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EnerGold - ® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS: Ouro Puro! Veja os Fatos do Suplemento! Sem Sal, Corantes, Preenchedores! Proteção contra Radiação

*R$943.90 Em até 6x de R$157.32 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$157.32 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$943.90 sem juros2x de R$471.95 sem juros3x de R$314.63 sem juros4x de R$235.98 sem juros5x de R$188.78 sem juros6x de R$157.32 sem juros

EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS é um produto único no mundo, feito de ouro puro, sem adição de sal, corantes ou enchimentos. Sua fórmula exclusiva ajuda a desviar a radiação e oferece diversos benefícios.

(3 avaliações de clientes)
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EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS: Ouro Puro! Veja os Fatos do Suplemento! Sem Sal, Corantes, Preenchedores! Proteção contra Radiação
*R$943.90 Em até 6x de R$157.32 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$157.32 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$943.90 sem juros2x de R$471.95 sem juros3x de R$314.63 sem juros4x de R$235.98 sem juros5x de R$188.78 sem juros6x de R$157.32 sem juros
SKU: A496A200 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

O EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS é o ÚNICO produto no mundo que contém ouro puro em sua composição! Comprovado por físicos universitários através de testes científicos e microscopia de alta potência, o EnerGold® é um ORMUS superconcentrado enriquecido com ouro puro, na forma de estado puro-M, que possui uma supercondutividade e fluxo magnético incomparáveis em relação a outros elementos monoatômicos. Cuidado com produtos fraudulentos feitos de sal e areia, que não contêm sequer um grama de ouro, escondidos em embalagens enganosas e frascos coloridos, e que não podem listar “ouro” como ingrediente nos rótulos de informações suplementares.

O EnerGold® tem recebido aclamação suprema de profissionais de saúde em todo o mundo, incluindo cirurgiões plásticos e cosméticos, médicos holísticos, homeopatas, neurocirurgiões, especialistas em feridas, dermatologistas, osteopatas, veterinários e quiropráticos. Inúmeros depoimentos de cinco estrelas descrevem os efeitos do EnerGold® em várias funções metabólicas, como o sistema nervoso central, envolvendo o cérebro e a glândula pineal; o sistema imunológico, envolvendo disfunções autoimunes e desintoxicação; a atividade celular, envolvendo a regeneração dos tecidos do corpo; e muitas outras funções metabólicas.

O ouro é um supercondutor de impulsos elétricos e é conhecido por potencializar a atividade cerebral e “transformar as vias neurais de estradas de terra em autoestradas”. Portanto, se alguém afirmar não sentir nada, bem… nossa maravilha de outro mundo contém a quantidade máxima de ouro puro, 99,99%, que não pode ser imitada nem revertida. Outras funções do OURO PURO que são imperceptíveis e inquantificáveis incluem a reparação do DNA, a regeneração da glândula pineal, a estimulação dos neurônios do sistema nervoso central, a purificação do sangue, o fortalecimento dos hepatócitos do sistema imunológico, a desintoxicação dos tecidos do corpo, entre outros.

O EnerGold® é ultraconcentrado com a quantidade máxima de ouro puro, 99,99%, que todas as nossas formulações podem sustentar, mantendo a estabilidade. Essa criação maravilhosa exibe de forma mística as qualidades brilhantes, radiantes e iridescentes do ouro metálico, enquanto é um pó rosado-dourado, brilhante, iridescente, leve e sedoso. Amplie as fotos em close-up do nosso EnerGold® com ouro puro infundido e fique maravilhado!

Com mais de um miligrama de ouro puro em apenas um décimo de grama, apenas alguns grãos, o nosso EnerGold® não possui data de validade e NUNCA é afetado por calor, frio, luz, radiação, raios-X ou campos eletromagnéticos. Experimente aplicar na pele sob a luz do sol e maravilhe-se com o brilho místico e radiante que profissionais de saúde e clientes em todo o mundo chamam de “Milagre em uma Garrafa”.

Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar
  • Único produto no mundo com ouro puro em sua composição.
  • Aclamado por profissionais de saúde em diversas áreas.
  • Supercondutor de impulsos elétricos, potencializando a atividade cerebral.
  • Funções imperceptíveis e inquantificáveis, como reparação do DNA e regeneração da glândula pineal.
  • Alta concentração de ouro puro em uma pequena quantidade de produto.

Sugestão de Uso:

Para obter os benefícios do EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS, recomenda-se tomar uma pequena quantidade diariamente, conforme as instruções do rótulo. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. A aplicação tópica sob a luz solar pode intensificar os efeitos visuais e energéticos do produto. Aproveite os efeitos místicos e radiantes deste produto incrível!

