Descrição do Produto: Dr. Tobias Psyllium Daily
O Dr. Tobias Psyllium Daily é um suplemento alimentar inovador que combina a eficácia das cápsulas de casca de psyllium com a pureza da argila bentonita e a nutrição das sementes de linhaça. Este produto foi desenvolvido para apoiar a saúde do cólon e promover um trânsito intestinal saudável, proporcionando uma solução natural para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde digestiva. A mistura proprietária de ingredientes naturais, que inclui casca de psyllium, casca de nozes pretas, pó de fruta de ameixa e sementes de linhaça, é formulada para facilitar a regularidade intestinal e a eliminação, contribuindo para um bem-estar digestivo otimizado.
As cápsulas de psyllium são uma fonte diária de fibra solúvel, que ajuda a aumentar a formação de volume nas fezes, limpando o acúmulo no intestino e promovendo a regularidade. Com uma fórmula suave, o Dr. Tobias Psyllium Daily é ideal para uso diário, bastando tomar de 1 a 3 cápsulas acompanhadas de um copo de água para apoiar seus objetivos de saúde digestiva e bem-estar. A qualidade do produto é garantida, pois as cápsulas de fibra de psyllium são fabricadas em instalações que seguem as diretrizes de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP) nos EUA, utilizando ingredientes internacionais e nacionais, além de serem testadas por terceiros para garantir pureza, segurança dos ingredientes, valor nutricional e precisão no rótulo.
Acreditamos que uma versão melhor de você começa aqui. Nossa missão é incentivar as pessoas a se tornarem a melhor versão de si mesmas; seja você está em busca de uma saúde digestiva aprimorada, um aumento de energia ou um detox, temos um suplemento nutricional ou vitamina diária para ajudá-lo a alcançar seus objetivos.
– Suporte à Saúde do Cólon: A combinação de ingredientes naturais promove a saúde intestinal e a regularidade.
– Aumento da Fibra Diária: A fibra solúvel do psyllium ajuda a formar volume nas fezes, facilitando a eliminação.
– Fórmula Suave para Uso Diário: Ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para a saúde digestiva.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado sob rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando segurança e eficácia.
– Apoio ao Bem-Estar Geral: Contribui para uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar, melhorando a qualidade de vida.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Dr. Tobias Psyllium Daily, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 3 cápsulas diariamente, acompanhadas de um copo de água. É importante garantir a hidratação adequada ao utilizar suplementos de fibra, pois isso ajuda a maximizar os benefícios e a eficácia do produto. Para resultados ideais, integre o uso do suplemento em uma rotina de alimentação equilibrada e saudável.
MaiisLife –
If your digestive system has been giving you the blues, Dr. Tobias Psyllium Daily might just be the symphony you need. I’ve been in that all-too-familiar tango of digestive irregularity, but incorporating these psyllium capsules into my daily routine has been nothing short of transformative.
Let’s cut to the chase—these capsules work. No more spending ages in the restroom, no more feeling like a human balloon. And the best part? They’re devoid of any nasty chemical taste or smell, which is more than I can say for other supplements I’ve tried.
The capsules are on the larger side, but it’s a small price to pay for the comfort they’ve brought to my digestive process.
Adding psyllium to my daily regimen has been a relief, literally and figuratively. Feeling lighter, less bloated, and more ‘regular’ makes all the difference. Two thumbs way up for Dr. Tobias!
Si tu sistema digestivo te ha estado dando problemas, Dr. Tobias Psyllium Daily podría ser la sinfonía que necesitas. He estado en ese baile demasiado familiar de irregularidad digestiva, pero incorporar estas cápsulas de psyllium a mi rutina diaria ha sido algo poco menos que transformador.
Vamos al grano—estas cápsulas funcionan. Se acabaron los tiempos eternos en el baño, se acabó sentirse como un globo humano. ¿Y la mejor parte? No tienen un sabor ni olor químico desagradable, lo cual es más de lo que puedo decir de otros suplementos que he probado.
Las cápsulas son un poco grandes, pero es un pequeño precio a pagar por la comodidad que han traído a mi proceso digestivo.
Añadir psyllium a mi régimen diario ha sido un alivio, literal y figuradamente. Sentirse más ligero, menos hinchado y más ‘regular’ marca una gran diferencia. Dos pulgares bien altos para Dr. Tobias.
Mom in the Desert –
Does not work as described but does do half the job. Perhaps a longer time in taking these pills will turn my review around.
T. E. Denton –
I was using natural balance’s colon cleanz, but tried this. I’ll never do that again. I didn’t feel like I had taken or used anything — stools still hard, making it very difficult and time-consuming to go, not to mention causing bleeding due to ripping and tearing coming out. Use Colon Cleanz. Great Stuff. Hope they never quit making it and making it available, at least not as long as I’m alive.
