Descrição do Produto: DRUCKER Labs Organic Liquid Daily Immune
O DRUCKER Labs Organic Liquid Daily Immune é um suplemento alimentar inovador, formulado para fortalecer o sistema imunológico de forma natural e eficaz. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes orgânicos, este líquido diário é projetado para fornecer suporte imunológico robusto, ajudando o corpo a se defender contra agentes patogênicos e a manter a saúde geral. A fórmula contém extratos de ervas, vitaminas e minerais essenciais, todos provenientes de fontes orgânicas, garantindo a pureza e a eficácia do produto. A sua apresentação em forma líquida facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, permitindo que o organismo aproveite ao máximo os benefícios de cada gota. Ideal para pessoas que buscam uma solução prática e eficiente para melhorar a imunidade, o DRUCKER Labs Organic Liquid Daily Immune é uma adição valiosa à rotina diária de saúde.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A combinação de ingredientes orgânicos ajuda a aumentar a resistência do corpo contra infecções e doenças.
2. Absorção Rápida: A forma líquida do produto permite uma absorção mais eficiente dos nutrientes, proporcionando resultados mais rápidos.
3. Ingredientes Naturais: Com uma fórmula livre de aditivos artificiais, o produto é seguro e ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável.
4. Praticidade no Uso: A dosagem líquida facilita a inclusão do suplemento na rotina diária, podendo ser misturado em bebidas ou consumido diretamente.
5. Suporte à Saúde Geral: Além de fortalecer a imunidade, o produto contribui para o bem-estar geral, promovendo energia e vitalidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 15 ml do DRUCKER Labs Organic Liquid Daily Immune diariamente. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou sucos naturais, preferencialmente pela manhã, antes das refeições. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade dos ingredientes. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais.
Jody LaGreca/Author –
This is a powerful product to support the immune system by using intraCell Technology. This cold-fill manufacturing method enables 135 plus ingredients to maintain their utmost nutritional potency. The ingredients are organically sourced and contain fulvic acid.
This is so easy to take and saves me from swallowing a large assortment of pills. I simply took a one ounce daily serving in a liquid form. What could be easier? The good news is it is chockfull of a mixture of potent vitamins, trace and macro minerals, prebiotics, antioxidants, digestive enzymes, fruits & vegetables, essential fatty acids, bioflavonoids, amino acids, and– much more.
It gave me such a surge of energy after taking it I took a long walk with a lot of enthusiasm feeling a renewed step. I like taking it on an empty stomach rather just after a meal. The instructions say to take one ounce 6 times a week, which means it is so powerful there is one day that it is not needed at all– or it might be overdrive. The body sometimes needs a rest from something that is even good for us. I recommend this product for enhanced absorption, quality ingredients, it’s sugar & gluten free. In my opinion it is a supplement that is made to make you be your best self. My husband tried it and felt enthusiastic and impressed with it as well. I recommend this superior product.
user22272403 –
Quick and simple way to get in your supplements, no issue with taste or quality.
Customer Review –
I think this is a very good way to get a nice assortment of nutrients. Since someone in our house has a very limited number of foods they can eat we’re always trying to find ways to get more nutrients for them without causing digestive discomfort.
I don’t like things overly sweet so with the flavor being Peach Berry I tried this first over ice. It has a stronger flavor than I’d like. I tried diluting it, but the strong flavor still came through. I’m not sure how to describe the flavor. It was like minerals I guess?
Another drawback I found was that the serving size is 1 ounce. I don’t happen to have anything marked one ounce. I finally was able to dig up a 2 ounce glass jar from the back of a cabinet and filled it to half in order to measure.
The label lays out the 135 nutrients into 5 different matrices, a group of essential oils, and other ingredients. I’m not quite sure why they would group them like that but the list is complete. I also like the long list of things intraIMMUNE does not contain.
The supplement facts panel shows there are 20 calories and 4 carbs per serving. If I could get past the taste I would think that is a very reasonable amount of calories and carbs for the wide variety of nutrients.
I will finish this bottle but I can’t see myself ordering again.
MB –
It actually make with good ingredients. I also like it in the liquid form that is a lot easy to use than the powder form that may not dissolve well. But I can tell the different after using it
YogaKat 🧘♀️🙏 💕 –
This is a wonderful product. I am using it to boost my immune system. As soon as I opened the bottle I knew I made a good choice. It smells amazing – so fresh! I had researched the company and they have a very good website explaining their products in detail. It tastes absolutely wonderful and is something I look forward to taking. It feels like I am feeding my body with an amazing blend of herbs and vitamins that I can’t get from my diet.
On their website they explain how to use this product and I am outlining here:
For best results, take on an empty stomach, or just after food for those with sensitive GI tracts. Do not take within 1 hour of pharmaceuticals, over-the-counter drugs, or other dietary supplements.* Follow dosage with plenty of non-chlorinated, filtered water or as directed by your
Health Care Practitioner.
Maintenance Protocol:
– Take 1 fl. oz. per day, six days per week.
Performance Protocol:
– For maximum bio-availability, absorption, and cellular utilization, take 1 fl. oz. of intraIMMUNE in the morning on an empty stomach or just after food for those with sensitive GI tracts.
Enhanced Daily Rotational Detox & Strengthening Protocol:
– Following this protocol, the body will not acclimate to a single standard dose, thus allowing for maximum overall response, absorption, bioavailability, and utilization.
– Mondays & Thursdays: 1/2 oz., two times a day.
– Tuesdays & Fridays: 3/4 oz., two times a day.
– Wednesdays & Saturdays: 1 oz., two times a day
– Sundays: Take Off
* If health challenge exists, start with a smaller dose after food and build up slowly to full dosage, or as directed by your Health Care Practitioner.
I love this product and I am so happy I ordered it. Make sure to refrigerate after opening because it is fresh, products just like vegetables need to keep it cool
Matthew Danielson –
-Effective, both preventative and during
-Tastes like a children’s chewable vitamin. Not disgusting, but definitely not an enjoyable taste
-Very large container takes up space