EnerGold® 99.99%%-Pure Ultraconcentrated 200-ppm Ruby-Red Colloidal Gold – 16-Oz. Glass Bottle: Deflect Radiation
EnerGold® é a solução definitiva para quem busca um produto de ouro coloidal ultraconcentrado, com 99.99%% de pureza, que não se compara a outras misturas diluídas e químicas disponíveis no mercado. Produzido com equipamentos de alta voltagem especialmente projetados, nossa fórmula é feita com o mais puro ouro comercialmente disponível, água destilada e uma quantidade mínima de nosso próprio ouro monoatômico/ORMUS, garantindo a estabilidade da suspensão ultraconcentrada. Ao agitar bem a garrafa e segurá-la em direção a uma lâmpada, você poderá apreciar a bela cor rubi profundo, inconfundível em nossa formulação. Cuidado com produtos que escondem materiais químicos em frascos coloridos!
Reconhecido mundialmente por profissionais de saúde, incluindo cirurgiões plásticos e estéticos, médicos holísticos, homeopatas, neurocirurgiões, especialistas em feridas, dermatologistas, dentistas, cirurgiões orais, osteopatas, veterinários e quiropraxistas, EnerGold® é amplamente elogiado. Nossos depoimentos de cinco estrelas descrevem uma variedade de problemas abordados e efeitos experimentados, abrangendo o sistema nervoso central, cérebro, glândula pineal, sistema imunológico, atividade celular e muitas outras funções metabólicas.
O ouro é um supercondutor de impulsos elétricos, transformando “caminhos de terra” em “superestradas neurais”. Nossa formulação contém a máxima quantidade de ouro puro que pode ser sustentada enquanto mantém a estabilidade. Se alguém afirma não sentir nada, é importante lembrar que as funções do ouro puro são muitas vezes imensuráveis: reparo do DNA, regeneração da glândula pineal, estimulação dos neurônios do sistema nervoso central, purificação do sangue, fortalecimento dos hepatócitos do sistema imunológico e desintoxicação dos tecidos do corpo.
A ultraconcentração do nosso ouro puro é feita em três lotes distintos: um com tamanho de partículas inferior a 2 nm, outro entre 2 e 12 nm, e um terceiro entre 13 e mais de 24 nm. Após a conclusão, esses três lotes são combinados, resultando em uma única mistura que contém partículas de ouro variando de menos de 2 nm a mais de 24 nm. Imagens do nosso ouro metálico flutuando na parte superior do ouro coloidal ultraconcentrado estão disponíveis em nosso canal do YouTube e site.
Os depoimentos de profissionais de saúde e clientes em todo o mundo destacam o uso do EnerGold® como um agente tópico, sendo pulverizado nas passagens nasais, ouvidos, olhos e boca para problemas dentários/gengivais, além de ser aplicado em feridas e infecções, picadas de insetos, acne, eczema, psoríase e muito mais. Para dor e inflamação de contusões, pancadas e artrite, muitos aplicam e massageiam na área afetada, pois o ouro é absorvido profundamente nos tecidos, proporcionando alívio.
– Pureza Superior: Com 99.99%% de pureza, garante a máxima eficácia e segurança.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser utilizado topicamente ou pulverizado em áreas afetadas, oferecendo alívio em diversas condições.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Estimula a atividade celular e fortalece a resposta imunológica do corpo.
– Propriedades Antiinflamatórias: Eficaz no tratamento de dores e inflamações, como artrite e contusões.
– Melhoria da Função Neurológica: Contribui para a regeneração neural e a purificação do sangue.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o EnerGold®, agite bem a garrafa antes de cada uso. Aplique a quantidade desejada diretamente na área afetada ou pulverize nas passagens nasais, ouvidos, olhos e boca, conforme necessário. Para uso tópico, massageie suavemente na pele até completa absorção. É recomendável realizar um teste de sensibilidade em uma pequena área da pele antes da aplicação em áreas maiores. Utilize regularmente para maximizar os benefícios e observe as melhorias em sua saúde e bem-estar.
Andrew –
Colloidal products are supposed to be suspended in the water and should never settle. Also the red color indicates the product is not pure gold, but rather a gold compound (research how to make colloidal gold). I bought a different colloidal gold from another company, it has 4000 ppm and is completely clear, but you can taste the gold in it.
Mike Rinaldi –
Your search is over, for genuine quality “Colloidal Gold” this is a top notch product. Made from authentic 24k Gold, for all your physical and spiritual needs. Better focus, energy, more balanced, lessened anxiety, better complexion, more intuitive, articulate, grounded…and many more benefits to list. This liquid substance is beneficial for all sorts of ailments, that everyone should have in their medicinal cabinet! I’ve tried plenty of different companies and methods, and non even come close!! Oh and the folks at “EnerGold24k” are absolute angels!! Not only do they provide impeccable customer service, they’ve sent me gifts and complimentary items. I will be a lifetime customer.
KT –
I am very experienced with Monoatomic elements and colloidal gold…and have made my own for over a decade. I thought to go with your PURE gold powder and colloidal gold.
