Dr. Schulze’s SuperFood Plus | Vitamin é um verdadeiro superalimento que oferece uma dose incomparável de vitaminas e minerais de rápida assimilação, além de fornecer ao corpo uma fonte extraordinariamente poderosa de enzimas e nutrientes embalados em uma única fonte. Com 15 dos superalimentos mais poderosos do mundo, uma porção de SuperFood Plus é capaz de fornecer uma explosão de energia para cada célula do seu corpo, graças às vitaminas e minerais orgânicos ricos em nutrientes, incluindo mais de 1200% da dose diária recomendada de vitamina B12. Esta formulação naturalmente equilibrada é composta pelos micro-vegetais, ervas e alimentos mais densos em nutrientes do planeta, proporcionando benefícios que promovem uma melhor saúde geral para o corpo humano. Além disso, a seleção de ingredientes puros, potentes e comprovados é incomparável, com 15 dos superalimentos mais poderosos do mundo, como a alga spirulina colhida na natureza, a alga azul-verde orgânica, a alga chlorella de células quebradas, a grama de cevada orgânica, a grama de alfafa orgânica, a grama de trigo orgânica, o alga marinha roxa dulse orgânica e muitos outros. Dr. Schulze é uma das principais autoridades em cura natural e medicina herbal, e suas fórmulas e programas à base de ervas têm sido utilizados por centenas de milhares de pessoas em clínicas ao redor do mundo, com resultados que mudam vidas. Estas fórmulas não contêm soja, açúcar, soro de leite e são não transgênicas, veganas, sem glúten e sem laticínios.
1. Poderoso Superalimento: Dr. Schulze’s SuperFood Plus | Vitamin é uma potência de superalimento, contendo 15 dos superalimentos mais poderosos do mundo. Com uma única porção, você obtém uma dose incrível de vitaminas, minerais, enzimas e nutrientes essenciais para uma saúde ótima.
2. Aumento de Energia: Este superalimento é capaz de fornecer uma explosão de energia para cada célula do seu corpo, permitindo que você enfrente o dia a dia com mais disposição e vitalidade.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Os ingredientes ricos em antioxidantes ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, promovendo uma defesa natural contra doenças.
4. Melhoria da Digestão: A combinação de enzimas e fibras presentes no SuperFood Plus contribui para uma digestão saudável, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes.
5. Ingredientes Puros e Naturais: Com uma seleção rigorosa de ingredientes orgânicos e colhidos na natureza, você garante que está consumindo um produto livre de aditivos químicos e conservantes.
Para obter o máximo benefício do Dr. Schulze’s SuperFood Plus | Vitamin, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa do pó em um copo de água ou suco de frutas. Consuma uma ou duas vezes ao dia, de preferência com o estômago vazio para uma absorção ideal. Essa prática maximiza a biodisponibilidade dos nutrientes, permitindo que seu corpo aproveite ao máximo as propriedades energizantes e nutritivas deste superalimento.
Arlo R. Lewis –
Great product. I ahead purchase again. Great quality vitamins for me and my bears (children, lol)
I just started taking the Tablets but I immediately. liked them bought the powder two won’t cure you of anything but sure will make you feel better. I think I will be taking this formula. for a long time to come the tablets are the easiest to take but the powder everyone should consider taking two as it will be immediate absorption, but I sometimes miss the powder formulas or end up not taking as much. no jitteriness or nervousness when taking at full dose I suggest at first taking half dose with food and slowly work your way. Up to the does your comfortable with at 6ft.2in 185lb I can easily take the full dose.
Sharon R — A Regular Gal –
I’ve been taking these tablets off and on for years. Periodically, I’ve tried other brands but whenever I stop taking these, issues resurface. One of the main things I notice is that my nails become warped at the ends and I’m much more prone to eczema when I don’t take these. I’ve done tons of research trying to figure out which specific nutrient (or lack of nutrient) is responsible for this problem and I think it may be B12 – or at least one of the B vitamins. I take a high-quality methylated B complex that contains very high levels of methyl B12, methylfolate and p5p B6, but apparently they’re not absorbed nearly as well as the nutrients in these green tablets.
I can’t say I’ve ever noticed an immediate burst of energy after taking them, but after taking them a few weeks, my nails and skin show definite improvements.
I’m just delighted to finally find the tablet form on Amazon! I’ve tried the powder form in the past and it’s very effective but I dislike the taste enough that I found myself putting off taking it and they don’t work if you don’t take them! With the tablets, they’re super easy to swallow.
Update: I was trying to save money this fall and stopped buying these. It’s funny how you forget how helpful something is until you stop taking it. The change didn’t happen overnight, but over the month or so, my eczema flared up, and my nails became warped, brittle and prone to splitting.
I just purchased another bottle last week and I’m already starting to see improvement. One thing I wanted to mention is that the tablets are somewhat large, (they’re not the largest I’ve ever taken but definitely not small), but because they have a smooth coating & oval shape, I find them easy to swallow. There was a cheaper brand on here I tried in the interim which had smaller, round tablets and those should have been easy to swallow because of their size but because they didn’t have that smooth coating on the outside, they kept getting caught in my throat so I found myself putting off taking them. They didn’t have the same number and quality of ingredients of this supplement anyway but I thought they might do in a pinch. Not when they choke you, haha.
I’m still working on cutting down on the total number of supplements I take per day. I’ve been trying to get it down to no more than 5 – and this one has earned a place in that list.
Candace –
Best supplements on the market in my opinion. Been using them for almost 20 years. Organic ingredients my body can feel the difference.
Israel A –
I know that this supplement is very high quality however it’s still hard to dish out almost $70 for them. Your also supposed to take 15 tablets which is a lot, especially considering how huge they are. For me though this is the better option than taking the powder form which I think tastes terrible.
I have been taking Dr. Schulze’s Superfood Plus for years. I started on the powder. I had stopped taking it for about a year as I could not manage the powder on my schedule as I was no longer making smoothies. I had been feeling pretty low energy lately and decided to try the pill form. So much easier to take! Pills are not large and are easy to swallow. I am a petite person (5’5” and 115 lbs) and find I do NOT need to take the recommended number of pills, so my bottle lasts a lot longer. Within 2 days of being on the supplements, my energy is better, my mood is stabilized and I have more focus. I feel like myself again. THANK YOU for making this product in pill form!
JohnaLee Johnston –
We’ve been taking these for years. A pure product with no fillers. And the energy they give you his incredible!
Heidi Mayo –
I have been taking this superfood daily for years. I helps to keep me healthy.