Descrição do Produto: Dream Water Snoozeberry Sleep Aid em Pó
Em um mundo onde o estresse e a agitação do dia a dia podem interferir na qualidade do sono, o Dream Water Snoozeberry Sleep Aid em Pó surge como uma solução inovadora e prática para aqueles que buscam uma noite de descanso reparador. Com sua fórmula exclusiva, que combina GABA, Melatonina e 5-HTP, este suplemento em pó foi desenvolvido para proporcionar um sono profundo e revigorante, permitindo que você acorde renovado e pronto para enfrentar um novo dia.
O formato em stick do Dream Water torna-o extremamente conveniente, permitindo que você o leve para qualquer lugar. Seja em uma viagem de negócios, durante um voo ou mesmo em casa, você pode desfrutar de uma boa noite de sono a qualquer momento. A mistura Snoozeberry não só oferece um sabor agradável, mas também é uma alternativa natural e eficaz para aqueles que enfrentam a insônia ocasional.
A eficácia do Dream Water é notável, pois age rapidamente para ajudar você a relaxar e adormecer. Disponível sem prescrição médica, este produto é uma opção acessível para quem busca um auxílio noturno sem complicações. Com apenas 1-2 sticks de pó, você pode transformar sua rotina de sono, garantindo que cada noite seja uma oportunidade de renovação.
– Solução Completa para Insônia Ocasional: Combinação de ingredientes que promovem relaxamento e sono profundo.
– Praticidade e Conveniência: Formato em pó que pode ser levado facilmente em viagens ou usado em casa.
– Ação Rápida: Eficaz em ajudar a adormecer rapidamente, ideal para noites difíceis.
– Sem Prescrição Necessária: Acesso fácil e rápido ao auxílio para o sono, sem necessidade de consulta médica.
– Sabor Agradável: A mistura Snoozeberry proporciona uma experiência saborosa, tornando o uso do produto mais agradável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Dream Water Snoozeberry Sleep Aid em Pó, recomenda-se consumir 1-2 sticks aproximadamente 30 minutos antes de dormir. O pó pode ser misturado com água quente ou fria, ou pode ser ingerido diretamente, sem a necessidade de diluição. Essa flexibilidade permite que você escolha a forma que melhor se adapta à sua rotina, garantindo que o auxílio ao sono esteja sempre ao seu alcance.
Al –
Often nothing gives me a good night’s sleep. I’ve been trying all different aids but I keep coming back to Dream Water. It seems to help better than most.
In the past there has been quality problems, it seems to have got damp at some point and dried making it lumpy and hard. This latest batch is dry powder in good condition. What ever the problem was they seem to have fixed it
Another way to give your sleep aid the best chance is to eat nothing after 6pm. Nothing. Water is ok
Shannon A. Haubrich –
I am 100% sleep challenged! My sleep app says I sleep 2-3 hours of broken sleep on a good night. I have trouble falling asleep and can’t stay asleep. Dream water powders actually help me fall asleep. I take one every night, once I’m situated in bed. I chase it with a couple of sips of water. They remind me of the powered candy in fundips. They are sweet with a berry flavor. Once I’ve taken one I feel its effects within 15-20 minutes. Lightly drowsy and ready to sleep. I actually drift off! The sleep I get after taking it is my good restorative sleep. Now I need them to create something to make me stay asleep!!
JjS –
This product was sold too old and decayed and smelled bad.
The product has a limited shelf life and when this product came the powder was no longer a powder but instead a thick gummy smelly paste.
Unfortunately, Amazon smile says it is a product that cannot be returned which makes this a very expensive and unusable product with poor quality.
The Dream Water Store on Amazon has no contact phone number which makes them unreachable.
The poor-quality control of this product from the company and selling products that are too old to consume is unfortunate untrustworthy and makes me highly recommend to never ever purchase the 60 x package because the poor turnover of the product left on the shelf way too long means you will be left with an unusable product and no way to get your money back.
For the high cost of this product, you think they would be more concerned about quality control and improve their poor-quality product sticky smelly many year-old product shelf life or just dispose of their own old products rather than hassling the customer with this low quality unusable expensive item after it is too old to consume.
Jesse Williams –
They say, they being my former colleague Lawrence, that good sleep is as hard to find as a good woman. I’m now sleeping well, but still not doing well in the relationship department. Fingers crossed that changes.
KariLynn –
Sometimes, my husband has a HELL of a time falling asleep, since his work schedule can change pretty suddenly. He’s been called at 8pm the night before, and asked to be at work 5am cause someone called in sick, when he was planning on originally being at work 9am. Which, when you have an hour commute.. man, that’s tough. Sometimes he can’t get his brain to just shut down.
So, I made him take a Dream Water. And he loves it. It doesn’t knock you out like some Sleep Aids do. They relax, you, settle you, bump up that natural “sleep” hormone, and it allows you to fall asleep, and stay asleep. Since there’s no drug in them to force you to be drowsy, you’re able to wake up cleanly and well refreshed.
WE usually get 5 packs at the local grocery store for just over $5. So this saves us a few $$ adn a few trips to the store. Gotta love them.
Somtimes, since it is a naturally based product, it can very in color and sometimes they get compressed in the package. just bust it up a little before you open the packet!
Tay –
I love the way these make me sleep and not wake up drowsy. When I first started ordering they were always perfect and taste wonderful. All of a sudden the last 3 orders have become hard as rock and harder than hell to chew! Idk if moisture is getting into the packaging or what but I’d like my pixie stick like supplement back!
lizzie holochwost –
This gives me a deep but very gentle sleep, a tiny bit groggy in the morning, so I only use it on nonworking days. Oh but what great sleep on those days : ))
JP –
I love this stuff. I have been having very vivid and memorable dreams. One pack is a nice dose, but I do two if I really need to get some solid sleep. Unfortunately, usually about 2/3 of the packs need to be crushed up before you can get the powder out of the packet. It’s annoying, but I take the minute to break it up each night before bed. They should fix that.