3 avaliações para EnerGold - ® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS: Ouro Puro! Veja os Fatos do Suplemento! Sem Sal, Corantes, Preenchedores! Proteção contra Radiação

  1. Christopher Mellott

    I have purchased this 4 or 5 times this summer and it is remarkably better than other Ormus or Gold supplements available online, which offer little more than a placebo effect. I respect this Gold when I take it, and it greatly improves my mental focus and “electricity” in the body.

    I generally fast or an intermittent fast at least the night before and the morning before I take it. I place a very small amount of granules under my tongue and meditate or go for a walk. Eventually I swallow, and work on pranayam techniques through the morning. I then do yoga, and again use pranayam techniques like breath of fire and breath retention exercises.

    Throughout this summer, I have been experimenting with urine therapy, but only drink the urine that has filtered through my system when it is completely clean of anything besides water and this Gold supplement, heavily charged with prana in my own body.

    I will say that the results have been very good, if I included them, most would regard me as an untrustworthy source, so I won’t. I will say that if you treat this Gold and your body with great respect, and you are seeking to improve focus, or add a helpful boost to your meditation or pranayam/yoga, don’t waste your money with the other options. Give this one a try, it costs a bit more, but you only need to use a little.

    Compared to many other high quality supplements, this is actually very reasonable.

    If you are looking for something to get high or feel some strong euphoria or sedation, there are other drugs more suitable.

    However, if you are seeking to become more than you were yesterday, and you treat this Gold with respect and discipline, you will be very pleased.

  2. Michelle K

    This review is more aimed towards the spiritual side of the effects of Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS Powder:

    I have a very good consistent spiritual practice with daily meditations, Reiki, etc…

    But at the same time, my career is in the medical field. The hours and workload are absolutely exhausting and brutal. Literally physically, emotionally, and mentally depleting. It is very hard for me to maintain such a high spiritual practice with this. When I am so depleted from work/patients, my spiritual practices take a hit. My hope and goal with using this product would be to help maintain a good balance and be able to keep advancing forward spiritually.

    For me, and I can honestly say for myself, this has been absolutely amazing! I take 1/8 teaspoon daily in the morning before work. It has helped me maintain more of a mental balance and able to access that spiritual higher state of connection much easier. I have been taking this for over a month now daily and have noticed a definite increase in me being able to access higher states of consciousness. What a difference! I also sleep much better too.

    When I am not working, I take a double dose right before meditation. My meditations have been so much deeper and more profound/enlightening.

    Now, I have been meditating for over 30 years, so I can tell when there is a difference. I have also tried it without it and notice much better results when using it.

    Thank you EnerGold for such a fine product!!

