Descrição do Produto: EAA Gummies 120 Morango
As EAA Gummies de 120 unidades são a solução perfeita para quem busca um suporte nutricional completo e prático. Com 7400 mg de aminoácidos essenciais por porção, essas gomas sabor morango oferecem uma fonte de proteína completa, contendo todos os 9 aminoácidos essenciais, incluindo L-Lisina, L-Treonina, L-Fenilalanina, L-Metionina, L-Histidina e L-Triptofano, além dos aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada (BCAAs), como L-Leucina, L-Isoleucina e L-Valina. Esses componentes são fundamentais para o funcionamento ideal do corpo e para o bem-estar geral.
- Essenciais para o Corpo – Uma fonte de proteína completa é composta por todos os 9 aminoácidos essenciais, que são cruciais para diversas funções corporais. Nossas gomas EAA, que também contêm suplementos BCAA, fornecem todos os aminoácidos essenciais necessários para apoiar a função ideal e o bem-estar geral.
- Aumento dos Níveis de Energia – Os aminoácidos essenciais, que incluem os suplementos BCAA, são os blocos de construção das proteínas, e nossos corpos precisam deles para funcionar de maneira otimizada. Esses aminoácidos desempenham um papel importante na produção de energia, especialmente durante atividades de alta intensidade. Cada porção das gomas EAA contém 7400 mg de uma mistura de aminoácidos essenciais.
- Suporte Muscular – O suplemento EAA ajuda a apoiar seus músculos, permitindo que você retorne à academia mais rapidamente. Adicionar o pó de aminoácidos EAAs à sua dieta pode ajudá-lo a alcançar seus objetivos de fitness.
- Sabor Framboesa Azul & Sem Açúcar – Todos os aminoácidos essenciais são nutrientes que o corpo não pode produzir por conta própria. Eles devem ser obtidos através da dieta ou suplementação. O sabor de framboesa azul se encaixa no seu estilo de vida. Nossos suplementos EAA são livres de glúten, laticínios, soja e açúcar!
- Alta Qualidade – Todas as gomas EAA atendem aos padrões internacionais para garantir a mais alta qualidade em fabricação, embalagem, rotulagem e operações de preservação. Testamos nossos suplementos EAA em várias etapas durante a produção para garantir conformidade, padrões e consistência.
1. Suporte Completo de Aminoácidos: Fornece todos os aminoácidos essenciais e BCAAs necessários para a recuperação e crescimento muscular.
2. Praticidade e Sabor: Gomas saborosas que tornam a suplementação mais agradável e fácil de incorporar na rotina diária.
3. Aumento de Energia: Melhora a performance em treinos intensos, ajudando na produção de energia durante atividades físicas.
4. Sem Ingredientes Indesejados: Produto livre de glúten, açúcar e laticínios, ideal para diversas restrições alimentares.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, com testes de terceiros para assegurar a eficácia e segurança do produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 2 gomas EAA por dia, preferencialmente antes ou após o treino. As gomas podem ser ingeridas com água ou sozinhas, conforme sua preferência. É importante manter uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável para maximizar os benefícios dos aminoácidos essenciais. Consulte um profissional de saúde ou nutricionista antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação.
Skyler –
A pleasant and convenient way to supplement EAAs, but effectiveness requires longer-term use to evaluate.
• Mild strawberry flavor with a slight sweetness.
• Easy to chew, sugar-free and gluten-free
• No stomach irritation after consumption.
• Effectiveness for muscle growth and performance requires extended use to assess.
It’s challenging to fully review a supplement like these EAA Gummies without long-term use to determine their impact on muscle growth, strength, or athletic performance. However, my initial impressions are based on taste and digestibility, and these gummies deliver on both fronts.
The flavor is mildly strawberry with a pleasant sweetness, despite being sugar-free. The texture is soft and chewy, making them enjoyable to consume. I personally love the convenience of gummies. They feel like a treat while providing nutritional benefits. Plus, they didn’t cause any stomach irritation, which is a big win for me.
Overall, these EAA Gummies are an enjoyable addition to the supplement market, offering a fun and tasty way to stay consistent with essential amino acid intake. I look forward to seeing potential benefits with regular use.
