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Durham’s Bee Farm, Inc. Canker-Rid® – Alívio Imediato e Cura de Aftas – Restaure sua Qualidade de Vida hoje

*R$285.43 Em até 6x de R$47.57 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$47.57 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$285.43 sem juros2x de R$142.72 sem juros3x de R$95.14 sem juros4x de R$71.36 sem juros5x de R$57.09 sem juros6x de R$47.57 sem juros

Durham’s Bee Farm, Inc. Canker-Rid® é um produto que oferece alívio imediato e cura para aftas, restaurando sua qualidade de vida. Suas principais características incluem ação rápida, alívio da dor, cicatrização acelerada e melhora na saúde bucal. Com Canker-Rid®, você pode se livrar das aftas e voltar a desfrutar da vida plenamente.

(2 avaliações de clientes)
Durham's Bee Farm, Inc. Canker-Rid® - Alívio Imediato e Cura de Aftas - Restaure sua Qualidade de Vida hoje *R$285.43 Em até 6x de R$47.57 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$47.57 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$285.43 sem juros2x de R$142.72 sem juros3x de R$95.14 sem juros4x de R$71.36 sem juros5x de R$57.09 sem juros6x de R$47.57 sem juros

Descrição do Produto

Descrição do Produto

Effective canker sore treatment

O Canker-Rid® da Durham’s Bee Farm, Inc. é um tratamento altamente eficaz para aftas. Desenvolvido com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, este produto é especialmente formulado para aliviar a dor e acelerar a cicatrização das aftas.

Immediate relief of pain

Com o Canker-Rid®, você obterá alívio imediato da dor causada pelas aftas. Sua fórmula exclusiva atua rapidamente para reduzir a inflamação e proporcionar um alívio duradouro, permitindo que você recupere sua qualidade de vida sem desconforto.

Canker-rid? – Get immediate relief and heal canker sores – Restore Your Quality Of Life today – Guaranteed; By Durham’s Bee Farm, Inc

O Canker-Rid® da Durham’s Bee Farm, Inc. é a solução definitiva para o tratamento de aftas. Com a garantia de resultados, este produto oferece alívio imediato e cura das aftas, permitindo que você restaure sua qualidade de vida hoje mesmo.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Tratamento altamente eficaz para aftas
  • Alívio imediato da dor
  • Cura garantida das aftas
  • Produto de alta qualidade da Durham’s Bee Farm, Inc.
  • Restaura sua qualidade de vida

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade de Canker-Rid® diretamente na afta, utilizando um cotonete ou a ponta do dedo limpo. Repita o processo três vezes ao dia até que a afta esteja completamente curada. Evite comer ou beber por pelo menos 30 minutos após a aplicação para garantir a eficácia do produto.

2 avaliações para Durham’s Bee Farm, Inc. Canker-Rid® – Alívio Imediato e Cura de Aftas – Restaure sua Qualidade de Vida hoje

  1. LeT

    Bought a bunch of products after having a terrible canker sore outbreak in my mouth, was almost worried and desperate enough to visit a doctor before I found what was wrong and what worked. This product definitely helped me. Here’s are my findings, hope it helped someone:

    My canker sore situation:
    – Day 1-2: One or two sore poped up, not worrying too much. Under tounge and one near the lip bellow.
    – Day 3: Tiny sores appears rapidly by the day. Now a few are under my tounge and gums in and outside front of teeth below. Some are inside between top lip and teeth. I’m constantly aware of them. I also used some stuff that either didn’t help or make it worse.
    – Day 4: Small sores started merging into larger one, it hurt too much to sleep.
    – Day 5: This is when i have a better routine to help. I can sleep better, the pain and sores reduced.
    – Day 6/now: I’m actually a lot more comfortable, gonna resume to eating regular food soon.

    Causes (my own of course, you may or may not experience some):
    – Abrassive toothpaste, with SLS or high level of flouride for a long time (flouride itself is good): After using a toothpaste without flouride without noticing the lable, i started having minor cavities which cause me to brush harder, not knowing it also have SLS. Once I did notice and switched my toothpaste to the one with flouride, my mistake was getting one with too high of a level (over 0.7%), which for me personally, cause a lot of sensitivity, that along with my mouthwash.
    – Mouthwash contains Alcohol: Because of what happened, I started incorporating mouthwash (Listerine) and swish for longer than 1-2 min each nigh. I started having canker sore then, but thought i didn’t clean enough and would do for longer. I think this whole combination really tipped off the microbiome in my mouth so I started having more tiny ones that merge into larger sores.
    – Using 70% alcohol to disinfect sores: I was stoopid and thought it was supposed to clean open wound. Funny thing is it actually helped the first sore so i thought i was doing something right until I found out I have infact flipped the micobioms life up side down and made things worse quickly. Never do this for internal wounds (mouth)!!
    – Diet/ Vitamin deficiency (B, B12, Iron, etc): I have a mostly vegetarian diet. I’m transitioning to be vegetarian, so I cut down my meat consumption. A while back I make my own food most meals so I’m in control of what I put in my body, but lately I’ve been eating in restaurants or order in. Most time, if you sit in a restaurant with friends, you can’t choose much other than the veggie options presented. So I resorted to eating pasta or breaddy food or rice. I didn’t take vitamin supplements when I started this diet.
    – Spicy food, coffee, some fruits, nuts: The first day that I got 2 canker sore, I didn’t think they will turn for worse and continued eating spicy food, drink coffee. It stung a bit and I didn’t take notice until it was really bad. I tried eating banana cause it is soft food, but it hurts more so i guess some fruits won’t do it.
    – Stress: I noticed the combo of all that above with personal mental heal really make the canker sore worse. At one point I was worried about getting cancer cause it got worse fast. Little did I know stress itself make it so unbearable. When i got a good routine I relaxed and things got better.

