### Eminence Hidratante Firmador de Pele Açaí, 60ml – Cuidados com a Pele
Dê um banho de hidratação na sua pele com o Eminence Hidratante Firmador de Pele Açaí, 60ml. Este hidratante ultra-hidratante é uma verdadeira joia da natureza, formulado com açaí, um fruto rico em antioxidantes, e ácido hialurônico, conhecido por sua capacidade de reter a umidade. Juntos, esses ingredientes proporcionam uma hidratação intensa, ajudando a firmar e tonificar a pele, reduzindo a aparência de linhas finas e rugas. Com uma textura leve e de rápida absorção, o Eminence Hidratante Firmador de Pele Açaí é ideal para ser utilizado tanto de dia quanto de noite, garantindo que sua pele esteja sempre nutrida e saudável.
Este produto é livre de parabenos e ingredientes artificiais, tornando-o uma escolha segura e eficaz para todos os tipos de pele. Ao aplicar o hidratante, você notará como ele deixa a pele macia e suave ao toque, promovendo uma aparência radiante e rejuvenescida. Experimente o Eminence Hidratante Firmador de Pele Açaí e descubra o segredo para uma pele mais firme e luminosa.
1. Hidratação Profunda: Penetra nas camadas mais profundas da pele, nutrindo e revitalizando.
2. Firmeza e Tonificação: Melhora a elasticidade da pele, proporcionando um efeito lifting natural.
3. Rica em Vitamina C: Combate os danos dos radicais livres, prevenindo o envelhecimento precoce e uniformizando o tom da pele.
4. Ácido Hialurônico: Garante uma hidratação intensa e duradoura, mantendo a pele saudável e viçosa.
5. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado tanto de dia quanto de noite, adaptando-se facilmente à sua rotina de cuidados.
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Aplique uma pequena quantidade do Eminence Hidratante Firmador de Pele Açaí no rosto e pescoço, massageando suavemente com movimentos circulares. Utilize o produto após a limpeza e tonificação da pele, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, para maximizar os resultados. Para melhores efeitos, recomenda-se o uso em conjunto com outros produtos da linha Eminence Firm Skin. Aproveite os benefícios deste hidratante e desfrute de uma pele radiante e saudável.
I really love this moisturizer! Smells good too. I use it with the Eminence Bamboo Firming Fluid and the Coconut Age Corrective Moisturizer. It soaks into my skin and leaves it soft but not greasy. The only concern I have is that the protective seal over the product was not intact when I received the item. That made me question the integrity of the product. The seller needs to do a better job of making sure the product is sealed and sanitary.
Didn’t attach /clip onto my 08 g35 –
As a male with a moderate ick for skin care, this product is Q U A L I T Y !!! I have a combination of dry/oily skin and this lotion keep my face moist daytime and nighttime.
Connie Lipa –
I happened upon this product on vacation and tried some of the “tester”. Later that evening i could still feel the “moist” but not oily feeling.
I’m very picky about face moisturizer and have never found one i even liked. Ill buy one to try and for whatever reason it doesn’t meet my expectations and rots on the shelf until my next product purge.
I was flying and didn’t feel like throwing away $ at tsa so i waiting until i was home. I thought about it several times over the next 2 weeks trying to decide if my starting “crows feet” were worth throwing away more money on a moisturizer. This isn’t a cheap product so it took me some time to convince myself to try it.
I finally ordered it. Im very happy i did. I actually want to wash my face to use it. You can feel the tightness without the itchy pulled feeling. My face feels “protected” from pollution and wind but i don’t feel “sweaty” or oily or shiny like i experience with other products. I wash my face and reapply at night and i wake up feeling clean. When im out hiking my eyes don’t burn when i sweat. I can sweat right through it without feeling “clogged”.
A little goes a long way. I have faith this product will last me a while making the price a muted point. Good products are worth more money. But not all expensive products are good products. If you have been “burned” by other expensive products i highly recommend you to give this a try.
Kindle Customer –
I’ve only been using it for about a week. It’s luxurious moisturizing face cream. I love it for my dry mature 47 yr old skin. I use it both day and night. In the day I mix it with my Roc day cream. I would not recommend for oily problem skin though. 10 Years ago this would have been to much moisture for my combination skin. But when I use it my skin just feels amazing.
Some may find it too thick for their skin type. I love the consistency. It does not leave my skin sticky or oily. Some reviewers also complained about the smell. It’s very pleasant to me and smells like berries. I don’t see how this smell could be offensive. But to each his own.
What’s it’s doing on a cellular level for my skin, It’s just too early to tell. Sometimes you don’t notice how good or bad a product is working until you stop using it.
Con: the jar was not filled all the way, and it didn’t seem like 2 ounces. But I will continue to use it until it’s finished. Then I will decide if I want to continue using it, and try some other eminence products. Just for the way it makes my skin feel, I would definitely recommend it.
Amazon Customer –
PW –
Good fragrance! Does wonders for the face. I wear at night. A little goes a very long way.
nicole traini –
A little goes a long way! It’s thick and rich. Paired with serum and face wash and great results. No more dry patches on my face
Kindle Customer –
Fabulous moisturizerI put this product on my face and neck every night after I wash. I’ve been using this moisturizer for quite a long time and would highly recommend it it does a wonderful job