  3. Amazon Customer

    OK, this is going to be a bit long but I believe people need to know what their getting with a product like this, also I’ve done so much research and have spent a year trying many products of this kind so it’s time to share what that’s been like.
    2yrs ago I heard about ORMUS, White Gold, Manna and the stories from ancient times, the process they used and why people who study the product have suspected or found it to have “magical” results.
    Actually, I keep thinking about the MANNA of the bible and how even as a child that one subject really intrigued me, really fascinated me and I thought of it all throughout my life, especially every time I heard the word MANNA that little tinkling bell of light popped into my mind…. so of course I grew super curious because now all the sudden, here it is being used in modern times! How is that possible? I thought it has to be some kind of hoax or that people were calling some product by that name to make a point about their product that wasn’t completely in line with what the real Manna is, so, though curious, I was a complete skeptic. Not so skeptical anymore!!!!!!!
    I’ve always been on a journey to self improve physically, mentally and spiritually. Life has thrown me some nasty curve balls and I am working to alleviate the problems they caused.
    I’ve also had some very mystical and beautiful experiences that I need to gain a deeper understanding about because I believe they hold the key to freedom from our slavery of the heart, mind and soul. I feel there is even more to be understood right behind some very thin veil and that we need just a little push to pop through to the other side. ORMUS seemed it could be one of the keys to lift that veil.
    I think I’m right but it isn’t the entire answer/solution to find those answers, we have to do our part. Intentions mean everything!!!
    So I explored.
    So, last year I started looking into ORMUS and found MANY products and videos out there claiming many great things. It’s really hard to decide which one is best, especially when reading all the reviews, so I just jumped in and started buying the ones highest in recommendations.
    I found EnerGold by accident, actually. I found the website and didn’t know it could be purchased on Amazon. It was the second of 5 that I ordered and tried.
    I hadn’t seen it in any of the research I was doing. It’s kinda funny because as soon as I got to their website, and before I read one word my intuition popped in and said “YES” this is the one!
    I know that sounds woo-woo but I am telling you the truth and got a better feeling after reading the info on their site. It was like my higher conscious just knew.
    But still the skeptic came through again.
    So fast forward, as I said, I tried many. First I bought EnerGold and another highly recommended one that I won’t mention. It also had a spray that you buy separately to “enhance” the effects. I am a skeptic when it comes to products like this so I wasn’t expecting much. I tried the other one first and couldn’t tell a difference but took the advice of other users and followed their protocols…..gave it time.
    As I said I meditate and it’s said to enhance that. It felt good but still nothing really noticeable. I have some really profound meditations but I am always feeling like I need to step it up…what ever that means. Well I found out!
    I tried EnerGold and it actually shocked me! I DID feel it! It was this kind of joyful, blissful feeling, that “peace-of-mind” feeling, that feeling you would get in the presence of some other-worldly benevolent being emanating unconditional love. Some may think my explanation is exaggeration or that I’m a looney, but those of you who’ve experienced this know EXACTLY what I’m talking about and want a repeat of that connection and the feelings that come with it.I also noticed my dreams became lucid. Another thing that happened is I started astral traveling again! It hadn’t happened for years! I won’t go into that long story but my awareness of a higher vibrational dimension became clearer than it has since I was young! And kept happening, however, still being the skeptic and the fact maybe other products were even better, I gave them a try as well.
    So now, after many nothings, I decided to give EnerGold again since that first experience with this product stuck with me all year, naturally after that, each new product I tried was being compared to EnerGold in my mind so, duh, buy it again!
    I have and again it’s exceeded my expectations!
    Before purchasing it I took another look out there to see what is on the various top 10’s and was shocked to see EnerGold was rarely mentioned though there on some lists, but when it was mentioned I noticed many people had the same experience as I did.
    I went to their website and emailed them to be sure they were still in business and selling the top quality version they sold me last year. I got kinda nervous because the reviews on their website has not been updated, they only have reviews from 2016, but I did read the spradic reviews on other forums and all were as great and as late as 2018, sooo….they said not only are they selling it still but they have improved the product!
    They told me they are using more pure 24k gold in their products, as in, now it’s 1000-parts-per-million colloidal gold as the basis for their Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS.
    VERY Cool!
    So I ordered it and I ordered it from Amazon this time because if it was in fact better, I wanted to share that info with everyone! I have a background in customer service and find good company’s, good service, good products are being left in the dark as many people unfortunately chose to report the bad before the good and this company deserves some big praise, to say the least (which is impossible for me to do)! The company has a wonderful customer service and will answer all your questions quickly!
    So anyway, I got the product AND they sent me a “little” gift which wasn’t little at all, full size!
    I want to say that product is shocking me with it’s results as well! I mean I DID NOT EXPECT THESE RESULTS THIS FAST OR ANY AT ALL for at least a month! I was wrong, so, I’ll talk about the “little” gift first.
    It’s called “Glow Like Gold skin Rejuvenation Serum”. I have dry skin and I’m 60 so I really need a non-greasy product which they truly delivered. I just started using it, I use it once in the morning after washing my face and once at night…just follow the directions. I don’t think it’s my imagination but my face looks younger!
    Still, remember everyone is different and so are our skin types though I have a feeling these results will be pretty true across the board.
    Another strange surprise is they mentioned the Serum can be used for joint issues. Well, I had neck surgery and the back of my neck REALLY HURTS, especially when the pressure changes and it’s ready to rain. So I thought I’d give it a try on the back of my neck, which was killing me yesterday, and I swear to you, the pain stopped about 45mins later! I’ll keep using it to see if I keep getting the same results and let everyone know. I’ll most likely purchase this product with my other orders from EnerGold.
    My skin looks great and feels great! This stuff rocks!
