Descrição do Produto: Amazing EAA Essential Amino Acids
Descubra o poder dos Aminoácidos Essenciais com o Amazing EAA Essential Amino Acids, um suplemento em pó que combina 8 gramas de EAA por porção, oferecendo uma solução prática e eficaz para suas necessidades nutricionais. Com 30 porções em cada embalagem de 330 gramas, este produto é ideal para quem busca otimizar o desempenho físico e a recuperação muscular. Elaborado nos Estados Unidos, o Amazing EAA é feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, incluindo:
- Aminoácidos Essenciais juntamente com Pó de Água de Coco, Vitamina C, Vitamina B6 e Niacina.
- 30 porções por frasco, 1 medida por porção.
- Não contém OGM, é livre de glúten e testado por terceiros.
- Fabricado de acordo com os padrões GMP.
- Produzido com orgulho nos EUA, garantindo pureza e potência.
Este suplemento é uma excelente adição à rotina de atletas e entusiastas do fitness, proporcionando os nutrientes necessários para melhorar a performance e acelerar a recuperação após treinos intensos. O Amazing EAA não só ajuda na construção muscular, mas também na manutenção da saúde geral, graças à sua formulação rica em vitaminas e minerais.
1. Apoio à Recuperação Muscular: Os aminoácidos essenciais ajudam a reparar e construir músculos após exercícios intensos.
2. Hidratação Aumentada: A inclusão de pó de água de coco proporciona uma hidratação eficaz, essencial para o desempenho atlético.
3. Suporte ao Metabolismo: As vitaminas B6 e Niacina contribuem para um metabolismo saudável, ajudando na conversão de alimentos em energia.
4. Fórmula Limpa e Segura: Produto não OGM e livre de glúten, ideal para quem busca uma suplementação saudável e segura.
5. Praticidade e Versatilidade: Com 30 porções, é fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, seja antes, durante ou após o treino.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma medida (scoop) do Amazing EAA Essential Amino Acids em 250-300 ml de água ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. O ideal é consumir a mistura antes ou após o treino, ou em qualquer momento do dia em que você precise de um impulso de aminoácidos. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios regular.
Breezy Andrews –
I ordered these because I like trying new supplements to mix into my daily or weekly intake. I’ve tried taking this at least 2-3 times a week. It mixes well into other drinks such as shakes or pre work outs. The flavor of this is just okay. I wouldn’t drink it by itself but mixed with other flavors to help it it’s fine.
Dusted🪄 –
Most EAAs and BCAAs I’ve ordered in the past have had no issue mixing in 8oz of water per scoop with just a simple shake or two. This powder looked fine initially, but after initially shaking it, there were small clumps, almost like when you break apart styrofoam, floating on top. Vigorous shaking managed to get most of those dissolved or broken apart.
The flavor was lacking. I would describe this “fruit punch” product as completely unflavored. The small scent of flavor when I opened the tub was not a sign of the taste when dissolved.
Given the fact that 2 of the key elements for drinkable supplements were negative, you’d hope ingredients or other factors would make up for it. The product appears otherwise to be a standard white labeled supplement with standard ingredients. Based on this, I won’t be finishing the tub.
JK –
I’ve started a new workout regimen, and to be honest, by “new” I mean I’ve never really seriously worked out in the past. I’ve been doing research on different types of supplements I can take to help with muscle growth, but in my case I care more about muscle recovery. As a vegetarian I probably don’t get enough EAAs naturally through food. The taste is great and I usually mix it with flavorless creatine. It mixes easily with water with no clumps, and no residue, and provides a smooth drink. I know I’m getting all the powder without any clumping at the bottom, because once I finish the glass there is very little residue on the sides. Just to be sure I get every particle I can, I usually fill the cup up again with water and drink that. You can never hydrate enough. This container will last over a month, which is a great value. Most importantly, it has a real impact on my exercise and recovery. I’ve noticed significant improvements in my endurance, and the recovery time post-exercise has been remarkably reduced. I also learned the hard way that this stuff really works, because when I stopped using it for a couple weeks, I soon noticed the difference as my exercise performance started to decline. After starting back up again, I was back to achieving new gains. To top it off, it is made in the USA, which is a must for me. I highly recommend Amazing Essential Amino Acids as a great way to boost your workout potential.
rhonda –
This product DOES NOT MIX and CLUMPS together, very difficult to drink when mixing with water and stirring with spoon. DO NOT RECOMMEND after having BCAA’s and EAA’s from other brands that mix immediately and provides the fuel to drive your workouts.
Nathan Swift –
The taste is decent. Of course I don’t drink it and I pretty much chug it. But I drink this first thing when I get up 30 minutes before I work out. I really like that this has sodium and potassium in it which is good for hydration. I already take magnesium which is not included in this powder. But I also do appreciate the niacin and vitamin b6 and this. Helps with my pump. This is a great deal considering the extras you get with it from just other supplements with only amino acids.
Cameron –
Do not waste your money. There are so many better products available. This stuff tastes absolutely awful.
Dusted🪄 –
Amazing Essential Amino Acids (Fruit Punch) supplement is double sealed to prevent tampering and includes a measuring scoop. The powder is lightweight and mixes well with water using my personal blender. It is an effective supplement that helps me get more out of my workout and aids in recovery. However, the flavor doesn’t come close to resembling a fruit flavor nor is there a hint of sweetness. I was disappointed in the lack of flavor but I am happy with how well it works. So I will continue to use it mixed in with other beverages.
ZacW –
This stuff doesn’t taste good, but mixes well in water, and the dosing looks good.