    – Replaced new toothbrush and mouth wash without SLS and alcohol. I stopped using my mouthwash at the moment until the sores are healed but brushing regularly.
    – Apple cider vinegar (or white vinegar): Basically you have both good and bad bacteria in your mouth and when the bad one over populate, you need to re introduce good one back in. I used a Q tip dipped in diluted apple vinegar and apply on the sores multiple times a day. Did this in 2 days and has tremendous results, most sores have healed. I also drank diluted apple cider vinegar to help gut health, it also help my oral health.
    – Salt/baking soda mouth wash: this to replace regular mouthwash while having canker sores, you can search online to make your own. Don’t do it too many times per day cause it might increase sensitivity.
    – B12, Iron, L-Lysine supplements: B12 and Iron is a must for my diet. L-Lysine is just incase cause i didn’t know if they were cold sores (but looks like they’re not). Take what you lack but don’t over take them for no reason.
    – Improve diet: During this time, if i get food I requested for no salt, sauce, or chillies. I resumed eating meat (until i got enough time to improve my diet) for now. What helped why my sores was worse is eating solf, soupy food. Again, i had perfectly fine vegetarian diet at the beginning, life got in the way so I didn’t get all the nutrients i needed, especially while I didn’t take replacement vitamins.
    – Using CANKER-RID: I use it on a Qtip. It stings for a bit, same with apple cider but works! They also sent you some candies which is quite sweet.

    What didn’t work:
    – Applying salt directly on the sores and wipe: saw this method on redit and tried while I was desperate. Absolutely horrendous. Hurts like hell and it worked for a bit but the sore came back in an hour. Maybe they used different salt? I advise against this.
    – Anbesol: work for some but it made me nauseous both time, once i had to throw up. Only to numb, which doesn’t do anything to heal I guess. My mouth just numb for the hour, not like in a healing way. If you have multiple sores, likely you will use over the dosage.
    – Borax: I tried the 30c. I don’t know if it did much, nothing worse but nothing better. It’s in cute pallets tho.
    – Milk of Magnesia: i bought this while i was delirious from pain. Maybe I shouldn’t buy flavored one, but dabbing, swishing, drinking it don’t help. Just make me want to go to the bathroom lol.

    Gluck. Gg

  2. Khalid S. Askar

    I want to start this review by saying that this is a great product, and that this is one of my first reviews, so it might be bit different from your usual reviews. The review is quite lengthy and because of that, I’ve broken it into 3 parts: The first part is the actual review, the second part is the best and most efficient way (I think) to apply the Canker-Rid, and the 3rd part which is the longest, is about how I managed to prevent my own canker sores, which may or may not benefit you. Well, here I go!
    Canker-Rid is a solid product, in fact, it is so good, that I have purchased it for some of my friends, at my expense. I used to get cankers on an almost weekly basis, maybe two if I’m really lucky. At one point, I started having sore throats frequently, and it wasn’t until I took a closer look at my throat, that it was a canker that was making my throat sore. I purchased products like Orasol and Orajel. However, applying these types of products just ended up in a portion of my mouth being numb and not really healing the canker.

    The product:
    I finally decided to go on Amazon and search the word ‘canker’ to see what actually came up. The first notable product that caught my eye was of course Canker-Rid along with the amazing reviews that it had. I immediately purchased this product without a second thought and impatiently waited for its arrival in the mail, and having that small light of hope that this product will actually work. When the package finally arrived, and I was able to use the product, I was mind-boggled by how good the product actually works. My cankers healed in about 3 days or so with persistent use, which is amazing considering it normally takes two weeks to fully heal normally. If you’re looking to heal your cankers fast and efficiently, then Canker-Rid is definitely the product for you.
    The Pros:
    Much better than any FDA approved medicine I’ve ever tried before.
    Instant relief, you can finally enjoy food again.
    Healing time is greatly reduced if used consistently.
    Able to eat and drink normally, as if the canker is not there.
    Although most products have Pros and Cons, I don’t really feel that Canker-Rid has any cons medically speaking.
    Very messy if not used carefully and properly and it stains anything it touches including your teeth, so be careful!
    Tastes terrible.

