Dystrin para Úlceras Bucais é a solução ideal para quem sofre com o desconforto causado por aftas. Essas feridas dolorosas na boca podem dificultar atividades cotidianas como comer, falar e até mesmo sorrir. Com a nossa fórmula inovadora, você pode encontrar alívio rápido e eficaz. Os comprimidos mastigáveis de Dystrin são projetados para proporcionar um alívio imediato da dor, permitindo que você retome suas atividades normais sem a preocupação constante do desconforto.
- 💊 SOOTHE MOUTH SORE DISCOMFORT – A dor das úlceras bucais pode tornar difícil comer, falar ou realizar várias atividades. Nosso suplemento dietético ajuda a proporcionar alívio e tratamento.
- 💊 SUPPORT ORAL HEALTH – As feridas podem resultar de lesões nos tecidos moles dentro da boca. Esses comprimidos mastigáveis ajudam a iniciar o processo de cicatrização, acelerando a recuperação e prevenindo surtos.
- 💊 IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTER – Um sistema imunológico fraco cria um ambiente onde as aftas podem prosperar. Nossos comprimidos contêm zinco, conhecido por fortalecer as defesas do corpo contra infecções.
- 💊 SAFE, ACTIVE INGREDIENTS – Nossa formulação promove alívio imediato da dor sem irritar a boca. Selecionamos cuidadosamente os ingredientes para garantir que sejam seguros para consumo.
- 💊 FRESH SENSATION – Tome nossos comprimidos dissolventes e experimente uma sensação refrescante ao fazê-lo. Adicionamos 18mg de pó de folha de hortelã para criar um efeito refrescante e reconfortante.
1. Alívio rápido da dor, permitindo que você coma e beba sem desconforto.
2. Acelera o processo de cicatrização das úlceras bucais, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida.
3. Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir novas infecções.
4. Ingredientes seguros e eficazes, sem causar irritação na boca.
5. Sensação refrescante que proporciona conforto durante o uso.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se mastigar um comprimido de Dystrin até que ele se dissolva completamente na boca. Utilize o produto sempre que sentir desconforto devido a úlceras bucais, especialmente antes das refeições ou ao iniciar atividades que possam causar dor. É aconselhável não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde em caso de persistência dos sintomas.
Lynne C. –
I have has a canker sore on the tip of my tongue two now. Tried many things. I took two days and stopped as it irritated it more than helped. Ask your Pharmacist about the product first. That is my next stop.
Mindy Jensen –
I’m an avid nutritionist and I have been ditching normal methods and been doing a lot of digging into micro nutrients. I have been struggling with acid reflux and canker sores for years. I found this product in a search for pain relief to canker sores. On a quick glance the limited ingredients sounds appealing and the vitamins are right where I would like them. However my draw back is the 2 ingredients used as an anti sticking agent magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide. These have some side effects such as gas and bloating and can lower your immune system in the long run. I learned this the hard way, I only took this for one day and within a few hours i was feeling bloated and awful. I didn’t think much of it until the next morning whenever I would eat something I would get a searing pain from my heart all the way down to my stomach. This prompted my investigation of this product.
The intention in the product is great I just wish a safer alternative could be used for those 2 ingredients.
Syble J. Pitcock –
Donatello –
This stuff is epic. I guess it’s really just natural ingredients (which is good), but it’s the perfect formulation, because it worked almost immediately. Canker sores are almost as bad as a toothache, and they’re constantly painful. I’ll update this later after I see how it works next flare-up. My guess is just as good as this time.
Maryann Wellman –
David Serr –
Been taking a month or so not really sure if they help or not but I use orajel mouth sores mouthwash it does better job
Bev –
This product worked well for me to get rid of my mouth sores. I did not realize I had a vitamin B12 deficiency but I must have. I have always suffered from serious migraines headaches too, and I understand lacking Vitamin B can also be a cause for migraine headaches too. I have suffered with continuous mouth sores that were getting worse and worse by the day. I would heal a couple of them and 2 more would immediately come up on my mouth and they were very painful and not easy to heal. They were getting more and more vicious by the day, and I was using all kinds of special mouth wash for them, and Orajel and other topical gels and nothing seemed to be working for me. i really thought they were from a bacteria or something in my mouth and I had no idea they were from vitamin deficiency until I started looking on Amazon and reading about a few of these supplements that can help. I started taking this product and another oral supplement pill product called Monoplex (with similar type ingredients) and the Mouth sores immediately started going away for me and they have not come back and its been several weeks now. Anyways, the ingredients in this product must have worked for me because the mouth sores are gone now. I give it an A plus for getting rid of the mouth sores.
Jean-Pierre Salama –
This product doesn’t work it’s a waste of money