O EMUAIDMAX Ointment 2oz – Eczema Cream é um tratamento de máxima força que combate infecções de forma mais rápida, enquanto aprimora a barreira vital da pele e suas funções de cicatrização. Esse creme oferece alívio máximo da dor, infecção e inflamação. Sua fórmula natural é suave e eficaz, sendo indicada para mais de 100 condições de pele dolorosas e com coceira.
Uma característica única desse produto é o seu sistema de entrega, que ajuda a transportar ingredientes poderosos de cura profundamente nas unhas e na pele. Isso significa que ele é capaz de acalmar a dor, infecção e inflamação em condições de pele resistentes e difíceis.
O EMUAIDMAX Ointment contém uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes, incluindo 2x Bacillus Ferment, 10x Óleo de Melaleuca e 50x Vitamina E. É importante ressaltar que o produto contém Óleo de Melaleuca. Caso você tenha alergia conhecida a esse ingrediente, evite o uso deste produto.
Agora, vamos conhecer 5 motivos recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para comprar o EMUAIDMAX Ointment:
1. Alívio rápido e eficaz: Com sua fórmula de máxima força, esse creme proporciona alívio rápido da dor, infecção e inflamação em mais de 100 condições de pele.
2. Ingredientes naturais: O EMUAIDMAX Ointment é feito com ingredientes naturais, o que o torna uma opção segura e suave para o tratamento de diversas condições de pele.
3. Sistema de entrega único: Graças ao seu sistema de entrega especial, esse creme é capaz de levar os ingredientes de cura profundamente nas unhas e na pele, garantindo resultados eficazes.
4. Versatilidade: Além de tratar eczema, esse creme também é eficaz no combate ao pé de atleta, psoríase, coceira na virilha, anti coceira, erupções cutâneas e infecções por fungos na pele.
5. Fórmula poderosa: Com uma combinação de Bacillus Ferment, Óleo de Melaleuca e Vitamina E, esse creme oferece uma fórmula poderosa para o tratamento de diversas condições de pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma camada fina do EMUAIDMAX Ointment na área afetada da pele ou nas unhas, duas a três vezes ao dia. Massageie suavemente até que o creme seja absorvido. Continue o uso até que os sintomas desapareçam completamente.
Experimente o EMUAIDMAX Ointment e descubra o alívio máximo que ele pode proporcionar para suas condições de pele. Compre agora na Vitaminer Shop e aproveite todos os benefícios desse poderoso tratamento.
Terry Nettles –
Gives temporary relieve for hemorrhoids, but not worth resigning up for. Wouldn’t recommend this for that purpose, even though that’s one of the many things it supposedly addresses. I expect better results for the kind of money required for this purchase.
jon walker –
Seems to be working.
Hairon –
Been using emuaidmax. Best medicine ever exist. Only price is premium
Mary Wollschlager –
I ordered and received my EMUAIDMAX Ointment 2oz – quite quickly from Amazon, as usual. I ordered this product for a break out of scabbies on my both hands, wrist and lower arms. This spread to my stomach and both upper leg areas. The smell of the EMUAIDMAX Ointment is quite strong and even using a small amount, like it suggested, remained tacky and I was still itchy, but not as much. So I had some emi blue pain relieving gel mixed with Aspercreme.(1/2 to 1/2 ratio) and I added several drops of peppermint oil, that I had on hand. I tried putting on the EMUAIDMAX Ointment first, then lightly coating the same area with the emi/aspercreme/peppermint oil secondly. It took the itch and pain away! Don’t scratch but when it starts getting too itchy and aggravating again, I would reapplied the creams. I ended up putting this all into in a roller cap top bottle and what a relief! After 3-4 days, most all the scabbies were gone and after 5 days, there was almost no sign of them at all. I smelled like a pharmacy but it worked! But when you are suffering, itching, you will try and put up with almost anything for relief! Scabbies are very contagious so be sure to bath daily, wash your hands with soap and water, after every bathroom use. But don’t use really hot water to wash or shower, the scabbies like to spread on you with heat. I slept with a small fan on and only a sheet to keep cooler at night. Remember to change and wash your clothes, towels and bedding daily. I read some people just use paper towels. But remember, this is only for a short time, friends. Good luck!
