Descrição do Produto:
O EmeTerm Fashion é um estimulador de eletrodo aprovado pela FDA que alivia náuseas sem o uso de medicamentos, gel ou efeitos colaterais indesejados. Esse dispositivo de pulseira utiliza terapia física baseada em estimulação elétrica para proporcionar alívio eficaz contra náuseas, vômitos e enjoos causados por doença de movimento e enjoo matinal associado à gravidez. Com cinco níveis de intensidade ajustáveis, os usuários podem escolher a configuração que oferece a melhor experiência e efeito de tratamento, de acordo com seu próprio conforto. O design especial do EmeTerm Fashion, vencedor do prêmio de design iF 2017, apresenta uma pulseira única que mantém o dispositivo no lugar e facilita a colocação e a remoção. Além disso, o produto é recarregável, sendo alimentado por uma bateria recarregável e acompanhado de um cabo de carregamento USB magnético.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio eficaz contra náuseas: O EmeTerm Fashion é indicado para aliviar náuseas, vômitos e enjoos causados por doença de movimento e enjoo matinal associado à gravidez.
- Aprovado pela FDA: Esse estimulador de eletrodo possui aprovação da FDA, garantindo sua segurança e eficácia.
- Ajuste de intensidade: Com cinco níveis de intensidade ajustáveis, os usuários podem personalizar o tratamento de acordo com seu próprio conforto e necessidades.
- Design premiado: O EmeTerm Fashion foi reconhecido com o prêmio de design iF 2017, destacando-se por seu design inteligente e inovador.
- Recarregável e conveniente: O produto é alimentado por uma bateria recarregável e acompanha um cabo de carregamento USB magnético, proporcionando praticidade e economia a longo prazo.
– Para utilizar o EmeTerm Fashion, siga as seguintes instruções: Com o EmeTerm Fashion, você pode desfrutar de alívio eficaz contra náuseas e enjoos de forma segura, conveniente e sem efeitos colaterais indesejados.
merryClusters –
I originally wanted to try this band for my husband who gets really motion sick in a lot of circumstances – we were going on a trip to some amusement parks and a long cruise after in late February and were hoping to reduce the number of days when he had to take medication; when I ordered mine in January, the company was just starting to send out the new type of band for these devices.
As to the reviews complaining about the old band – yes, the old band was easier to put it on with an extra hand, but I own a Fitbit and that has a similar closure, so it wasn’t a problem for me. My husband did need help.
I did worry about the device possibly dropping off – but Frank, the EmeTerm Customer Service rep who communicated with me, made sure I got a little package with two silicone rings to help keep the band closed and some neat wipes before we went on the trip, because he was certain the new band wouldn’t make it in time. Everything worked great with the ring, the device stayed where it was supposed to.
That said, the new band arrived yesterday, and even though I am happy with the old one plus the ring, this does look sturdier and easier to close; and it has a ring already attached. The whole thing feels a bit stiffer, more like a watch band. Frank kept me updated throughout the process, which I thought was great.
As for functionality for nausea, I think it’s a personal-have-to-try-and-see thing, as everyone is different. With the great experience I’ve had with their customer service, I would say don’t hesitate to order one and return it if it doesn’t work out for you.
My husband did feel a difference with the band when we were testing it on swings (fastest way to get him to feel like throwing up…) before the trip, but found the pulses uncomfortable beyond Level 1 – and Level 1 was not enough to alleviate his queasiness on the swings. With Level 2, he felt somewhat better, but not comfortable, either, and the pulses really bothered him. So he ended up wearing the band in the parks and turning it on while we were standing in line for the somewhat rougher rides (we skipped spinning and swinging ones altogether) and he didn’t feel sick after any of them, just a bit terrified after some. 😉 Then he turned it off right away until the next rough ride – he didn’t need any meds at all on those days. He did end up taking low daily doses of Meclizine during the cruise and dealt with the tiredness, because he was worried he might have to have the band going all the time, which he didn’t want. He wants to try again on a shorter boat trip and see if there are enough distractions so he won’t mind the pulses so much; but for the next cruise, we might try the patch for him instead.
I on the other hand love this gizmo – we had a couple of rough sea days on the boat, and AFTER I started feeling quite queasy, I put on the band on Level 2, and felt better after about 10 minutes, and pretty much fine after about 20 minutes. Yep, it actually helped after the fact, unlike some other methods I’ve tried where you have to be proactive.
I was able to join a drawing class at the aft of the boat where the motion was really strong, and was fine. After the class, I left it on Level 1 for the rest of the afternoon and was able to take it off when we went to bed. I can feel the pulses, and they feel a little ‘pinchy’ on Level 2, but not enough so that I would switch to medication.
I’m definitely keeping mine and taking it for future boaty adventures; I might get a second one for my husband if he ends up with a successful trial on his next boat ride.
tam –
I bought this for a long road trip where I knew I’d be delegated to the back seat with my dogs. We drove on winding roads in the Appalachian mountains. It WORKED PERFECTLY!!! No nausea. No burping. I could even look at my phone and dig in my purse (if you know you know 🤮). If it breaks tomorrow- I will purchase a new one. Game changer! Even works in Dallas stop and go traffic.