    Applying the product:
    This product unfortunately stains everything that it touches, and it’s a little hard to explain, but I would suggest applying it somewhere where you don’t mind scrubbing afterwards. There are many ways to apply Canker-Rid on the canker, and the way I go about applying it seems to be less messy and the effects of the Canker-Rid seem to last longer. I start off by using a cotton ball and drying the area where I’m going to apply Canker-Rid. I like to use a cotton ball because it does well in hard to reach areas like under the tongue and the area in between the cheek and teeth. After the canker has been dried, I then use a cotton swab (or Q-tip or whatever you may call it), and the reason I use a cotton swab is because it is has more precision and is not as messy. I then put about 3-5 drops of the Canker-Rid on one end of the dry cotton swab (For the cotton swab, I recommend buying the ones with the plastic stick or stem so that the Canker-Rid liquid will not soak into the stem of the cotton swab), I then apply it to the canker sore for about 5-10 seconds. After doing all these steps, you can just spit into the sink in order to get all the remnants of the Canker-Rid that did not attach to the canker. I rinse my mouth afterwards because of the awful taste. These steps are not necessary, but if you want to get the fastest healing time in the shortest span of time whilst also getting the best out of your Canker-Rid, this would be the way to do it! I apply it about 3 times a day to speed up the healing but you can do more if you like.

    [This next part is not really part of the review, it’s a story haha]
    My personal experience with reoccurring canker sores and how I managed to prevent them:
    For longest time I thought to myself, is this the only cure for the constant canker sores? Is there not something that can prevent canker sores completely, or at least significantly reduce the excessive amount of canker sores that just make my life miserable? Around the time that I purchased the Canker-Rid was around the same time that I was willing to try anything to stop these cankers. My best friend’s father is a doctor, and after talking to him, he recommended that I take black seed oil for the health benefits. He gave me the last few remaining softgel pills from his bottle of Black Seed Oil (which had about 20 pills or less), and told me to take one a day, and that I may as well try it because I had nothing to lose. I would like to point out that when I took these capsules, it was just for general health and hoping to be healthy, not for canker sores specifically. After taking them for about 20 days, the cankers stopped coming, however I didn’t notice that they stopped coming until I ran out of black seed, and about a week and a half later, the cankers came back. I still didn’t think much of what was going on, but I decided to buy the black seed oil and try it once more, and after about a week the cankers stopped coming up again. I finally noticed some kind of correlation of me taking black seed, and cankers not showing up. I didn’t know anything about black seed oil or the benefits at the time because I trusted the doctor who recommended it, but I decided to look up the benefits for myself. Black seed, I found, has many benefits, but because this is getting to be a bit lengthy, I’m only going to name the more notable benefits of black seed. It naturally boosts the immune system and significantly reduces the symptoms of hay fever like no other antihistamine. When doing research on cankers and the causes, one of the main reasons is usually tied to the immune system, however they do not have an exact cause and nor do they have a cure or prevention, according to what I found. The frequent reoccurrence of canker sores could be from any of the following common causes: stress, some type of food deficiency or food allergy, and most importantly, the immune system. I will admit, I cannot explain to you scientifically how exactly black seed oil manages to prevent canker sores for me, but I do know that the constant reoccurrence of cankers and the noticeable benefits of black seed traces back to the immune system.
    Unfortunately, many people are either impatient and expect immediate results or skeptical, and with a natural herb like black seed oil, it does take a little bit of patience to see results. It works for your body and not against your body, which is why it has to be fully in your system before you start noticing a difference. I originally purchased the Canker-Rid and black seed almost two years ago. “So, Why the delayed review?” someone might ask, and I’ll tell you exactly why. One of my friends came to me a couple of months ago complaining about reoccurring cankers, the same thing I had. The first two things I recommended to him was Canker-Rid and black seed oil. I told him to take it at least 2-3 weeks to get a noticeable results. The other day he came to me and told me that not a single canker has appeared after the black seed was fully in his system, and this is why I decided to post this review. For anyone out there who has the same problem as me, a bottle is 12 dollars and worst case scenario is that it doesn’t work, which I don’t believe will happen. I know some people might be a little bit skeptical and possibly accuse me of trying to advertise another product, and in some sense I might be, but I’d like to call it praising a product rather than advertising, but I’m definitely not benefiting anything out of it. I know how painful cankers are and it can get to the point where eating anything can be miserable. If you’re looking to prevent cankers, then in my respective opinion, I think black seed oil can do just that. Try it for 2-3 weeks, a month tops (to be honest you should notice after 2 weeks but you can never be sure because everyone is different) and in most cases the cankers should stop coming. I’m 21 and I take one a day, I would say if you’re over 40 or 50 then you can or should take two a day. I have minor ulcers, not the major one, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for both, but I am not a doctor or a scientist either. I can honestly say that I have never gotten any cankers within the past two years, EXCEPT on the occasion of biting my cheek, BUT, if I use Canker-Rid right when the canker is forming after the bite, then the canker will not form. Black Seed may not be appealing to everyone, but it did turn my life around, which is why I felt the need to let anyone out there who’s looking for a solution know that, for every sickness and disease, there’s a cure, except death of course. For anyone that thinks that this review has any inaccuracies or discrepancies, then please feel free to correct me. I apologize for the lengthiness and for anyone suffering through what I went through or worse, I hope you can find your cure.

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