Descrição do Produto: Energy Drink – Shots de Energia Sem Queda de Açúcar e Amigáveis ao Keto/Vegan
Em um mundo onde a correria do dia a dia pode drenar nossas energias, a busca por uma solução eficaz e saudável se torna essencial. Apresentamos o Energy Drink – Shots de Energia Sem Queda de Açúcar e Amigáveis ao Keto/Vegan, uma bebida inovadora que promete não apenas energizar, mas também proporcionar foco, clareza e concentração. Com uma infusão tropical deliciosa, cada frasco de 1,93 fl oz é uma explosão de sabor e vitalidade, ideal para quem busca maximizar seu desempenho sem comprometer a saúde.
- Aumento poderoso de foco: Com apenas 2 oz por frasco, os shots de Vitamina Energy são uma fonte conveniente de vitaminas que aumentam a energia e o foco por mais de 7 horas. Cada shot sem açúcar e com baixo teor calórico contém 260mg de cafeína natural e zero carboidratos.
- Elaborado com sua saúde em mente: Cada shot contém uma super mistura de Vitaminas B6, B12 e D, proporcionando um aumento natural de energia, suporte ao sistema imunológico, melhora do metabolismo e saúde geral.
- Maximize seu desempenho: Se você está buscando combustível para o seu treino ou para o seu dia de trabalho, os suplementos vitamínicos Vitamina Energy Focus+ ajudam a aumentar a energia, clareza mental, foco, memória e produtividade, preparando você para o sucesso.
- Energia de ação rápida: Cada saboroso shot de Vitamina Energy desce com um gole rápido e é instantaneamente absorvido pelo seu corpo, tornando-se um energizante de ação rápida.
1. Sem açúcar e baixo em calorias: Ideal para quem segue dietas restritivas, como a keto ou vegana.
2. Aumento de energia prolongado: Efeito energizante que dura até 7 horas, perfeito para longas jornadas de trabalho ou treinos intensos.
3. Suporte ao sistema imunológico: Com vitaminas essenciais que ajudam a fortalecer as defesas do corpo.
4. Melhora da clareza mental: Aumenta a concentração e a memória, ajudando na produtividade diária.
5. Fácil de transportar: Frascos práticos que podem ser levados para qualquer lugar, garantindo energia a qualquer momento.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir um shot de Energy Drink – Shots de Energia Sem Queda de Açúcar e Amigáveis ao Keto/Vegan cerca de 20 a 30 minutos antes de atividades que exigem maior foco e energia, como treinos ou reuniões importantes. Agite bem antes de abrir e consuma em um único gole para uma absorção rápida e eficaz. Não exceda a dose recomendada de um shot por dia. Mantenha em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Ace –
The taste is decent. No worse than any other energy shot of this kind. But the caffeine may be a little lacking. I don’t get the typical pick-me-up that I do from other energy shots.
Of course, there is no way for me to quantify this. Nor is there any way for me to verify the caffeine content in the shot (or any of the other ingredients). All the same, I find it a little lacking.
Cheezenub –
The tropical flavor of this energy shot is fantastic and really stands out. I enjoy the taste a lot. It’s packed with several amino acids and B vitamins, both of which support energy production. With 260 mg of caffeine, it provides a moderate boost, more than a typical cup of coffee.
One thing I appreciate about this company’s energy shots is that there’s no crash afterward. While I don’t think it delivers the full seven hours of energy as claimed, it does provide a lasting effect for several hours, which is more than enough. Overall, I’m very satisfied with the product.
thomas –
These shots are about what one would expect. A bunch of B vitamins, amino acids, and of course caffeine, about as much as a couple mugs of coffee. The taste was labels as “Tropical.” Yeah, it kind of has that flavor. But I thought it was pretty bitter. Similar to others I have tried. The caffeine kick was minimal to me. I must have a higher caffeine tolerance. If I had taken two of these I am sure the caffeine shakes would have occurred. I’ll stick to one a day.
Chris –
I used to buy something like this at a gas station store at around noon to keep me going for the day. This product sounds and tastes healthier. It has a little “tropical “ taste. Base on my personal experience, it is not as “powerful “ as a regular energy drink. Normally I just do a double shot. So far I haven’t felt any side effects.
ThePickle –
The effects are pretty similar to what I feel with any of the other energy shots I’ve tried, so that’s standard. But I was pleasantly surprised by the flavor! Kind of tasted like pineapple juice or a similar fruit blend? Went down easy. Keeping these in my desk at work to get me through those monday mornings and friday afternoons. And the rest of the week. Maybe saturdays…
Chris –
The taste of the drink is sort of a peachy aspirin to my taste. It’s not delicious by any stretch, but it is not so bad that you can’t stand it. Labeling it with “tastes great” is a bit is a stretch for me. It’s a typical flavor profile you get from these energy shots.
Vitamin amounts look to be pretty normal for these as well. I feel like the energy gained from the shot is normal. It’s a little pick me up that lasts for several hours.
I think the main draw here will be the value for your dollar. Honestly, it’s the same as any other energy shot. There is no reason to choose it over any other without the value. If priced well, it will sell.
No –
I am very pleased with this Energy Drink – Sugar Crash Free and Keto/Vegan Friendly Shots | Focus, Clarity, and Concentration Boosting | Energize up to 7+ Hours | Tropical Infusion energy shot. I liked the taste, it is not too sweet and has no aftertaste. It really does raise the energy level, but unlike other energy shots that I have tried before, it does not raise my anxiety level, which is very important to me. At the moment, this is my favorite energy shot, both in taste and in the level of energy increase.
Steve –
Other than drinking cups and cups of coffee, I’ve never used a drink for help in to energize myself and keep going. But “these days”, (for my age) too much coffee can be a problem… so. I thought I’d try it and give this a try… Very Good. I’ve used half a case and I have no complaints… but, for me, I need to use it late morning- NOT IN THE Afternoon or evening. Too much “zippo”!
When my supply runs out I’ll be getting more. VeryGood