Dr. Schulze’s | Fórmula Intestinal #2 é uma poderosa solução herbal projetada para a limpeza do cólon, atuando de forma eficaz na remoção de resíduos em excesso e toxinas acumuladas no organismo. Este suplemento alimentar em pó oferece uma abordagem natural para desintoxicar o corpo, promovendo uma digestão saudável e melhorando a saúde intestinal. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, a Intestinal Formula #2 é ideal para aqueles que buscam um método eficaz de purificação do cólon, eliminando impurezas que podem ter se acumulado ao longo dos anos.
INTESTINAL MOVEMENT FORMULA: Esta fórmula de limpeza do cólon é especificamente projetada para eliminar o acúmulo de impurezas que você vem coletando e armazenando por anos. Os ingredientes potentes desta fórmula natural de desintoxicação ajudam a limpar seu cólon, eliminando qualquer contaminante prejudicial do seu sistema.
STOOL SOFTENER: Intestinal Formula #2 é um purificador forte e um poderoso aspirador intestinal que irá remover as fezes antigas e o muco das paredes do seu cólon e de qualquer divertículo. Esta fórmula única contém os três absorventes e neutralizadores mais poderosos e eficazes conhecidos: argila bentonita, carvão ativado de salgueiro e pectina de maçã.
INGREDIENTES NATURAIS: Composto por argila bentonita, carvão ativado de salgueiro, pectina de maçã, raiz de marshmallow, semente de psyllium e semente de linhaça, este suplemento herbal é projetado para absorver e limpar seu cólon de mais de 3.000 impurezas conhecidas.
REMEDIAÇÃO ORGÂNICA: Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 1 colher de chá cheia 5 vezes ao dia. Por favor, note que este produto é uma fórmula natural de volume e fibra e pode ter um efeito laxante. Beba bastante água com cada dose e siga cuidadosamente as instruções no rótulo.
NÃO-OGM E SEM GLÚTEN: Orgânico, colhido na natureza e feito com os ingredientes herbais de mais alta qualidade para apoiar um estilo de vida saudável, nosso pó Intestinal Formula #2 é 100%% sem glúten e não-OGM. Também não contém soja, açúcar, laticínios, soro de leite ou quaisquer ingredientes artificiais.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Limpeza eficaz do cólon: A fórmula do Intestinal Formula #2 é especialmente projetada para eliminar as impurezas acumuladas no cólon, proporcionando uma limpeza eficaz.
- Ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade: Composto por ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, este suplemento herbal é seguro e eficaz para a desintoxicação do cólon.
- Remédio orgânico: O Intestinal Formula #2 é feito com ingredientes orgânicos, colhidos na natureza, garantindo um produto de qualidade e livre de substâncias químicas prejudiciais.
- Sem glúten e não-OGM: Este produto é livre de glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados, tornando-o adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares específicas.
- Recomendado pela Vitaminer Shop: A Vitaminer Shop é uma loja confiável e renomada, que recomenda o Intestinal Formula #2 como uma opção confiável para a limpeza do cólon.
- Promove uma digestão saudável, aliviando desconfortos intestinais.
- Remove toxinas e resíduos acumulados, melhorando a saúde geral.
- Contribui para a regularidade intestinal, facilitando o trânsito intestinal.
- Utiliza ingredientes naturais e orgânicos, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
- Ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável e livre de produtos químicos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, tome 1 colher de chá cheia do Intestinal Formula #2 5 vezes ao dia. Este produto é uma fórmula natural de volume e fibra, portanto, pode ter um efeito laxante. Certifique-se de beber bastante água com cada dose e siga cuidadosamente as instruções no rótulo do produto. A hidratação adequada é essencial para maximizar os benefícios da desintoxicação e garantir um funcionamento intestinal saudável.
Caren Gazley –
Dr. Schulze’s products are excellent. They work. Three of us in the family have done the cleanses and we felt better.
Amazon Customer –
all cleansing formulas, plus the superfood are excellent and make you feel a lot better.
Bdstieb –
Amazing cleanse!!! 3rd time doing it. We do it every 6 months in our house. My husband even loves to do this cleanse. You feel full and notice the energy and you can still eat. The cleaner you eat the better the cleanse is for you. We have felt so good after every cleanse we do. We love it! You must try it!