Justine Weston –
I had to come and write a review because I was so impressed with how well this product worked. I have tried so many products to keep me regular and this is the first one I have really felt works well for me!
EllieS –
I am starting with three stars as I am writing this and live time. I guess we’ll see where it ends up after 14 days.
I started using this specific product for several reasons. One was for energy as I am lacking it immensely. I also started taking two other herbal items from Amazon to increase energy. Second, I have never been regular but now it is even worse since I am being medically treated and given strong doses of medication that will block you up. I normally go once a month and it always happens right at that womanly time of the month. I have no clue as to why it happens at that time but that is always the case. I also rarely eat as I do not have an appetite and my digestive system isn’t the greatest. When I do try to eat something, I keep it very small and lights and try to eat slowly otherwise I will get sick.
So, because of the above mentioned, I decided to start with Dr. Tobias’ 14 day cleanse and then continue on with the daily maintenance. I figured a blog type of review would give the best information as it is given whilst happening so I don’t forget anything that may be pertinent. Here we go!
Day 1: per The directions, I took one pill with my nightly meds. I use water when I took it as I do when I take my meds but I probably do not drink as much water as I should throughout the day. I normally take my bedtime meds around 8 PM give or take.
It is now going into day two and nothing has happened as of yet.
Day 2: One pill as directed taken with water and my other nightly meds.
Tonight is one of those nights I will not sleep. I have extreme insomnia, apnea, sleep apnea and narcolepsy. I know, the strangest mix possible. So, it is the middle of the night/morning and I have felt some uncomfort in my abdomen, some cramping. It is approximately 4:30 AM and I just went for the first time. Very quick and painless even though a lot was removed. I did eat something lately a couple of hours ago.
Sam I’m comfort throughout the day, slight cramping that only lasts a few minutes and then is gone. Nothing major.
Day 3: Took one pill at 7 PM as I am a horrifically tired. It took with water and my regular nightly meds.
NOTE: I am now much more left tire jack than I was before. I did not think that was possible. This is supposed to help boost energy as well as clans you and create positive bacteria to help your digestive system. I am very surprised that I am more tired and have much less energy than prior to using especially since I am also taking two other supplements that are supposed to boost energy.
Still, nothing much has happened. I have only gone once since I have started which is somewhat surprising because this is a total cleanse but not completely surprising considering all the medication I am on and the fact that I rarely eat. Tonight I will start the new dose of two pills.
Day 4: Took two pills with water. I did forget to take them with my nightly meds so I am taking them at approximately midnight.
So far not what I expected. I am urinating a lot more than usual. I don’t know if that is part of the cleanse as I do drink a lot of coffee but then again I do that on a regular basis and I am still urinating more than usual. I do notice less bloating in my abdomen. I am not big to begin with but now my abdomen is almost completely flat. I have had two children and since my back is disabled, I am not able to do certain exercises that would completely flattened and tighten my abdomen the way I would ones but this seems to be helping a lot.
I have had no side effects today. No discomfort or cramping. The only issue would be that I am urinating more often.
Day 5: two pills taken with water and my nightly meds.
Still nothing majorly happening. Hopefully with the higher dose working in my system things will start to get moving, so to speak.
Wow! It is now late afternoon and all of us and I had this rush of cramping and felt more like I had to urinate. Basically felt like I had to rush to the bathroom and without any pain or even trying so much came out of me! I don’t even know where that came from as I have barely eaten. I must really be blocked up high into my lower intestines! That was ridiculous but I feel so much better just after that! I literally dropped approximately 2 pounds! Crazy! I am very happy that at least something more has happened now.
NOTE: still extremely lacking in energy even more than I began the treatment. Very baffled by this.
Day 6: Took two pills with water and my nightly meds.
Since what happened yesterday, I have had nothing else happen. My husband made me eat something tonight so, I am hoping that another movements will happen tomorrow.
Day 7: Took two pills with my regular nightly meds and water.
Shops too much –
This is my 3rd order. I tried a brand that claimed to work as good for much less on here but… .it was a real let down. It took me taking three 3times a day to get a little out. Don’t fall for the cheaper brands. It’s not worth it. Plus the pain associated with this brand is habdable for me unlike taking laxatives which wreck my day and deplete my energy. This is the good colon cleanser even if you are eating pie.
Louise D. Somes –
I’m so glad I found this fiber product. Not only do these capsules contain psyllium but also bentonite clay. I used to use a powder that contained the clay but it is no longer available.
I’m so glad to find this as I believe bentonite clay helps with colon cleansing.
I’ve already purchased a second bottle.
Amazon Customer –
Everytime I feel bloated I reach for these. Next day I have a bad stomachache but I’m able to poo like crazy. Definitely recommend.