Descrição do Produto: Dragon Herbs – Frame Builder Capsules – 100 Cápsulas, 500mg cada
As cápsulas Frame Builder da Dragon Herbs são formuladas para apoiar a saúde óssea e articular, proporcionando uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes naturais que promovem a força e a resistência do corpo. Cada cápsula contém 500mg de uma mistura cuidadosamente selecionada de ervas adaptogênicas e nutrientes essenciais, que trabalham em sinergia para fortalecer a estrutura óssea e melhorar a mobilidade. Com 100 cápsulas por embalagem, este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma solução prática e eficaz para manter a saúde das articulações e dos ossos, especialmente em momentos de maior desgaste físico ou estresse.
1. Fortalecimento Ósseo: Contribui para a saúde e resistência dos ossos, reduzindo o risco de fraturas.
2. Suporte Articular: Melhora a flexibilidade e a mobilidade das articulações, ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas.
3. Ação Adaptogênica: Ajuda o corpo a lidar com o estresse físico e emocional, promovendo um equilíbrio geral.
4. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes de origem natural, é uma opção segura e eficaz para o bem-estar.
5. Praticidade: Com 100 cápsulas, é fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, garantindo um suporte contínuo.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto de forma contínua e combine com uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios regulares. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas pré-existentes ou estiver grávida.
Wizard of Texas –
I have been suffering with SI joint pain for a few years and tried my different treatments, including Diclofenac tablets and gel. My martial arts instructor recommended this formula because it makes his muscles more limber and flexible. I was not expecting to get rid of the pain, but it did. I started by taking to capsules a day. By the time I was half way done with the bottle, I noticed that my SI and sciatic pain were significantly reduced. By the time I finished the bottle the sciatica was gone and the SI joint pain was about 95 percent gone. I would get some pain in the mornings after waking up, but the pain was gone during the day. I would highly recommend this formula to anyone suffering from joint pain.
Dr. Vishnu –
I got this for a friend who had a tree fall on him that resulted in several crack ribs. This product has helped him heal much faster that he was told he would. Awesome!
I will probably take this for the long term. Within 2 weeks has helped some serious joint issues with a noticeable difference.
Demetri B. –
If taken over consistently over a lengthy period (months to years), it literally strengthens and reshapes the body. Am in my mid-60’s yet the formula has given my whole body frame greater fullness and definition than I had had before use.
Better this than some kind of steroid; this can be taken indefinitely with no bad effects (that I have noticed).
Steve Or Marva Hutchinson –
My husband really likes this product, now our 38 year old son takes it. He likes it too.
Marcus –
I feel great!
Anthony OC –
I love this product. I’m in my 30s and last year I suffered a meniscus tear which rendered me unable to run / jog / or practice my softball hobby. After a couple of months of not making any progress, I decided to give this product a try, and long and behold, after less than 3 weeks of taking it (I took it as instructed in the bottle) my knee greatly improved and I was able to jog, run and even play sports again.
I took this prod for a total of 1-month, and have not had the knee problem ever since. Sounds pretty amazing, and it is. It was hard for me to be believe this worked so efficiently for my case, but it did. I highly recommend this product.
enjoyinglife –
Excellent! As everything is from dragon herbs Highly recommend!