Puro, Potente, Comprovado: HonoPure é 98% puro honokiol – o mais alto de qualquer produto no mercado; um extrato altamente ativo e extensivamente pesquisado, purificado da casca da Magnolia officinalis, ele oferece uma notável variedade de benefícios potentes, incluindo suporte cognitivo, regulação celular, relaxamento, humor saudável e muito mais*
Suporte GABA para Alívio do Estresse, Melhor Humor e Sono: HonoPure pode atravessar a barreira hematoencefálica e modular a atividade do GABA e dos receptores GABA, um neurotransmissor que desempenha um papel na promoção da calma e de um humor saudável*
Fornece Suporte Celular e Antioxidante: HonoPure fornece suporte à saúde celular em uma ampla gama de áreas: mama, próstata, pulmão, cólon, sangue e muito mais; como um eliminador de radicais livres, ele ajuda a diminuir o estresse oxidativo e também promove uma resposta saudável à inflamação*
Feito com Ingredientes Ativos de Alta Qualidade: Não transgênico, vegano e sem glúten, o honokiol puro é o composto mais poderoso e ativo extraído da casca da magnólia; produzimos o HonoPure em condições que atendem ou excedem as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF), garantindo que você obtenha o máximo de benefícios possível*
Formulado Profissionalmente pelo Dr. Isaac Eliaz: HonoPure é formulado nos EUA por uma autoridade líder em medicina integrativa e saúde celular, Dr. Isaac Eliaz M.D., fundador da ecoNugenics; nossos suplementos são confiáveis por milhares de médicos e respaldados por mais de 200 estudos clínicos
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 98% de pureza, o mais alto do mercado
- Suporte ao GABA para alívio do estresse, melhor humor e sono
- Fornece suporte celular e antioxidante em várias áreas do corpo
- Feito com ingredientes ativos de alta qualidade, sem transgênicos, veganos e sem glúten
- Formulado por um renomado especialista em medicina integrativa e saúde celular
Amazon Customer –
I did not buy this product to be a sleep aid but instead for its cognitive benefits. Unfortunately it impacted my sleep adversely. What is worse is that it’s a pricey product with no refund.
S. Robin –
Ok, I gave this product a try and WOW, really like it. I have to catch up on total hours of sleep during the day because I have to help my husband who is a quadrepalegic turn at night. I especially notice that just one little capsule puts me to sleep during a daily nap as it relaxes me without drowsy effects. If I take Highlands “Sleep” homeopathy with it YES, what a great combination. No drowsy effects with this combo. I finally decided it’s worth the high price but it’s nice that I only have to take one capsule to be able to conserve having to use it up too fast. Edit… After taking Honopure last night my smart watch gave me the best sleep score I’ve ever seen after looking back on my deficient sleep score history. Happy
Belinda G. Edwards –
I got this to try and get better sleep and manage my anxiety. I slept very well the first few weeks but then I seemed to get a paradoxical type reaction which for me means opposite effect. If you don’t have that paradoxical issue these will be beneficial.
Health Conscious –
I take this almost every night for insomnia and mostly for the high cortisol I believe I have. I experience night sweats and day sweats which is a sign of high cortisol. Most physicians have no idea what to prescribe other than drugs that also do harm, I found that trying various herbs is less harmful, but at the same time takes at least two weeks to evaluate. Its expensive, but I do find that I do fall asleep but sometimes its difficult to just jump out of bed. Its the same with melatonin, however, I was aiming to lower cortisol.
Amazon Customer –
Omg not often do I rave about something I took these last night and actually slept like a log I don’t think I’ve done that in years
MarilynLahi –
I use this to help me sleep better at night. I like natural products.
LilTexan –
I have been taking Honopure since February this year. I have taken the dosage of 4 pills 2 times a day sometimes 3 times a day. ( It makes you sleepy.) I read that they had done studies on Acoustic Neuromas using Honokiol. I was diagnosed with one of those brain tumors. I will be going to get another MRI done next Friday in hopes that the tumor has decreased in size. Many of my symptoms of Fibro have decreased as well. The only problem I have is the big price tag. Initially I was getting the bottle for $66 on Amazon but for some reason the price has increased to 80+. If you go to the Econugenics website it is 100+ . Unfortunately, someone feels they need to feed off of somebody elses misery just like the pharmaceutical companies. Don’t get me wrong the product is good, but the pricing is making each pill hard to swallow. If my tumor diminishes, I will certainly come back and write a review with 5 stars.
Five-Star Rater –
This one supplement has undercut most of my allergies. 1 capsule per day gets me through the allergy season. The only allergy HonoPure hasn’t definitively overcome is ragweed–and that may be because I only take 1 capsule a day rather than the maximum recommended amount of 1 capsule twice a day.
This product has been a real life changer. I’ve been taking it for about 12-15 years. I considered it so expensive at the time that I quit using it for about a year. But nothing else I used–other magnolia extract and antihistamine products–was as effective. So I came back to this product, and stopped looking at the price.
Janna –
ArizonaGirl –
I have MTHFR mutations, specifically the compound mutation, C677T and A1298C. Insomnia is linked to the A1298C, and I do have insomnia. I have tried a number of different products but had not been able to find anything that really worked well. This product was recommended to me by a naturopath as a sleep aid, 1-2 capsules at bedtime, and if I wake up, another capsule. It works. I still don’t quite have the dosing down, and will continue to experiment. It seems gentle. I do not wake up groggy, but do wake up at my normal time.
This product is doing quadruple duty for me. I am a breast cancer survivor that remains concerned about recurrance. If you look at Wikepedia with regard to honokiol, the active ingredient in this product, you will find that it has what the naturopth described as “profound anti-cancer properties.” It is clinically proven to have anti-tumorigenic effects. So it will help prevent recurrance of cancer. The C677T is also associated with clotting problems and resulting heart attacks, strokes and other circulatory problems. Honokiol is also anti-thromobotic in effect. Lastly, I also have GAD mutations, which cause imbalances in the glutamine-GABA balance. I take phenibut and GABA to help balance against glutamine. I am therefore very sensitive to glutamin in the diet, and avoid it by avoiding avoid foods that are naturally high in glutamine like gluten, dairy products and soy, along with avoiding any MSG or hydrolyzed anything. Because honokiol also acts on GABA receptors, it will help with the GAD issues. That may be why it is effective as a sleep aid.
So it is providing me with restful sleep, anti-cancer properties, anti-thrombotic properties, and assistance with GAD SNP’s. It would be worth it alone to get a decent night’s sleep. The rest of the effects are added bonuses.