, or make me hurt.
Dani N. –
Suffering from crohns, this is the tastiest clear nutrition I’ve found. I only wish it was available in the stores for resale. Finding and getting this item shipped has been problematic.
Susie the Swimmer –
I was given this product while in the hospital and found that I liked it and could tolerate it. It’s good to have at hand if I need some quick protein.
finegirl2 –
This product is very easy to digest, and good for my needs
DR –
He clear tastes like mixed fruit juice, great contract to the chalky awful tasking other flavor varieties.
E. France –
This product could not be found locally. It is to be used as clear nutrition 3 days preop.
Prince D. –
Good in taste and nutrition.
Lucy Carey Osborne –
If not for ensure, and I’ve been dependent on all flavors of both regular, clear and Enlive, the outcome of a medical disaster last summer would have been much more debilitating than if I had not had these high protein and vitamin drinks. Had I been at optimal BMI and without Ensure products at the start of another bout of ischemic bowel disorder, this time rearing its ugly head in the form of infected, hemorrhaging ulcers in my lower colon, I’m not sure I would have survived. As it stood, I experienced bouts of hypovolemia combined with septic shock and lost about 80 pounds in under 6 months, starvation level malnutrition, most of my hair fell out and I wasn’t in the best of tempers. I am still needing this as a source of protein my gut can handle, but slowly I’m coming back to a normal diet. I like to buy Ensure regular with milk in it, heat it up and put some powdered espresso in it, and that’s breakfast. The clear is great when mixed with Tropicana probiotics and other juices as well. Add ice and put it all in a blender and you have a wonderful, cooling summer drink with some great nutrition in it. It’s not cheap, but it’s a great product.