- 1. Pele suave e equilibrada: O Citrine Sea combina ingredientes naturais que suavizam a pele e trazem equilíbrio para o seu rosto.
- 2. Limpeza profunda: Com cristais de sal marinho e óleos botânicos, este produto limpa profundamente os poros, removendo impurezas e toxinas.
- 3. Purificação intensa: A cúrcuma presente na fórmula possui propriedades purificantes, ajudando a reduzir a oleosidade e prevenir o surgimento de acne.
- 4. Mineralização da pele: O citrino micronizado e os minerais presentes neste produto ajudam a mineralizar a pele, deixando-a mais saudável e radiante.
- 5. Versatilidade de uso: Além de ser um esfoliante e limpador, o Citrine Sea também pode ser utilizado como máscara, proporcionando um tratamento completo para a sua pele.
8 avaliações para Earth Harbor | Potion de Esfoliação Purificante CITRINE SEA | 60 ml | Marca Earth Harbor
Perguntas & Respostas

Jean –
I really like this face scrub. It has an oil feeling to it after using it on my face and then rinse it off. My face feels like silk, and I like the fact that it’s vegan and II really like this face scrub. It has a oil feeling to it after using it on my face and then rinse it off. My face feels like silk, and I like the fact that it’s vegan and I will highly recommend this face scrub to anyone.
This is the third time I’m ordering this scrub, it’s the best one I’ve tried for my skin. I use it in the shower every morning and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off. It literally makes my skin feel like silk all day and gets the rough dry skin off my face that other scrubs with their tiny crystals doesn’t do. Bonus It feels like I dipped in the ocean afterwards thanks to all that sea salt!
The nut –
This has got to be the worst thing I’ve ever bought. Do you want tears in your skin? Then buy this. This is going nowhere near my face. I used it on my feet and it hurt 😞
R. Marshall –
I love how this product makes my skin feel— so amazing.
Brooke –
I love most of the other Earth Harbor products (serums are amazing! ) I’ve tried but this was not it. Wayyy too rough and greasy for face- hurt to use gently. Broke me out. Tried on my winter rough hands and stung too. Will probably use the rest up as an overly priced body scrub but definitely have buyer’s remorse on this one and would not purchase again.
Stephanie –
Smells amazing but makes my skin feel super greasy and it caused me to break out… not a fan at all
Betty June –
It arrived very dry and the box soaked with the liquid from the scrub. The product has promise, but since so much of the solution was lost I have to combine with oil to make it work.
Betty June –
It’s like sand and smelly oil that you’re supposed to use on your face. I’ve stirred it and it’s all greasy. Very unpleasant.