Tami Long –
I tried the expensive prescription for over a year, it cost over $100 for a teeny tiny bottle. It didn’t work at all. A month ago I saw EMUAIDMAX on Facebook an bought it. So far my toenails look beautiful, what I mean is they look normal. I take my grandson to his swimming lessons, he insists I watch from the pool deck. This means bare feet only. I am no longer embarrassed. A friend of ours lost toes due to fungal infection because he is diabetic.
Canuck reviews –
Expensive, but worth it. This product helped get rid of stubborn toenail fungus that had been around for about a year. I never really tried other remedies other than persistent cleaning and clipping the nails down to remove the fungal nails at the end. Several applications needed on dry clean toes, but after a month, with trimming my toenails to cut off the old fungal bits, I looked down it was all gone. The new toenail growth was clean and clear and pushed out the fungus as it grew and didn’t replace any healthy nails with infected bits. and It also works well on other skin irritations, if I get a flare up of dry itchy skin on my legs in a re-occurring spot, I apply this cream and it reduces redness and itchiness. I have no doubt that it will work decently for every application that it advertises, as long as your skin type responds normally to the ingredients in the cream.
M. Rezaie –
Works well for some skin conditions… But it is ridiculously expensive… ($80) for such a small bottle… :((
DavesNotHereMan –
Specifically worked on the skin condition HS (Hidradenitis Suppurativa), which I’ve had modest bouts of for over 10 years. I truly sympathize with folks here that have this condition (or others) that this product is designed to treat. This is a very painful unsightly affliction to deal with, especially at armpits and groin as natural “pinch points” on the body. It appears it’s not as effective for some, and I really wish it was as effective as it was for me for their sake. I saw immediate results over three days, using it once a day (product states it can be used three times a day). I’ve partially managed with Hydrogen Peroxide, time, very hot baths, and patience so far. So thought I’d start out with a moderate application and go up from there, but I don’t seem to need to. This went to work fast with lower applied dose for me. I’m thrilled with the results actually, but the cost for quantity ratio seems on the high side for Amazon. It is less on direct website, they do have coupons, etc. That’s the only reason for one star off, the product itself in Max strength, is 6 stars.
Very happy –
Works great does what it says it does. Little pricey but it works.
Janet Olson –
After 25 years of toenail fungus you kinda lose hope of ever ridding yourself of this menace. It’s kind of become a bucket list item of mine. All 5 of my toes on each foot are infected and my big toes are red and actually throb from what I perceive to be the fungus entering my blood stream via my toes.
So, I took the plunge and decided to try this. After 3 weeks, I think I’m actually seeing improvement. When I began, 3 weeks ago, I ground down my big toe nails as close to the nail bed as I could get. (I decided to start with only the big does on each foot). I then rub some emuaidMAX onto each nail, cover with a piece of tissue paper, cut to the size of the nail bed and then cover with first aid tape. (It’s about 1″ wide and stretchy, but doesn’t stick all that great. I cover the first aid tape with a wrap of scotch tape just to keep stretchy first aid tape from unraveling). I do this 2x/day, morning & evening. When I unwrap, I scrape off the old ointment and some of the infected nail bed comes with it. Even remaining toe nail is coming off, which I view as killing the fungus under the remaining nail. After 3 weeks of this, and seeing what I perceive as improvement, I was excited enough to write this review. I think I might actually start on the next toes on each foot in a couple more weeks, while continuing maintenance on previously cleared toes, until all are clear.
I will be purchasing another 2, 3, or even 6, of the EmuaidMax, if that’s what it takes, until this plague on mankind is eliminated from both of my feet! It’s exciting, after all these years to have hope again that I can actually rid myself of this unsightly beast.
The EmuaidMax started killing the skin on the tips of my toes. It looked like the fungus was beginning to grow there as well. So I discontinued use and began to file the dead skin from the tips of my toes. After 3 weeks, the skin is coming back normally, albeit, I still have the toenail fungus. Trying a 12 month course of “Pure Nails Pro” now.