I received this product as part of the Amazon Vine program. In exchange for this product, I delivered an unbiased and fair review to my best of my ability.
I review products by evaluating their quality, price, and intended use. A higher cost demands better quality, while budget items can earn higher marks if they meet their purpose effectively. My goal is to provide fair assessments based on value and functionality.
Just Me –
Sarcopenia of aging is finally being recognized as a significant and treatable condition; however, it really should be just sarcopenia because one does not start losing muscle at age 60 or 70, you start losing muscle early enough that 1% is gone by the time a person turns 30! and that at least another cumulative 5% will be gone by that decade and that the process accelerates in the decades that follow, one finds a degree of shock is experienced. Now more than ever, if you are not growing, you are losing muscle mass; cumulatively even… (it might be unclear what cumulative means in this case and it is this: you do not lose 5% so that one ends with 95% of the muscle one started, it is more like 1% from 25 to 30 so one enters the 30’s at 99% and then loses another 1% OF THE ORIGINAL VALUE each time so that the final outcome entering the 40s is much worse than 95% because it has been 6% from the original quantity so that 84.8% of the original quantity remains) …So, when one reads that it is the essential amino acids that stimulate muscle growth and that the other amino acids do not stimulate muscle protein synthesis or that a specific proportion of leucine is necessary and that it has to exceed a threshold as well, the entire situation seems bleak indeed. Fortunately, there has been experimental work that demonstrates that an essential amino acid supplement will stimulate muscle protein synthesis. It would seem that there is a difference as to when, following a workout, the body reacts to the stimulus so that a younger person’s body will respond sometime between 1 and 3 hours while an older person might take between 3 and 6 hours before responding appropriately. Fortunately, the end result is equivalent which is to say that there is a lot acting against muscle protein synthesis as one gets older, however, once one gets it going, the outcome is sufficiently similar as to produce a completely overlapping distribution. In the experimental work in question, the subjects ingested 20g of EAA –interestingly, 1 hour post workout– and (scientific investigation) the aforementioned was shown to be the case. Put in other words, given that the quantity of food that must be ingested to obtain the needed quantity and proportions is fairly large, it is nice that one can obtain results with an EAA supplement. There are various problems in several pathways that control muscle protein synthesis as one gets older and given which pathways they are (ERK 1and 2, the activation of mTOR and the mTOR complex 1, and excessive AMPK activation –this last, in particular, is interesting because the main reason for AMPK activation in excess is that there is not enough ATP being produced in the mitochondria), it would seem that the muscles of an older adult have an insulin sensitivity problem and, by consequence, an energetics problem.
Overall, there is reason to be optimistic because it is probably easier to eat too many of these gummies than to eat too few. And these are the first gummies that have been strawberry flavored that I liked and that is saying something because, normally, I am not a fan of strawberries and I never thought that I would describe something so flavored as DELICIOUS! One problem is certain, the gummies are very satisfying, nevertheless, one does get something like a craving for these gummies, fortunately, there are plenty in the container! Personally, I consume post workout supplements much sooner than one hour and I recommend that people don’t wait because digestion takes time.
Skyler –
I’ve taken many other types of EAA (Essential Amino Acid) supplements through out my decade of my fitness journey so I knew what to hold as my standard for EAA’s. I can confidently say that these gummies live up that standard!
I typically take my EAA’s before my workout or when I know I’m going to be very active during the day so that I have the energy and endurance to keep going. So far, every time that I take these before going to the gym, I have noticed it is easier for me to keep up my intensity and even keep it there for longer! I have even noticed that my recovery period for hard workouts is better after I consistently take these!
Pro tip when taking these for recovery. Take them before bed and make sure you are hydrated. This will allow the body to stay efficient during the most important recovery period (sleep). I have noticed that my post-leg day recovery is a whole day shorter when I take these consistently (usually 3 days, down to 2 with these).
Strawberry flavor in gummies is usually more of “its ok” rather than “this is great!” flavor and these are definitely the latter! When I do remember to take them, its a nice little treat that brings back the nostalgia of the vitamin gummies I took as a child (except these actually taste good).
Overall, I am very satisfied with these gummies and would recommend them for any gym rat in your life.