Descrição do Produto: Dymatize Elite 100% Whey Protein Powder
Dymatize Elite 100% Whey Protein Powder é uma proteína de alta qualidade, projetada para atender às necessidades de atletas e entusiastas do fitness. Com 25g de proteína por porção, este suplemento é ideal para promover a recuperação muscular e o crescimento, ajudando a maximizar seus resultados nos treinos. Cada dose contém 5.5g de BCAAs (aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada), que são essenciais para a recuperação e a redução da fadiga muscular. A fórmula é facilmente solúvel, permitindo que você a misture rapidamente em água, leite ou em suas receitas favoritas. Disponível em diversos sabores deliciosos, Dymatize Elite Whey é uma escolha prática e saborosa para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma eficiente.
1. Alta Concentração de Proteínas: Com 25g de proteína por porção, é ideal para quem busca aumentar a massa muscular e melhorar a recuperação pós-treino.
2. BCAAs Inclusos: Os 5.5g de BCAAs ajudam a reduzir a fadiga e a dor muscular, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida.
3. Fácil Digestão: A fórmula de whey protein isolado é de rápida absorção, garantindo que os nutrientes cheguem rapidamente aos músculos.
4. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser misturado em shakes, smoothies ou receitas, facilitando a inclusão de proteínas na dieta diária.
5. Sabor Agradável: Disponível em diversos sabores, torna o consumo de proteína uma experiência prazerosa, sem comprometer o paladar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher (30g) de Dymatize Elite 100% Whey Protein Powder em 200-300ml de água ou leite. Consuma imediatamente após o treino para otimizar a recuperação muscular. Para uma opção mais nutritiva, adicione à sua vitamina ou mingau. É aconselhável não exceder 2-3 porções diárias, ajustando a ingestão conforme suas necessidades proteicas individuais e objetivos de treinamento.
Russ H. –
I had gastric bypass not quite 2 years ago so I need drink a protein shake every morning. The flavors can get pretty boring so I’m always trying different brands to find that “perfect shake”.
The Dymatize Elite Chocolate Fudge doesn’t taste quite as good as the ON Gold Standard Double Rich Chocolate but it’s pretty close. The Dymatize is a little bit sweeter but it’s that “diet” sweeter. I personally prefer the ON GS flavor which is a little less sweet but tastes more “natural”.
Fortunately, I can make just about any shake taste good since I’m not too worried about calories. If it helps somebody, this is my idea of a great tasting shake with right about 50 grams of protein:
1.5 (12 oz) water
2 scoops of Dymatize Elite (or ON Gold Standard) – Chocolate Fudge/Double Rich Chocolate
3 Tablespoons of Peanut Butter
1 Banana
1 Tablespoon of Flax Seed Oil (if you’re into that sort of thing, I think it actually enhances the flavor a bit and it’s good for you)
1-2 Cups of Ice (depending on how “shakey” you want it to be)
Blend until smooth
Cleudson R. –
O sabor desse whey é o melhor do mercado, até onde sei. Acredito que funciona bem.
Honest Reviews –
I love this stuff. The price is alright and it tastes really good. It’s easy to bulk up on this stuff and it gives you the protein you need if you’re training in the gym a lot.
Rafael Matielo –
O produto (as duas unidades!) veio vencido e sem nota fiscal; logo, não foi possível fazer a devolução.
Kindle Customer JB –
I’ve tried a lot of other whey protein powders, but this brand is the best deal for the money. It tastes great, mixes well (I use either soy milk or water) and satisfies my hunger. It’s also one of the lowest carb mixes out there. I’ve also noticed that if I drink one of these shakes right after working out I don’t seem to get sore.
Let me state up front – I’m not a body builder – I’m an over 50, out of shape housewife getting ready for lap band surgery. I’m losing the weight I need to before the surgery and this stuff is helping. I was using Muscle Milk light, but it has way more carbs and I wasn’t losing any weight with it – just building muscle.
The Cafe Mocha is great and so is the Butter Cream Toffee.
Julie Y –
I’ve been using this stuff for years, and I am one of the most selective people when it comes to food and nutritional products. I am lactose intollerant, and tend to feel sick from most foods. I’ve tried a few flavors from Elite protein and they’ve all been phenomenal. (chocolate mint, butter-cream toffee are excellent!) It is low calorie, low carb, low sugar, and the perfect protein for me. Most times I only use 1/2 a scoop. I recommend using it in a blender, if you use a shaker-cup instead make sure it is high quality. The blender always works best for me.
Don H –
Good flavor. Good value. No complaints
Bsingh24 –
Ok, let me start by saying that i am NOT a lean, mean bodybuilder. Only bought this because I got fed up of eating meat (chicken, beef , lamb, seafood). Also, mainly purchased Dymatize because of its low calorie and high protein content. Recommender by a friend and trust me..this stuff tastes great!
Only disadvantage is that you may have to use a blender as spoon mixing clumps it. Strongly recommend mixing it with milk though because tastes rather chalky with water (even added Nesquick to reinforce the taste but no luck).
However other flavours may taste better than this one.
Jill –
I don’t have a lot of experience with protein shakes but after a lot of research and discussion with Crossfit and mountain biking friends I decided on whey protein. Then I started comparing whey protein shakes by: caloric intake, price, taste reviews, and nutritional value. I went with this one and am not sorry. I got the chocolate fudge flavor and mixing it with water it taste pretty good. It’s no milk shake, of course I haven’t tried it with milk, but its good. It taste better and mixes WAY BETTER than other protein shakes I’ve tried. I’ve been mixing it in a GNC blender cup 1 – 2 times a day for about a week and have never had chunks or globs of mix at the end of my drink. I think I’ve finally ended my search with this product.
Justfornow –
Amazon is usually SOLD OUT of this Dymatize Elite Whey Chocolate Fudge, so that shows how popular it is! The very best HIGH PROTEIN whey (NO SOY) that you can get – and so smooth and delicious! I wish they had this on Subscribe and Save so I’d never be in danger of running out! It satisifies for hours, reduces appetite all day, restores after a workout, and gives a pure vegetarian punch of protein, with LOW calories. Try it! PURE WHEY – PURE POWER! 70 scoops per jar.
Per Scoop:
117 calories
24 grams protein
3 grams carbs
2 grams fat
75 mg sodium