Descrição do Produto: DSF Herbal – 60 Tablets by Nutri West
O DSF Herbal da Nutri West é um suplemento alimentar formulado com uma combinação única de ervas e nutrientes que visam promover o equilíbrio e a saúde do sistema digestivo. Cada comprimido contém uma mistura poderosa de ingredientes naturais, incluindo extratos de ervas tradicionais conhecidas por suas propriedades benéficas. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam suporte digestivo, alívio de desconfortos estomacais e uma melhora geral na saúde intestinal. Com 60 comprimidos em cada embalagem, o DSF Herbal é uma solução prática e eficaz para integrar à sua rotina diária, ajudando a otimizar a absorção de nutrientes e a promover um bem-estar duradouro.
1. Suporte Digestivo: Ajuda a aliviar sintomas de indigestão e desconforto abdominal.
2. Equilíbrio Intestinal: Promove a saúde da flora intestinal, contribuindo para uma digestão mais eficiente.
3. Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com ervas tradicionais, sem adição de substâncias químicas prejudiciais.
4. Praticidade: Com 60 comprimidos, é fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, garantindo um suporte contínuo.
5. Aumento da Absorção de Nutrientes: Melhora a capacidade do organismo de absorver vitaminas e minerais essenciais.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 comprimidos ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, com um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, utilize o DSF Herbal como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Donald A. Seales –
This product really works. I had a hard time in my life and was very depressed and sad, started breaking out with cold sores. I was recommended to use SFS Formula and it worked both ways. Even if I get stressed and start to feel like I might break out I start a week of SFS and it goes away.
Cinderellagirl –
These offer adrenal support. They are not a stimulant in any way, yet definitely feel more energy and more alert.
Anna Morey –
All Nutri-west supplements are amazing. DSF is my Favorite. Totally worth it
Chloe White –
I will never be without DSF Herbal. My anxiety and panic attacks have completely stopped. I still worry from time to time about things but this has really made a difference in my quality of life. My doctor told me to chew it in my mouth first. I will never do it again, I threw up when I did. So now I cut the pill in half and swallow both halves. Still works perfectly fine with me!
C. J. Smith –
I tried these and thought they tasted off (you are supposed to chew them up) so I contacted Nutri-West directly and was told that I was correct about being suspicious, and that they do not sell their products through Amazon, but only through licensed physicians. I only get them through my doctor now.
M. Derf –
Very effective B complex, and even better than the usual B complex. It’s pretty strong. Don’t overdo it. Best is to drink lots of fluid during and after taking it. It can clog up in joints and also heighten UNIX acid.
Erica –
I’m always skeptical about buying these sorts of things, but decided to try it based on the reviews. I didn’t necessarily have thinning hair, but have always had think hair and noticed my Mom’a thinning hair and figure this couldn’t hurt.
The first thing I noticed was that I no longer had to clean my shower drain once per week. In fact, in six months I think I have had to clean it twice. Then on my most recent visit to the hair dresser she said she was having troubles doing my highlights because of a lot of new hair growth. So while this stuff is rather expensive, I will continue to take it. I only take one pill per day.
kathyloo3 –
Not able to be shipped to Canada now …. very sad. apparently rules have changed about shipping to Canada