Dragon Herbs Super Adaptogen: O Poder da Natureza em Cápsulas
Em um mundo repleto de desafios e mudanças constantes, a busca por um equilíbrio emocional e físico se torna cada vez mais essencial. O Dragon Herbs Super Adaptogen surge como uma solução natural, oferecendo uma fórmula adaptogênica de espectro completo que potencializa a capacidade do corpo e da mente de se adaptarem a essas transformações. Com uma combinação única de fitonutrientes e fitocímicos, este suplemento é ideal para quem deseja otimizar sua resposta adaptativa e fortalecer seu bem-estar geral.
A fórmula do Super Adaptogen é composta por 16 ervas tônicas de qualidade superior, provenientes de fontes autênticas, conhecidas como Di Tao. Entre elas, destacam-se a raiz de Rhodiola tibetana, a raiz de Ginseng chinês, a casca de Eucommia, o corpo frutífero do Reishi Duanwood, a raiz de Eleuthero, a raiz de Astragalus, o fruto de Goji, entre outras. Cada uma dessas ervas foi escolhida por suas propriedades únicas que, em conjunto, promovem um suporte abrangente ao sistema imunológico e à saúde emocional.
Além de melhorar o humor e a resposta adaptativa ao estresse, o Super Adaptogen atua como um modulador imunológico, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para qualquer pessoa que busque manter suas funções imunológicas normais. A utilização contínua deste suplemento, em conjunto com práticas como meditação e yoga, pode transformar a maneira como lidamos com o estresse, permitindo que enfrentemos os desafios diários com mais tranquilidade e clareza.
– Aumento da Resiliência ao Estresse: Melhora a capacidade do corpo de lidar com situações estressantes.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as funções normais do sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
– Melhora do Humor: Contribui para um estado emocional mais equilibrado e positivo.
– Aumento da Energia e Vitalidade: Promove uma sensação geral de bem-estar e disposição.
– Apoio à Saúde Mental: Ajuda a manter a clareza mental e a concentração em momentos desafiadores.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 3 cápsulas, duas vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante integrar o uso do Super Adaptogen a um estilo de vida saudável, que inclua práticas como meditação, yoga e técnicas de respiração profunda. O uso contínuo das ervas adaptogênicas, mesmo em períodos de menor estresse, pode facilitar a gestão de desafios e promover um estado de calma e equilíbrio emocional.
eric yeakel –
the product is fine, however, it was impossible to determine daily dosage from the advertisement. the bottle contains 100 capsules and the recommend daily dosage is 6 capsules. that translate to supply for only a little over 16 days. not what I was expecting.
Firefly Sparkle –
I’m not sure this did anything for me at all, near as I can tell. Also you have to take SO MANY OF THEM every day, that this one pricey little jar doesn’t last long at all.
M. –
Highly recommend! Energy levels have increased. My sense of wellbeing has improved. This stuff is absolute magic! This will remain a staple for me! Thank you Dragon Herbs!
jasmyne amy kayser –
Life changing experience. Benefits include improved assimilation of food (all types), decreased hunger and increased awareness of fine body tuning, childlike energy for sport, more filtrates in urine almost immediately (please note my diet is extremely hygienic) and replacing temptations, such as grocery store aisles, with utter mastery and dispassion.
Beginners on the energetic path may prepare for a brief, yet very uncomfortable, transition experience into the world of botanicals. Watermelon juice is extremely beneficial. High in electricity, aminos, and iron (more iron than so-called standards such as dried apricots in the amount consumed), though it is advised to also consume dried fruit and sea vegetables, in addition, in any abundance that you can afford. Quartz of fresh fruit or vegetable juice will provide more than enough electrolytes. Coconut water is a great, saturated hydrator in the beginning as well. Enjoy!
Kelly –
I ordered this because I have an adrenal disorder whereby my cortisol levels are super high from having undergone an extreme amount of stress for an extended period of time, which my cortisol levels never came back to baseline. I try not to take conventional medicines due to the amount of side effects and added things that I don’t need. So I did a lot of research and found that adaptogen herbs can naturally bring my cortisol levels back down to baseline. I searched and searched for a supplement that contained most of the herbs I had on my list and this was the one I came up with. I noticed a difference almost immediately, after about 3 or 4 days. The swelling was less, I was urinating more, my blood pressure was down. The only reason I put 4 stars is because I wish it was more potent and you didn’t have to take so many capsules. But other than that, I highly recommend this product for anyone undergoing extreme amounts of stress and their cortisol is out of whack causing symptoms in their bodies and can’t understand why. Check out Cushing’s Syndrome.
Alison N. Nikolov –
I’m really suprised by the other review. I’ve been taking it as suggested, and it works great. I used to take rhodiola which gave me a very mellow and subtle calm, and this does the same. I prefer this however, because you get rhodiola combined with other herbs, although more expensive. I’m not sure i could afford it every month. It is a very subtle… mysterious calm. I have high anxiety and restlessness, i get caught up in a million things that i feel i HAVE to get done even if they are not that important, if my list big, i have to finish everything to feel accomplished, and i give myself physical symptoms of stress, it is ridiculous.
These herbs are a miracle, i have no anxiety and no rush for anything anymore. Everything is perfectly content in its natural state, i feel very relaxed, yet very focused.
Highly recommended. Dragon herbs are an exceptional quality company.
anonymoose –
I tried this for 2 days first thing in the morning, taking 1 pill on 1st day and 2 on 2nd day. Both days I noticed a not subtle reduction of my usual sense of well-being along with a moderate increase in energy–a not so pleasant combination. I can’t imagine how bad I might have felt if I’d taken their recommended dose of 3 pills two times per day.
When I take Rhodiola Rosea at 250 or 500 mg I feel a moderate increase in energy and a not subtle increase of well-being–a very pleasant combination.
Everyone’s biochemistry is different. This Super Adaptogen just plain made me feel yucky.
MamaD –
I have been using Dragon Herb products for 7+ yrs now, starting with this particular formula. I started using this to help with the hot flashes, etc of menopausal symptoms, after having tried the traditional herbs & OTC soy formulas with no success. I am very excited that this product worked for me… my hot flashes decreased dramatically, and I felt uplifted & energized. I know this product really works as I have on occasion run out of it. I can definitely feel the difference!!