Dan or his Wife –
I’m fascinated by this stuff. If you’re reading this review, you already know what you are looking for. You want to know if it works. It does exactly what Dr. Schulze claims it does. (Visit his website for more info.) A few doses of this stuff will help with minor problems like food poisoning or a parasite. If you are really in need of some heavy-duty cleansing like most people who follow the ‘Great American Diet’, then use a whole jar within a week. It plows right through your system, taking along lots of junk with it. If it seems to clog anything up – this is proof you needed help – then just take some of the #1 formula OR drink some ‘smooth move’ tea, or take other natural senna products. Also, saline enemas are advised in Dr. Schulze’s books, because what the #2 formula does is remove all the OLD & DRY stuff from your intestinal tract. Of course, drink lots of water to prevent clogging. It does NOT dilute the formula. The formula’s clay is the key ingredient. The other herbs also “draw” the toxic, deadly ‘things’ from your gut, but the clay draws it, binds it and delivers it in a nice black flax seed covered package. The only thing it doesn’t have is a ribbon bow! I add extra flax seed (Bob’s Red Mill) to my formula. Because I *think* it aids in scrubbing, as well as providing a more laxative effect. Besides, the flax seeds in the liquid tend to stick to the sides of the jar. A glass jar with a lid is the best mixer for your drink. You can shake it until it’s foamy and then guzzle it. Stirring does not work well, neither do plastic containers. The taste is fine, especially with some juice. It mixes well, but starts to fluff if you wait too long to drink it all down, especially when you’re using tap water. Distilled water is recommended. After all, you want the formula to pull the junk from your colon not just pull all the junk from your tap water. Dr. Schulze has some recommendations for when to take your five doses for optimum results, but the formula is pretty forgiving. Personally, I felt the best when I fasted and just had the formula with juice and that is closer to Dr. Schulze’s recommendations. It stands to reason that If the formula doesn’t have to work on taking the junk out of the food you’ve consumed, then it can work more efficiently on the encrusted evil in your intestines and bowel.
I am surprised at myself for being fascinated with this stuff. There are few things that I would openly recommend to friends. This, I would recommend. I HAVE recommended it! It is rather exciting to realize that this formula REALLY HELPS people! The subject is a bit difficult to bring up and talk about, so I would simply say what Dr. Schulze says – no matter WHAT health problem you have (cancer, depression, diabetes, immune system disorders, lymphatic system disorders, problems with ANY organ) START WITH A BOWEL CLEANSE! This Formula #2 works. Buy one jar for yourself and 1 jar for someone you love.
herbluv –
I’m a big fan of Dr. Schulze. My father used kidney detox and colon detox, and now he’s drug free at the age of 68! Anyway, my review is about this seller, who is utterly irresponsible. The item arrived damaged. Simply because it was wrapped in a thin bubble wrap. These glass jars are heavy and the bottom glass was broken! No to mention, the powder was spilled in an envelop and the white envelope was half green for the contents! I asked for return, but after a few days, the sender closed my claim without saying any word. I would never order from this seller again. If you’d like to purchase Dr. Schulze’s product, buy from another seller!
LB –
This product is difficult to drink so 5 times a day I couldn’t. I could only drink 2 times the 1st day and 2 pills of Formula 1. I gave 3 stars cause it works with the Formula 1 but taste is terrible.
Pampeliska –
I like the idea of using clay internally for detoxification/re-mineralization, and have done so over the years repeatedly, with quite a success.
The reason I like Dr. Schulze’s formula even more is – it contains several great ingredients on top of bentonite clay (such as marshmallow root, slippery elm, activated charcoal, etc…) so the effect is magnified.
When using, make sure you read and follow the directions – mainly your bowel must be moving regularly. The clay has a tendency to slow down bowel movement when you initially start using it (as it absorbs crud from your intestines, it becomes more dense and compact, which could potentially lead to constipation, which in turn defeats the whole purpose for internal cleansing).
Definitely recommended!
Matthew Ogiwara –
I was having pain in my stomach, throwing up bile, and had small very difficult bowel movements up to 7 times per day for the 3rd time this year. I have a history of bowel problems. Last one in November, I was in the hospital for 12 hours and had all kinds of tests and the so called “doctors” could not find the cause but gave me antibiotics anyway. Now thanks to those antibiotics I can’t feel 2 of my fingers (nerve damage). This time (Feb 2017) my wife said to try Dr. Schulze, so I did. My “diverticulitis” suddenly stopped. I stopped throwing up, my stomach was no longer on fire. My stools became less frequent (back to normal) but they were dark and heavy, sinking to the bottom of the toilet. I could actually see it was pulling toxins from my body. If your bowels are already healthy this will help clean them. If you have real problems in your bowels this is a life saver.