Amazon Customer –
I actually read the reviews on this product very well before purchasing 2 bands. I read one review that mentioned the “shocking sensation” in the hand/fingers. I saw one video that showed the reaction of their finger when the electric current was sent. The video also advised that if you put it on a lower setting that it would go away. The video also advised that over time it got better. This was not the case for me! My son and I put these on at the airport 30 minutes before our flight. He felt the feeling of a “sleepy hand” on higher settings, not on the lowest one! Whereas, I was on the lowest setting and my fingers would literally curl every time it went off. I decided to read a bit more on this item and it states to put more gel on the area to avoid this feeling… So I put A LOT of gel on my wrist… with no relief.. i even loosened it, with no relieve.. i moved it around & no relief…. It got to the point where i found myself sitting there trying not to move my arm, that’s when i finally took it off. It didn’t even last 30 minutes for me! My 18 year old son, on the other hand, lasted about 30 minutes! He had to remove it as well, as the gel started to dry he would feel the “sleeping sensation” through his hand!
I had high hopes for this!! But it absolutely does not work 🙁
Amazon Customer –
This watch was a life saver when I was travelling this summer. I usually can’t go on boats but with this watch, I could. I also was able to sit on the back of a bus and not feel sick. My mom got one for a cruise she went on and said it worked great too! As long as I turned it on about 15 mins before travel I was good.
Lalagirl –
I get motion sick sometimes, as well as take medication that can make me nauseous. I have taken other medications in the past to help with nausea (Dramamine, Zofran and the like), but was looking for something to help that wasn’t a medication. Found this while searching online and decided to give it a try despite the reviews that said the band has issues with breaking and not staying on the wrist. It is not that easy to put on, but I was able to do it and have gotten better at it with practice. What is great about this though, is that it actually works. I’ve used TENS devices before when I was in physical therapy for a frozen shoulder, so I had an idea what this would be like. There’s a tingling I can feel as stated in the info when it is activated. I use level 4 and that helps keep the nausea at bay whenever Im experiencing symptoms. The tingling can be annoying for some I imagine, but the relief that goes with it is priceless, imo. Haven’t had it long enough to assess the sturdiness of the band (time will tell), but this item was $100 less than a few other options I saw.
Update: JAN 2023
Still using this. Don’t need it all the time but am glad to have it when I do. Have not had issues with the band breaking.
Caitlin –
I have serious motion sickness and also have to travel a lot so planes, cars and trains are always stressful. I’ve tried all the other options (medicinal, ginger, pressure point bands, etc) and none of them worked or they made me too drowsy to be useful. This wristband changed all that.
It is the best thing I’ve found to help with the motion sickness. The charge lasts really long so I only had to recharge it once or twice over a 3 week trip in Australia and if I go for awhile between using it, the charge lasts really well. I heard that a similar (more expensive) product from a different manufacturer didn’t hold charge as long so that’s why I decided on this model. It’s quiet and effective and overall an excellent product. I tell everyone about it who tells me they have motion sickness and some of my friends with anxiety even said it felt really soothing to them. My only critique is that the wristband isn’t as secure as I want it to be. They wanted to create a sleek design but a regular watchband would have been more secure. But seriously, if you want to solve your motion sickness, this is worth every penny.
tam –
I didn’t know what to expect as I was going on a cruise and was afraid of motion sickness. I first tried it while wearing a VR headset (which always made me dizzy) and I couldn’t believe how well I felt! First time on VR not feeling nauseous. Next was on the plane to Miami…another great experience. The real test was the cruise and I was so amazed how well this bracelet worked. I felt normal. No motion sickness at all. After the first few hours I totally got used to the tingling in my hand and I can absolutely say that I will never travel without this. 5 stars 100%!!!
Edgar –
I bought this to help with long flights. Normally after 5 or 6 hours I get very nauseated and on occasion sick. After reading reviews, one thing noted was difficulty with the clasp. First time was a little tricky, however after looking at the strap I tried to put something behind the strap when you push the pins into their holes, This worked perfectly and I had no problems with the clasp and wore it for over 20 hours of flying and occasionally on a 7 day river cruise. It helped control my motion sickness.
Kara –
Firstly I am a nurse and very sceptical and like to know a bit about how things work before I buy things like this and secondly I am a YouTuber and travel vlog and hide jewellery all over the world and some of the places in the world I want to visit were inaccessible to me because of my travel sickness. I pondered for a while and watched independent reviews on the watch and decided to take the plunge. I didn’t have high expectations but I was going to give it a good run for its money. I went out on a choppy boat in the Thames estuary and sat next to the diesel exhaust and I was fine this little watch really worked for me. normally I would be dying. I vlogged this experience and emailed emeterm with my outcome and the one thing I said that could improve was I wanted more levels just in case. They came back to me and said that their emeterm plus provided this. The electrodes have been turned around and it sits flatter to my wrist, the strap was a proper buckle and much more secure and I really liked the fact it had skimmed down a bit too. Having had such a good experience I got the plus version and it was really good again. That little watch really packs a punch. My daughter who is travel sick as soon as she looks at a plane, was able to read on a recent flight to Berlin. We are both so impressed that we have booked our Christmas trip to France on the cross channel ferry and feel pretty confident that we will get through the sailing. Neither of us ever make that trip to the other side without becoming very good friends with the toilet. If you want to see the watch in action I have posted my trips using this to my channel “Designs by la mer” and I will be vlogging the France trip where Emeterm will really be put through it’s paces. I don’t often write a review only when I think something is worth sharing good or bad but this little watch has changed mine and my daughter’s lives and opened a whole lot of new places and experiences all over the world.
J. Wiersma –
I’ve been suffering with motion sickness for a long time. And this little bracelet doesn’t cure it but definitely makes a difference. But be handy to know where to buy the conductive gel that comes with it but run out already.