Descrição do Produto: EAST PARK d-Lenolate Plus Cold
O EAST PARK d-Lenolate Plus Cold é um suplemento inovador que combina a sabedoria da medicina tradicional com a eficácia da pesquisa moderna. Este produto é formulado para ser um poderoso impulsionador do sistema imunológico, utilizando extratos de folhas de oliva e neem, conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas no alívio de sintomas de resfriados e gripes. A busca por remédios homeopáticos eficazes para o alívio de resfriados e gripes pode ser desafiadora, mas com o d-Lenolate Plus, você encontrará uma solução potente e natural.
- Potente Impulsor Imunológico: Os extratos de folhas de oliva e neem presentes no d-Lenolate Plus são reconhecidos por suas propriedades que fortalecem o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções.
- Alívio de Múltiplos Sintomas: A combinação poderosa dos extratos de folhas de oliva e neem atua rapidamente para aliviar sintomas como congestão nasal, coriza, dor de garganta, tosse, espirros, calafrios e febre, proporcionando conforto em poucas horas.
- O Poder da Oliveira: Com 18% de Oleuropeína, um polifenol encontrado no extrato de folha de oliva, o d-Lenolate Plus oferece uma variedade de benefícios à saúde, sendo amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias.
- Remédio Herbal Tradicional: O extrato de folha de neem, uma erva ayurvédica antiga, é utilizado há séculos como um remédio homeopático para resfriados e gripes, trazendo a tradição para a modernidade.
- Alívio Natural para Toda a Família: Esta fórmula homeopática equilibrada contém 6 ingredientes que expressam 18 potências, permitindo que adultos e crianças experimentem um alívio natural e eficaz contra resfriados e gripes.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do corpo contra infecções.
2. Alívio Rápido de Sintomas: Proporciona alívio em poucas horas, melhorando a qualidade de vida durante episódios de resfriado.
3. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes 100% naturais, é seguro para uso em toda a família.
4. Baseado em Tradições Milenares: Combina a eficácia da medicina moderna com o conhecimento ancestral da fitoterapia.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser utilizado por adultos e crianças, tornando-se uma solução prática para o cuidado familiar.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o EAST PARK d-Lenolate Plus Cold, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas, três vezes ao dia, durante os períodos de resfriado ou gripe. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde, especialmente ao administrar o produto a crianças. As cápsulas devem ser ingeridas com um copo de água, preferencialmente antes das refeições, para otimizar a absorção dos ingredientes ativos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Yankee –
I love the
What Cold and Flu? Everyone else got it.
Monday morning, my daughter arrives at my door with 2 sick children. “Mom, I have to go to work.”
Tuesday they are at the doctor’s office testing positive for the flu. I have a very slight tickle in my throat, and start taking Delenolate Plus, and my Vitamin C.
Their entire house was sick with the flu. One grandchild missed 7 days of school. My never sick child missed actually couldn’t even think about going to work for 6 days.
I took 2 tablets 3 times a day of Delenolate the entire time, in addition to the other supplements I take. I did add goldenseal by the Friday as they were so sick.
I was exposed, was making them chicken soup, garlic soup, and ginger tea and delivering it.
I had a few twinges in my throat, a few coughs blew my nose a couple times.
So the choices are
1. I have a great immune system.
2. I already had this version of the flu and had antibodies.
3. I am a carrier and don’t get sick
4. Delenolate Plus Cold and Flu in (addition to my normal OMG people are sick boost my vitamins) made a huge difference.
I am leaning towards option 4.
Anyway 10 days past exposure and I am still.doing fine.
I took 2 pills 3 times a day for about 6 days, then got lax and only 2 times a day then just once a day. I will most likely take 2 pills a day for a couple more days.
But so far so good.
Oh, on Friday I added the delenolate, sinus flushes and Goldenseal to my grandsons treatment. He normally would have gone into bronchitis and asthma complications. He avoided it this time.
I will be keeping it on hand.
Adding…a year later, another flu season more exposures to sick children and friends.
Jan 2018. Started taking dlenolate plus cold and flu, on a Monday immediately after finding out the kid I had been working with all day on Sunday, came down with the flu Monday morning. Wednesday morning, I had a slight sore throat and a headache. Kept up with Dlenolate plus and took 2 tylenol. Had a couple more sick friends fo.their best trying to share. Nope, I have no interest in being sick.
So another flu season with family and friends doing their absolute best to share, I stayed flu and cold free.
Chito –
This is an excellent product and my daughter bought it for us to try. When my wife got the chills, I expected this cold was going to be bad. I gave her the product and she got better in a day or two. When I started to get a cold, I took the product and I got better in a day or two. I buy it to keep it on hand for the next round of cold symptoms.
Melanie M. –
I have taken this for many, many years — so much so I got over bronchitis because of this homeopathic remedy. Really, I’m not kidding. Take it at the start of a cold. But don’t abuse it. Or it will stop working. It is just as good as a Z-Pack which I used for years. This product has my highest recommendation. I can’t live without it.
OK –
This concentrated supplement extracted from olive leaves of Olivia Europea is an amazingly beneficial and natural way to help the immune system overcome illness. Highly recommended for a range of disorders or general malaise.
Arrived efficiently packaged and on time. This has been my go-to cold and flu medication for many years, and as long as I act quickly and start taking it at first onset of symptoms, it is highly effective.
Karen Encelewski –
This is the best product I’ve found for mitigating and or curing a cold. I recently got a respiratory flu and though it lasted over two weeks with sinus and lung congestion, I was able to breathe freely during the whole thing. Previously it helped greatly to cut short the duration of a common cold and reduce symptoms. I was so impressed with this product when I first tried it that I would have given it five stars. However, having just gone through over two weeks of coughing and blowing my nose, I reduced my recommendation to four. I’ll still keep it on hand. It’s a great tool to have in your tool chest to combat colds.
Jeff Entin –
Really good product
However the price increased for about 80 % since we start to buy it.
Arlene jones –
D’Lenolate By East Park Pharmaceuticals is the best and purest solute Leaf extract available. I have been using it 18 years almost everyday …. it’s a natural antibiotic ant- viral and anti- fungal … anti inflammatory that is necessary for almost everyday immune system needs …. and definitely if you are symptomatic.