I have never come across a finer and purer product than yours….better than even my own personal product, in which I use homemade colloidal gold for the water, and alchemically amplify the potency while producing the Ormus.
Instantly the humming in my head is experienced, due to the high quality and purity of the gold…. This is the real stuff! Thank you for taking the long hours days and weeks to make this. Very expensive to make.
I feel there is not enough current information out there so others can know why this is so good… what this is exactly, and to justify the cost in their mind. It is really pure edible gold without filler of any kind. I wish I could assure them not to hesitate. I am an expert. THIS IS REAL!
Even though I can make Ormus and colloidal gold myself, I will purchase Energold always again, instead of making it. Yours is so much purer and FAR SUPERIOR!
MEDICAL UPDATE on this product
I have had arthritis since I was 16. I am 52 now. Both knees are bone on bone, no cartilage, with bone spurs. I see my doctor every 3 months for the intense pain and they can do nothing more for me except knee replacement. I have had numerous surgeries and procedures. I take Tramadol and Alieve for the 24/7 pain, and use a walker as my only means of getting around. The pain medicine barely makes a dent in the pain but there is nothing more they can give me except topical NSAID gel, in addition to the Tramadol synthetic opiate
Since the inflammation pain while lying down is much worse than the sharp pain while walking, I was desperate to find a non surgical solution to my daily agony. I was reading about successful gold injections for arthritis in medical journals and veterinary journals. I had some Energold powder in my drawer and decided to stir the gold powder in my topical ointment and apply to my knee.
It was miraculous!! The inflammation pain went away completely in under 20 minutes! To make sure it wasn’t placebo I tried numerous times with the same result.
I read further to understand the mechanism of action in medical papers that gold attaches itself to the zinc fingers in RNA, and immediately TURNS OFF the inflammation response. WOW!! This is a medically useful product used by real doctors for actual arthritis and skin inflammation or any disorder related to inflammation.
I told my doctors this and they said prior to the 80s gold injections and implanted gold beads was used a lot for arthritis but fell out of favor. I can’t believe it still, but it’s a pure miracle for me!! Nothing else has worked for my inflammation and I AM SO GRATEFUL. MY DOCTOR IS OK WITH IT.
I immediately ordered som Energold Ruby Colloidal Gold and began experimenting.
My dog had a skin lesion that would not heal, no matter what antiseptic and anti fungal spray I put on it for the last few months I sprayed som Ruby colloidal gold on it and 24 hrs later the redness was gone. 2 days later it was completely healed. ((See attached before and after pictures))
So far here is a list of things topical Energold Ruby colloidal spray or powder had healed for me and my family, and dog.
I think gold is a panacea and my opinion that everyone should have this in their home for self care of skin lesions, dermatitis or bug bites, mucous membranes issues and arthritis. Of course because we are alive, as the problem comes back you need to treat the areas again but I have experienced ZERO side effects as opposed to other products doctors give me.
– Husband bit his tongue: spray numbed inside of mouth and healed it immediately
– Inflammation Pain in arthritic knees gone
– Stopped itching and healed bug bites, dermatitis, cuts, athletes foot, dandruff, ear and nose issues. Any infection needs to be treated first then colloidal gold can be applied to heal fast.
– Seems to increase collagen in skin when sprayed on face and breast tissue …plumped up facial skin wrinkles and made chest “perky” again!! Wow!! Ingesting a teaspoon or more per day will plump up the skin in the whole body after a few days of this. Very supple and soft skin like when I was younger.
– Tooth pain numbed away. Great for inflamed gums.
– Seems to have a positive effect on my brain and mood. Makes me feel bliss and relaxed happiness.
I have epilepsy and noticed that since ingesting daily I have not had any epilepsy symptoms I normally have. My doctor is OK with this and very pleased with the results. Gold seems to cross the blood brain barrier quickly with positive effect. I have more energy with noticeable lightning quicker thinking, and mental capacity is much improved. Huge difference. Maybe I have “gold plated” my brains neurons allowing faster transmission…fantastic superpowers!
Please give this product a try for you and your loved ones and fur babies. Gold is not just for metaphysical uses. Look up gold therapy in any medical journal yourself.
I looked everywhere and Energold is the only product out there as 100% gold with zero salt or fillers. I have had other products before and Energold is FAR SUPERIOR.
What I found when shopping around: You can buy another brand colloidal gold but the ppm is half or less than that of the Energold Ruby colloidal gold. Look at each label and see. The price is right for the amount off gold in there. . At least 2X more gold per bottle.
Thanks for listening. I wish you the best health!! Try for yourself, you won’t be disappointed and may be astonished with the results. I was!
Colloidal gold has small particle metallic gold suspended in water. Great for skin issues or spray on eyes, ears, nose, mouth. Great to ingest 1 tsp- tablespoon daily for the body.
Use or consume the manna monoatomic powder when you need metaphysical boost over time or have severe pain deep within the body or joints. I mix the small tiny amount of powder into my arthritis ointment then apply to my knees to instantly stop the inflammation pain. It’s Very Concentrated.
