O Duct Flow Lactation Support é um suplemento herbal em formato de tintura, com 60 ml, desenvolvido para auxiliar na amamentação, aliviando o entupimento dos ductos de leite e o inchaço dos seios. Suas principais características incluem alívio do engurgitamento mamário e desobstrução dos ductos de leite, proporcionando um fluxo de leite mais livre e confortável para a mãe. Este tônico de amamentação é essencial para mães que enfrentam desafios comuns durante a amamentação, como ductos mamários entupidos e ingurgitamento dos seios.
Além de ajudar com os ductos mamários obstruídos e o ingurgitamento, o Duct Flow Lactation Support também suporta a resposta imunológica e a função linfática saudável. É especialmente benéfico para mães que sofrem com seios doloridos ou sensíveis, problemas de fluxo de leite ou baixa produção de leite. Uma das vantagens desse suplemento é que sua fórmula líquida é absorvida rapidamente pelo organismo, proporcionando alívio rápido. Ao contrário de pílulas ou comprimidos, o Duct Flow Lactation Support é mais fácil e conveniente de usar. Basta adicionar de 2 a 3 gotas em água, de 3 a 4 vezes ao dia.
Os ingredientes do Duct Flow Lactation Support são todos naturais e orgânicos. A fórmula herbal é composta por ervas sustentáveis colhidas organicamente, incluindo flor de sabugueiro, própolis de abelha, lúpulo, equinácea e calêndula. Esses ingredientes trabalham em sinergia para promover a saúde dos seios e melhorar a amamentação. Esse suplemento é adequado tanto para mães que amamentam diretamente quanto para aquelas que utilizam a bomba de leite. Ele começa a fazer efeito em apenas alguns dias e é livre de glúten, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados e é suave para o estômago.
- Ajuda a aliviar os ductos mamários obstruídos e o ingurgitamento dos seios
- Oferece suporte à resposta imunológica e à função linfática saudável
- Absorção rápida para alívio imediato
- Ingredientes orgânicos e naturais, garantindo segurança e eficácia
- Indicado para todas as mães e jornadas de amamentação, adaptando-se a diferentes necessidades
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se adicionar de 2 a 3 gotas do Duct Flow Lactation Support em água, de 3 a 4 vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando algum medicamento, garantindo assim a segurança e a adequação do uso do produto em sua rotina de amamentação.
Julianna –
This stuff is the only thing keeping me from a week hospital stay! I tend to be pretty cloggy, especially since having a breast reduction which means I’m sure prone to mastitis. With my son I had it a total of 7 times and always reacted violently to it- 104 fever, chills, extreme exhaustion and so forth. Anytime I feel a clog hanging around for longer than a day I begin to get super paranoid and this stuff usually does the job within 24-48 hours! It’s really saved my butt many times during my pumping journey with my daughter!
collette –
I really like this product. I was getting clogs every week since my son was 3 weeks old. Once I started taking this I went 2 weeks without any incident and when I did get one it cleared up super fast and wasn’t even that painful. The flavor isn’t the best but if you add water flavoring to your drink it is a lot better. For maintenance I’d do a whole dropper a day maybe twice a day to make sure everything was flowing smoothly. I did forget to bring it on a trip recently and I had super bad clogs. This is also easier to use than sunflower lecithin pills. I couldn’t swallow those and was cutting them open or blending them up which was gross. Highly recommend this product!
Arielle O’Brien –
If you are a breastfeeding or pumping mom that’s prone to clogs, you absolutely NEED this. I swear to you it is magic. My baby has oral ties that went unnoticed early on, he was not removing milk well, and I started off with some massive clogs that would not budge. I battled them for over a week, and I tried every trick I know. I ordered this stuff as my last resort, and only wished I’d gotten it sooner. I took it twice and those stubborn clogs drained out within 2 days. Now when I feel a clog at all, I just take some of this, and it drains out by the next pump session. It is incredible. Works faster than sunflower lecithin when you need instant relief.
I will add that the flavor isn’t the best. It’s very flowery/herbal tasting. But I put it in a small amount of water and just chug it down as fast as possible. I can get past that for instant clog relief. Get this!! If you pump or nurse, have this on hand. It works.
C. Baker –
it seemed to losses my clogs a little bit and helped one of the few i had get out after many uses, doesn’t work as quick as it claims but does help some. the taste is awful tho. tried water apple juice and cran mango juice but could still taste it
Kindle Customer –
It did not help me with increasing my production (but nothing has) and it didn’t help me to get rid of my 2 clogged ducts (that I had for a month prior to trying this, it was a last resort). I didn’t find the flavor to be as bad as others have said, definitely doesn’t taste good, but was tolerable. I just mixed it with whatever I was drinking and swallowed it down. Definitely bummed I spent the money on this but it worked for others according to some reviews so I was hopeful…
C. Baker –
So we are all on here because breastfeeding sucks so bad and there are no words for the stress, fear, and pain of trying to get this crap right. I’m a 9oz over producer who had no clue what she was doing. I was in tears this morning as day two dawned of drinking this to no avail. My output had dropped to 2.5 oz between both and my 7 week old was started to root around for more after nursing.
Along the way I’ve done the following:
Changed my flange size (I have normal boobs but tiny nips)
Doubled down on water
Two packs of oatmeal daily
Added the LaVie warmers to my routine
Massaged and hand expressed in the shower
Purchased bigger nursing bras
(Today) tried the epsom salt soak in Hakka pumps-I ruined the pumps but I saw clogs coming out like worms!
And finally: started drinking this at 4pm yesterday.
9am: I managed to hand express and pump out about 3oz and was deflated, just gutted, both boobs were obviously full of lumps and sore.
8pm: 7 ounces flew out with no hand expression whatsoever and my boobs almost feel human again.
I’m using an Elvie stride and Motif Luna with flange adaptors or smaller flanges as applicable. If I wasn’t trying to save face in front of her father I’d be an emotional puddle on the floor. Grateful over here!
Candace Moran –
This does not taste the greatest, however it actually does work! I mixed it with Apple cider and ice which helped the taste. It also helps to hold your breath if you’re sensitive to smell and taste.
I’m 5 days postpartum with my sixth and have been dealing with a painful clog for 2 days. I’m so glad it’s fixed, hopefully it’ll stay that way. I did not expect this to work so quick, however I’m thrilled it did.
HMcColgan –
Wow! This stuff worked so well for me! I had several hard lumps from clogged milk ducts that I couldn’t clear with massage and my heating pad. I took a dose of this and at my next pump I had significant relief plus I pumped almost twice as much as my normal. I took another dose the next day and similar large volume in pumping and now I have no lumps or clogged duct pain! I’m super impressed! This bottle will probably last me a long time since it’s so effective. Is recommend 10/10 for anyone to try! FYI, I wish I could take it everyday just for the volume aspect, but it does say to limit to one week at a time. Still love it!