    Now the EnerGold Monoatomic Gold/Ormus…First a note about the packaging. They packed it full so when it settled you didn’t lose anything. Some people have been curious about how long it lasts. I don’t have an answer because last year I didn’t use it every day but just a tiny bit goes a long way. I’ve found you adjust it to your own reactions. If you get ringing or humming in your ears you may want to reduce the dose. I have found that staring off with just a little less than half a cap is best, like not even to the top of that deep little concave part of the cap.
    This time I am going to take it daily.
    I use it as soon as I wake up, before meditation, I did use it again for my evening meditation but last year I found I really didn’t need to do that as it has the same effects all day for me. You can work your way up but I don’t recommend going more that 1/8tsp ever, it’s not needed. Do what’s best for you, you’ll know. Some people use fractions of that measurement several times a day but as I said you’ll know how you react.
    Really. I’m blown away at the results!
    That feeling of well being, bliss, heart chakra open feeling was almost instant and it carries me all through the day! The same thing happened last year but this time it I can feel it even more, they did say say they improved it.
    I do have to say your state of mind is really important. ORMUS will amplify what’s truly in your heart, I’ve discovered, so just be advised. Again, your intentions mean everything.
    This can be seen especially in meditation.
    Also, Be ready to be faced with self and all facets of self. Kind of a mirror thing, makes you truly look at who you are.
    Another thing I have noticed and the same as last year with this product that when going into meditation I found I could just plop right down, breath and sail right into it, it was effortless. I have trouble sometimes with the monkey mind and/or feeling anxious, but that’s changed with the EnerGold ORMUS…I did NOT have such prompt results with the other products, I really didn’t and expected too after trying EnerGold…you know you rarely hit it right with the first product when so many are on the market. But EnerGold was my second try so I COULD see the difference.
    Another thing I noticed is kind of hard to put into words in my meditations, I seem to go into a higher, different realm and I feel my connection to Source/Creator/God is truly THERE! I feel present WITH Source, it’s like being in another dimension, well it is actually, you kinda step through the veil.
    As I said it’s hard to explain in words but that feeling you get of love, bliss and joyfulness is profound. Not everyone may get these results, maybe it’s the varying vibrational frequency, but all I know is that I SEE and FEEL a profound difference from all the other products. I mean REALLY profound results that I DID NOT EXPECT though I was biased because the results I had last year….maybe I actually sort of forgot just how great this product was, I don’t know but it’s surprising me again!.
    I noticed other changes like I did last year, like the dreams, like when something of a negative sort arises I handle it with grace. I don’t freak out. I calmly see logical solutions. I just over-all see everything with a different higher vibrational outlook.
    Feeling this feeling again and experiencing these results have just made me SO HAPPY!!
    I think it’s super rare to find this quality out in the world today, to find a company willing to give us that quality, it’s really rare without having to pay an arm and a leg.
    I also wanted to tell you guys I am also experiencing pain relief and THAT was one of the biggest surprises! It’s not only coming from the gift they sent me but from the ORMUS as well! I really didn’t expect this although it seems logical. When one is feeling blissful, happy and serene you aren’t feeling pain.
    So what I’m saying is this is a legitimate product. It’s high quality is obvious, it’s beyond doubt and I say it’s THE best ORMUS on the market!
    As I said, I have tried some of the highest recommended and this one beats SOME of them by a long shot which means I’m not saying they are all bad but what I AM saying the difference is TOTALLY noticeable and the results are profound with EnerGold!
    I love that I feel better, I feel more like who I am in my heart and it hasn’t stopped since I opened the bottle..OH BTW, something I noticed last year and this time too is my food cravings. I just want to eat veggies, like fresh veggies and fruit. Although I was on an improved diet to begin with I was still craving carbs and sugars and now, again, I have none of that and also want to eat much much less.
    My dealings with people are now coming from a higher place, an open heart and I feel my empathic abilities have once again taken a step back up…there’s this sense you are taking a loving “Birds-Eye-View” more than being caught in the lower vibrations and frequencies when dealing with others. This ORMUS has you looking at the whole world differently.
    I think when trying this product for those who aren’t sure they are feeling anything is to first understand it’s not something you get high on like a drug. Also you need to pay attention to subtleties in your sleep patterns and dreaming. Notice any changes to your meditations. How is your ability to handle negativity and how you are viewing it changing. How are you dealing with friends, bosses, co-workers, spouse, children, parents….Notice creativity levels and mental acuity. Check out how you’re feeling about food. If you’re in pain see if you notice changes in it. Just be patient and look at any changes in your self. Some people see profound changes like I did and some it’s more subtle. Though, even in myself, some of those changes are small at first but the more you notice them the more pronounced they become. Again, also setting intentions and doing things to raise your vibrational frequency is SUPER important not matter what your doing.
    One last thing that I noticed and is pretty important to me is that EnerGold ORMUS is not gritty like some of the others and there is a reason for that! Go to the website and you’ll understand it better than I can explain it here.
    It’s pleasant and dissolves quickly with no after taste. Anyway, I did NOT like that gritty feeling from the other products, it would stay in my mouth and feel like it was in between my teeth all day. I think it’s because the other products had the metal parts still in them and that is not good.
    EnerGold does not have those dangerous heavy metals.
    Sorry this was so long but I wanted people to see this company and know they are putting out a top quality product. As woo-woo as I sound I’m also a very logical and practical person. I CANNOT stand false advertising!
    Money is tight for most of us and having to spend it on crap that doesn’t work is definitely something no one wants to do! Last year I was on a mission to find the best product if there even was one and while there are some good ones out there THIS product from EnergGold, in my opinion, stands way above the rest!
    When some one puts out a great product I’m going to sing it from the mountain tops!
    Thanks for reading this and Blessings to ALL. We got this!!!

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EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS: Ouro Puro! Veja os Fatos do Suplemento! Sem Sal, Corantes, Preenchedores! Proteção contra Radiação EnerGold® Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS: Ouro Puro! Veja os Fatos do Suplemento! Sem Sal, Corantes, Preenchedores! Proteção contra Radiação
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