The powder will feel a bit “itchy” at first if applied full strength but this means it’s working. Use more ointment t or get to avoid the itchy moments. I recommend mixing it in an arthritis gel like BLUE EMU or ((Blue Stop)) Blue Stop arthritis gel with aloe and emu oil Is my preference since it’s all natural and the emu oil takes the gold deep into my joint. You may mix it in coconut oil alone as this does well with skin absorption.
Ingesting the powder for inner body benefit will take time to build up in the system or when using for metaphysical purposes. It’s not instant if ingested. Once your body builds up enough gold you will hear a whisper noise in the center of the head. This is not a ringing in the ear but an imaginary sound only in your brain. Is called the ORMUS EFFECT and is temporary. Some Research holds that this is the sound your get when the 2 hemispheres of the brain are Syncing. This is good!!
When you finally hear this sound. You are primed with gold. Remember it takes time to build up. Keep up with daily doses until you reach this point, then continue as needed. Everyone is different. You will notice the changes in you being. Synchronicity will visit you all the time. Gold will be excreted in the urine so don’t take all at once, let the body tissues build up.
Cheers and happy experimentation!!
Miranda Lindsay –
Just arrived today , it’s tastes like water so no nasty taste. Will check back to more detailed review
KT –
I will start off this review in saying that I do have years of experience with using colloidal gold. In the past, I used two other brands that had the strength of 20 ppm (Medi-gold and Meso-gold). I mostly used this supplement in conjunction with meditation, which I have been doing for the last 10 yrs. I can’t stress enough how much this supplement helps in getting into a deep meditation effortlessly. The reason being is because it relaxes the nervous system in a profound way, which in turn can bring you to that space of peace and zen faster and for longer periods of time. What first caught my eye about EnerGold was the ppm strength was 250ppm compared to the products I was using at the time which was only 20 ppm. I ordered Energold and when it came I saw a big difference in the color vs the other brand. Energold was a darker more violet color vs pale ruby red from the other. I took my usual dose to see the difference in effectiveness. I have to say, BIG difference in the feeling sector. It put me in that relaxed state fairly quickly yet my mind and thoughts very clear. This state of being seemed to last a lot longer and more deeper compared to the other brands. The ppm strength seems to make a huge difference in this product’s effectiveness. Now, to my surprise I ended up using this product for other applications as well with much success. A month ago, I ended up getting an infection in my arm after getting a tattoo. I had to go to the ER and it was diagnosed as Cellulitis. They gave me an IV of antibiotics for a day and sent me home with two prescriptions of antibiotics as well. The wound that I had was gross to say the least, and I am posting some pics to show you — You have been warned LOL. The antibiotics were used to fight the actual infection in my arm, but in the meantime I was using Energold to help heal the wound itself. I got the idea after reading about how successful this stuff is for skin problems. Since I was on these heavy duty antibiotics, it had me home bound for about a week. During that time, I was doing compression wraps of Energold on the area. I couldn’t believe how much this stuff accelerated the healing process on my wound! Even when I went back to the doctor for a follow-up, he couldn’t believe how quickly the wound was healing. He asked what I was using on it, and I told him. He never heard of it, but asked for the website. You can take a look at my photos, each photo is a day progression. Amazing is all I can say. Now, there was another application I used it for also I will share with you. This had to do with my father who had a motorcycle accident back in August. He is 70 yrs old and ended up falling on his Harley. He broke both legs and his wrist. After 4 surgeries, he was sent to an in patient rehab center for his healing time. He was not a happy camper at all being there. Besides wrecking his Harley, which was his pride and joy, he was given orders that he needed to stay in bed and not weight bear on the legs for at least 3 months, until the bone mended to the metal rods in his legs. BTW, he also has cancer which he has been battling for the last 4 years. Anyway, I was going to the rehab center everyday to give him emotional support and also keep him from going insane. I was giving him a 1/4 of a cup of Energold everyday. Without a doubt, this stuff was keeping him relaxed and helping keeping him calm during this time. He even confirmed how it made him more at peace. Now, there was some concern with the doctors about the healing process and time with my fathers breaks. They never took him off of his chemo pill during the whole time in the rehab, and the concern was that it would interfere with the healing process. After 3 months, they scheduled an X-ray to see the progress of bone formation. The doctors were amazed at the bone growth and didn’t expect it to heal at such rate. After the X ray, they said he can start to weight bear on the legs after another 2 wks, which was great news for my whole family. Without a doubt, I feel giving him that gold everyday helped with the healing process. I feel it allowed him to stay in a relaxed positive state of being, which in turn, gave him the optimum healing environment for him to be in. There also is evidence of cell rejuvenation as well with this product which I feel played a BIG role in my fathers healing as well. I have to say, this product is an amazing product and it really has so many benefits on so many levels. This is something that I will make sure I will always have in my supplement cabinet, especially this particular brand. Make no mistake, the ppm level makes a HUGE difference! Below, are the pics of my arm infection progress and I even posted a picture of my dad, taking his first steps 🙂 God Bless!