Descrição do Produto: Eclectic Institute Raw Freeze-Dried Non-GMO Milk Thistle
O Eclectic Institute apresenta o Cardo Mariano (Milk Thistle) em sua forma mais pura e potente, com um processo de liofilização que preserva todos os nutrientes essenciais. Este produto é uma escolha ideal para quem busca suporte ao fígado, promovendo a desintoxicação e a limpeza do organismo. O Cardo Mariano é conhecido por ajudar a manter a função hepática saudável, apoiando a estrutura da membrana celular externa das células do fígado. Além disso, suas propriedades antioxidantes desempenham um papel crucial na luta contra os radicais livres, contribuindo para a manutenção de uma saúde ideal.
Produzido de forma sustentável e em pequenos lotes, o Cardo Mariano da Eclectic Institute é testado em laboratório para garantir a potência máxima. Este produto é livre de cores e sabores artificiais, açúcar, excipientes, enchimentos, estearatos ou ligantes. É também não transgênico, livre de soja e laticínios, tornando-se uma opção segura e saudável para todos. Na Eclectic Institute, a qualidade começa com ervas frescas e inteiras, e o processo de liofilização é realizado para preservar, da maneira mais suave possível, todos os nutrientes, vitaminas e fitonutrientes na mesma proporção encontrada na natureza.
– ✅ Suporte à função hepática saudável, essencial para a desintoxicação do corpo.
– ✅ Propriedades antioxidantes que ajudam a combater os radicais livres, promovendo uma saúde geral.
– ✅ Produzido de forma sustentável, garantindo um impacto ambiental reduzido.
– ✅ Livre de aditivos artificiais, proporcionando um produto puro e natural.
– ✅ Ideal para quem busca uma alternativa não transgênica e livre de alérgenos comuns.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas do Eclectic Institute Raw Freeze-Dried Non-GMO Milk Thistle diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
Spazzmazz –
I have used this daily for a few years now. It does a great job at keeping up with liver cleansing by taking 4 a day on maintenance. In the beginning much more is needed to give your liver a jump start, thorough cleanse and then you can reduce the dose gradually until you find a good amount to take daily for maintenance. Everyones needs are different depending on the toxicity of their liver. My diet is good for the fact I don’t drink alcohol and I eat organic foods and grass fed meats. My main liver toxicity comes from medications. Thyroid, anti-depressant, anti-anxiety medications daily for over 20 years. Since taking this milk thistle I have found my meds work better and I feel better as well. I have many friends that take it as well and they feel better too. I recommend taking this daily to cleanse a sluggish liver and one exposed to toxins daily.
WatermelonTiger –
This is a high quality product at an economical price (when you buy the large size). It contains only fresh, freeze dried organic milk thistle seed. No fillers, no solvents, no chemical processing of any kind. If only more supplement companies would get on board with these concepts!
This is a whole food product (just pure milk thistle seed). Many companies will sell you extracts of highly concentrated active ingredients, having separated out certain phytochemicals that are known to beneficial. While this can be appropriate in some cases where very high concentrated doses of a compound are needed, I think it is wiser to use the whole plant food rather than an extract. We only know a thin slice of information about phytochemicals. When we extract only one or two known chemicals, what are we leaving behind?
Nature is very wise in making her whole foods… for instance casein (a milk protein) acts as a cancer promoter, but whey (another milk protein) acts as a cancer suppressor. Eating whole milk products gets you both. Eating large amounts of purified casein by itself is foolhardy. Some people need extra casein to treat muscle wasting, but they should only take it combined with whey, so they avoid any cancer risk. Similarly, the guava fruit contains both pro-diarreah and anti-diarrhea compounds, so if you eat the whole fruit it should not alter your bowel function, but if you eat only certain parts you will get side effects. Because there are many examples like this in the plant world, I think it is best to take whole plant supplements in general. Not to mention that the solvents used to extract the phytochemicals can be poisonous to you.
Eclectic Institute is on to a good thing.
You have to remember when using whole plant products that the dose of the “active ingredient” will be smaller than in a pill that has been solvent extracted. For instance, this brand has 600 mg of milk thistle seed per capsule, and in that 600 mg of seed there is 24 mg of Silymarin, the phytochemical known to support liver function. If you are trying to reach a target dose, you may have to take more than one capsule. But, your are getting not only the Silymarin, your are getting dozens of other phytochemicals that may not yet even have been discovered and could potentially help you. Humans have been eating whole milk thistle seed for thousands of years, noting it’s beneficial effects. You don’t have to take chemically purified extracts, you can just eat or take the whole food.
If you want to get milk thistle benefits for even less money, find a source of whole organic milk thistle seeds and find creative ways to add them to your diet. If you want the convenience of a pre-measured dose in a capsule, then this is one of the best brands.
Brandon Bubblecheeks –
My father was diagnosed with alcoholic liver cirrhosis aprox 5 years ago & was told in no uncertain terms by the doctors you drink & you will die! So he did not listen & ended up in the hospital w/3 days to 3 weeks to live-I was told to fly down there asap as I live overseas; & the two days I had prior I hit the net to see if there was anything I could find to help him…what I found was livercare by Himalaya brand; backed by 50 yrs worth of clinical trials & countless reviews. Looking through the clinical trials a person in his condition meaning your organs are literally failing, should take 6 pills per day, 2 pills x 3 a day, this coupled with milk thistle-we did 3 per day as this is suppose to compliment & really boost the livercare aka liv52 (liv52 seems inferior due to the enteric coating of red die banned in most countries however if that is all you have access to then just wash off he red coloring as most people do) Livecare was created with the same potent ingredients w/out red die for the USA market. We have upped the MT to 6 per day now- going on three months later & the results have been nothing short of a miracle!! I have to be honest when I arrived & saw the condition he was in I felt that giving him the aforementioned products would prove fruitless, but then I had nothing to lose & I am so glad we gave it to him religiously-his eyes & skin were bright yellow from the jaundice but slowly & surely his coloring resumed back to normal, he did have ascites -where the fluid builds up in the stomach because the fluids don’t drain through the normal channels ie. liver & had two draining’s off a gallon plus fluids from his abdomen twice with a month in between-in clinical trials after 6 months this fluid build up is suppose to stop.
All I want to say is I was desperate my father was dying & these products have bought me more time with someone I love with all my heart.
Antoinette Simmons –
For years I’ve read about MT’s beneficial help to the Liver. I am stressed by the slightest things and always experience sweaty, smelly underarms (and groin). Deodorant could N E V E R block this occurrence for me. After 2 doses (4 caps each), I immediately noticed minimal to zero sweating, and most notably, no funk!!! My shirts stayed dry at the armpits all day long. I wondered if this was just a short-term response, but it’s been a month of use now and I’m still smelling good/neutral regardless of stress. Even times that I do sweat, I remain funk-free. I wish I hadn’t waited all these years to start using Milk Thistle.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve been using this product for nearly a month now. I am impressed with the quality and even though the size of the capsules look intimidating, they are not hard to swallow. My nails seem to be stronger. I cannot assess any other changes at this time…will keep you posted.