Descrição do Produto:
O Dr Natura Colonix Intestinal Cleanser é um limpador intestinal natural e diário, formulado para apoiar a saúde do cólon, intestinos e intestino. Com uma mistura exclusiva de ervas e fibras dietéticas, rica em nutrientes essenciais, este produto ajuda a dissolver e absorver toxinas, eliminando-as do corpo. Além disso, a fibra presente na fórmula auxilia na limpeza do cólon de acúmulos tóxicos e minimiza a formação de novos acúmulos, promovendo o crescimento de bactérias benéficas e um sistema digestivo mais saudável. Este limpador de cólon contém mais de 40 ervas que melhoram efetivamente a saúde do intestino, eliminando as prejudiciais com o nosso pó de casca de psyllium totalmente natural. Nossos produtos são vegetarianos, sem glúten, sem laticínios e não transgênicos, utilizando apenas ingredientes naturais e derivados de plantas. Além disso, não contêm sabores, cores e conservantes artificiais. Também oferecemos uma formulação livre de açúcar, sal e levedura para um pó de limpeza de cólon mais seguro.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Limpeza Intestinal Natural: O Dr Natura Colonix Intestinal Cleanser é uma opção natural e eficaz para limpar o cólon e promover a saúde intestinal.
- 2. Fibra Rica em Nutrientes: A mistura de ervas e fibras dietéticas deste produto é rica em nutrientes essenciais, proporcionando benefícios adicionais para o corpo.
- 3. Suporte à Digestão Ótima: Ao limpar o cólon de acúmulos tóxicos e promover o crescimento de bactérias benéficas, este limpador intestinal ajuda a melhorar a função digestiva.
- 4. Ingredientes Naturais e Livres de Alérgenos: O Dr Natura Colonix Intestinal Cleanser é vegetariano, sem glúten, sem laticínios e não transgênico, adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
- 5. Melhoria da Saúde Gastrointestinal: Com mais de 40 ervas que promovem a saúde do intestino, este produto ajuda a eliminar toxinas e melhorar a saúde geral do sistema gastrointestinal.
O Dr Natura Colonix Intestinal Cleanser oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de saúde. Primeiramente, promove uma limpeza intestinal eficaz, eliminando toxinas acumuladas que podem afetar seu bem-estar. Em segundo lugar, a rica composição em fibras ajuda a regular o trânsito intestinal, prevenindo constipação e desconfortos. Terceiro, a presença de ervas benéficas contribui para um ambiente intestinal saudável, favorecendo a flora intestinal. Quarto, a formulação livre de alérgenos torna o produto acessível a uma ampla gama de consumidores, incluindo aqueles com restrições alimentares. Por fim, a desintoxicação regular pode resultar em mais energia e vitalidade, melhorando a qualidade de vida no dia a dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de sopa do Dr Natura Colonix Intestinal Cleanser em um copo de água ou suco. Beba imediatamente e siga com um copo adicional de líquido. Recomenda-se tomar uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer programa de desintoxicação ou suplementação, garantindo assim que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
Kacy Chicoine –
It works. VERY WELL. I enjoy the taste and texture, as long as you drink it quickly. Although, I have a oddly high tolerance for unpalatable food and drink.
I’ve done this twice in my life now. Once when I was 25, again at 35. Both times Ive felt 10 pounds lighter, and just better overall.
P.S It doesn’t give you the runs. I promise. It expands in your intestines and basically pushes any “leftovers” out.
Again, amazingly effective stuff.
Kathleen Disa –
This stuff will pull out the hardened mucus in your gut! Nothing else I have ever tried has gotten out that hardened stuff. If it is your first time be sure to use the herbs to kill all the bacteria while cleansing or you can get really sick as all that stuff is released. I mean really sick. Follow the program and use the fiber utntil you see fresh mucus coming out. It took me Two months the first time. Your stomach will go down or if it is hard will soften up. Highly recommend. Google mucous plaque to see what will be coming out of you!!! The first time you take it it will take about a week to start going to the bathroom. It is normal. It has to go through a lot of hardened plaque and release it. I know that when I take the fiber and within 5 hours I go to the bathroom nice and clear….I am cleaned out. It takes a scoop and a half for me to get the plaque out. Experiment what works for you. Also, works best on an empty stomach.
Wayne –
I have been using this product for over 2 decades. I have tried many and none work like this product does. But… you have to chase it down with a bottle of water (17oz) or a large glass of water for best results. You will then have large poops a day or two later that look like the shape of your colon. I truly believe this really helps take care of lower back pains.
M. Kelley –
I like this product a lot and it really seems to work. My only reason for not giving it 5 stars is that I feel it is overpriced. It used to be around $30 and now it’s around $50. I still buy it, but not as much as I used to or would like.
I am adding to this review. I just found out you can order directly from the company for $31.00 a container.
Amazon Customer –
The fiber is amazing. I never have trouble with bowel movements or going regularly like clockwork even without the fiber, but taking it changes the whole poop experience. Not to be gross but it is exciting to see what comes out. You will be proud…lol.
Honestly though, it works amazing and you will realize how bloated you feel without taking flattens your tummy and you may notice energy change within days. At least I did. I have been taking it on and off for about 7 or 8 years now but at 47, i am not taking it more often and perhaps will maintain it regularly. It really works well.
CabinLife –
Be prepared to send amazing poo pix to all your friends and loved ones!! Been going this every 3 years or so………so much fun. Highly recommend 3 months for you first timers or ones with serious issues. I do one month for periodic gut maintenance.
Tess –
I wanted to try a colon cleanse but was overwhelmed with all the products on the market claiming this or that. So I did a search for a colon cleanse for women over 40 and DrNatura came up in the results. It was rated 8 out of 15 of which I thought was pretty good. I then found on Amazon and read the reviews…the “Verified” reviews. Made my purchase on April 1st…received my products (Colonix and Toxinout) on April 3rd.
DISCLAIMER: I do not work for this company nor my results will be your results. I do not recommend anyone that has a chronic illness/disease to stop using your prescribed medications. I am only stating my results since using Colonix and Toxinout.
I am asthmatic and have Lyme disease. I started using Colonix and Toxinout April 5th, after using for a few days I noticed my headaches were gone. I never had a problem going to the bathroom, using this product made more come out. It also curbed my appetite a great deal. By the end of my first week, I could not believe how great I felt. No more aches and pains from the Lyme and my asthma has also improved greatly. Prior to taking this product at least 1-2 times a week had to have a breathing treatment (nebulizer) as well as using my preventive inhaler 2x a day. Two weeks later, I’ve not had a breathing treatment in over a week. The preventive inhaler seems to be working a lot better whenever I take it now. I am sleeping more soundly…memory improved…energy level is way up. Oh I no longer drink coffee and I didn’t suffer from caffeine headache withdrawals. Because I am feeling great/healthier overall now able to workout 2x a day…morning and after work. Also looking forward to taking the bikes out and rollerblading 🙂
I told my husband, I have to find a way to keep this as part of my daily supplement as I can’t imagine going back to aches and pains, stiffness, fatigue, headaches, and constant shortness of breath. This product is amazing! I’ve been telling family/friends and colleagues how great this product is, all have requested the name of this wonderful product.
Viet Tran –
I did a three month cleanse over ten yrs ago with this brand and now I am returning to it to begin another minor cleaning. Much better than metamucil or anything else. Texture and flavor wise it’s less offensive. Makes #2 very quick and effortless. Recommended highly. Will adopt this permanently in my daily routine.