Dr. Mercola Pure Power Electrolytes – Sabor Melancia Pepino é um produto inovador que se destaca no mercado de nutrição esportiva. Com 145,6 g de pura potência em eletrólitos, cada embalagem contém 30 porções, oferecendo uma solução prática e eficaz para a hidratação. Com apenas 5 calorias e 0g de açúcar por porção, este pó é ideal para quem busca manter a forma sem abrir mão do sabor. A combinação refrescante de melancia e pepino não só agrada ao paladar, mas também proporciona uma experiência de hidratação única.
A fórmula foi meticulosamente desenvolvida para garantir a reposição de eletrólitos essenciais, incluindo Magnésio, Cloreto, Sódio e Potássio, provenientes de fontes naturais como Dimagnésio Malato, Sal Marinho Real, Água de Coco e Bicarbonato de Potássio. Essa combinação não apenas ajuda a manter os níveis saudáveis de fluidos durante e após atividades físicas, mas também é perfeita para aqueles momentos em que a água não é suficiente. O produto é certificado pela NSF International, garantindo que você consome apenas o que está impresso no rótulo, elevando o padrão de qualidade na nutrição esportiva.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Hidratação ideal durante e após o exercício
- Fórmula com eletrólitos essenciais para manter os níveis de fluidos saudáveis
- Apenas 5 calorias, 1g de carboidratos e 0g de açúcar por porção
- Sabor refrescante de melancia e pepino
- Certificado para Esportes pela NSF International
Dr. Mercola Pure Power Electrolytes oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de hidratação. Primeiramente, a hidratação ideal durante e após o exercício é garantida, ajudando a prevenir a desidratação. A fórmula rica em eletrólitos essenciais mantém os níveis de fluidos saudáveis, promovendo um desempenho físico otimizado. Com apenas 5 calorias e 0g de açúcar, é uma opção saudável que se encaixa em qualquer dieta. O sabor refrescante de melancia e pepino torna a experiência de hidratação mais agradável, enquanto a certificação NSF International assegura a qualidade e a segurança do produto. Por fim, a conveniência de um pó que pode ser facilmente misturado com água torna a hidratação prática e acessível em qualquer lugar.
Para obter o máximo de benefícios de Dr. Mercola Pure Power Electrolytes, misture um pacote do produto em 8-16 onças de água. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. É recomendado consumir a bebida durante ou após o exercício físico para garantir uma hidratação ideal. Não exceda a dose recomendada para manter a eficácia do produto e a saúde do seu corpo.
jjoy9 –
I got the watermelon in spite of people complaining about taste. I almost paid more for the lemon as I love all things lemon but I didn’t want to spend that much. To my surprise, the watermelon cucumber is superb! I ordered it for 2 family members so far. First off it was very different when I compared it to everything. To the person who mentioned the citric acid, they should do more research before that because it almost deterred me I went to Dr. Mercola’s website and it says NO GMO is used in their product. Problem solved. Then I liked the magnesium that was used in this versus others. I did see more potassium in other products but I already take that in supplement form so for me this was worth the try. I felt that the more potassium in the other product that had less of everything else by a lot wasn’t what I wanted to try first. So far, this watermelon flavor is wonderful. I add it to a partially drank 20 oz water bottle and so maybe I’m diluting it just a bit but the flavor is very alive for lack of better description. Not fake in my opinion although it does remind me of watermelon gum I chewed as a child. To me it’s refreshing and satisfying. I am drinking more water because I want to get this down once I taste it. Thank you Dr. Mercola. I’m hoping no swelling or fluid retention for my mom that is in her 80s. Will update if that happens.
Lady –
Has low % of electrolytes. Way too fake and sweet. Absolutely undrinkable. I don’t think I’ll even share with friends.
R.M. James –
I’m very conflicted about this product. On the one hand, the electrolytes work faster and better than any other formulation I’ve ever tried. On the other hand, it contains citric acid, which is generally made from additive-laden GMO corn and is an irritant. Being a product by Dr. Mercola, I am very surprised to see citric acid in the ingredients list as well as silicon dioxide AND “natural flavors” which is usually a catch-all term for all kind of once-natural, now highly processed chemicals, including MSG. The flavor tastes artificial to me.
Organic citric acid does exist but is not that much better – and as this was not labled as such, I can only assume that it is ordinary citric acid derived from GMO corn. The stevia IS marked organic.
The other reason I’m conflicted is because my first sip was nauseating! I then forced a few more gulps down and got about a cupful down, but absolutely could not finish the full 16 oz. I stood at the sink waiting to see if it was going to come up or if my stomach would settle. Thank goodness it settled. Just as I was about to throw the box into the trash, the electrolytes started to take effect. To my utter surprize, the fatigue from my worksout began to lift, my mind cleared and my muscles relaxed. I thought I was imagining it, but over the next 10 minutes, I felt my energy restore itself and my body coming out of exhaustion.
I tested it several more times. Each time it worked a little less effectively, but it still had a distinct effect. I just wish it was a truly more natural product without the additives.
Bree –
Great for hiking or working out in the heat .
It’s the only product that actually hydrates me
Jen –
The mix is so sweet it is not drinkable. I have a sweet tooth, and I can’t tolerate this.
David –
Taste good clean ingedients so don’t have to worry bout unhealthy additives
Karen J –
It tastes like it has artificial sweetner in it.
Not worth the money spent
Barren Regions –
I didn’t really like these. The flavor was OK. They tasted like coconut, and they weren’t too sweet. It didn’t taste overly salty to me. They really didn’t make me feel better or give me a better sense of well-being. And like another reviewer said, I don’t see the Dr. Mercola brand name listed anywhere on the packaging. It’s possible they’re one and the same, but you wouldn’t know it from the package alone. Not my favorite.