Nossa linha de produtos Dr. Mercola apresenta o Complete Probiotics, uma fórmula completa e altamente eficaz que contém 10 cepas de bactérias benéficas excepcionalmente nutritivas e equilibradoras para o seu microbioma*. Com 70 bilhões de UFC (Unidades Formadoras de Colônias) por porção, este probiótico é altamente potente e de longa duração, oferecendo suporte à saúde digestiva, imunológica e a uma resposta inflamatória saudável*.
Uma das características únicas do nosso blend de probióticos é que ele não requer refrigeração, graças às cápsulas patenteadas de liberação retardada, que fornecem uma camada extra de proteção contra os ácidos estomacais agressivos. Isso garante que as bactérias benéficas cheguem ao intestino delgado, onde podem exercer seus efeitos positivos.
Além disso, o Complete Probiotics é certificado pelo NSF, um terceiro independente, para garantir a qualidade, segurança e eficácia do produto. Essa certificação reforça o compromisso do Dr. Mercola em fornecer produtos da mais alta qualidade para a saúde e o bem-estar dos consumidores.
Desenvolvido com você em mente, os produtos formulados pelo Dr. Mercola são feitos apenas com ingredientes que atendem aos nossos rigorosos padrões de qualidade premium. Desde 1997, somos uma fonte confiável de saúde natural, e nosso Complete Probiotics é mais uma prova do nosso compromisso em oferecer produtos de excelência.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Suporte ao microbioma: As 10 cepas de bactérias benéficas presentes no Complete Probiotics ajudam a nutrir e equilibrar o microbioma, promovendo uma saúde digestiva ideal*.
2. Saúde digestiva: Com 70 bilhões de UFC por porção, este probiótico altamente potente oferece suporte à saúde digestiva, ajudando a melhorar a absorção de nutrientes e a regularidade intestinal*.
3. Fortalecimento imunológico: O Complete Probiotics também suporta a saúde imunológica, fortalecendo as defesas naturais do organismo e ajudando a prevenir infecções e doenças*.
4. Resposta inflamatória saudável: A fórmula do Complete Probiotics auxilia na manutenção de uma resposta inflamatória saudável, contribuindo para o equilíbrio do sistema imunológico*.
5. Qualidade garantida: Certificado pelo NSF, o Complete Probiotics passa por rigorosos testes de qualidade, segurança e eficácia, garantindo um produto confiável e de alta qualidade.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomendamos tomar 1 cápsula do Complete Probiotics por dia, de preferência com o estômago vazio ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
Experimente o Complete Probiotics da Dr. Mercola e descubra os benefícios de um microbioma saudável e equilibrado para a sua saúde digestiva e imunológica.
lindsay w. –
Highly recommended by our Chiropractor. Use periodically to promote better gut flora…
Kristina –
I looked into taking a pro-biotic because i was having problems going. I was having some gas and constant uti and yeast infections. I have only been taking this for about 2 weeks and already i notice a big difference. Its easier for me to go and i go more fully. my gas is easier to pass and i havent noticed any adverse effects. This was one of the only ones that had this many different strands of bacteria and includes a pre biotic which is food for the bacteria. Also because of being acid and bile resistant these stay in your system longer. Also i found his informational videos very informational and helpful for me to understand why its so imperative to keep your gut healthy and in balance. I highly recommend these.
Ann –
These are my fav probiotics
Mitchell W. Riggins –
I have been researching probiotics for about a year or so. I felt the need to be proactive after experiencing increasing digestive issues (sour stomach, ect.). I started out with a cheaper probiotic that I purchased from Walgreen Drugs (Finest brand), which promptly gave me a terrible case of super-high-intensity-turbo-farts. I then graduated to a 50 Billion-count probiotic manufactured by Jarrow. I believe it was Jarrow’s “Jarro-Dophilus” formula. I had good results from this product, but it required refrigeration and I wasn’t sure if the product had been properly stored prior to my receiving it. Let’s face it, from the time of manufacture, then time spent in shipping, then sitting in a distributor’s warehouse, then being processed during the ordering process, then the shipping time to my house …. I find it hard to believe that the proper cold temperature was maintained all during that time. I figured that by the time it was in my hands that most of the 50-billion active cultures were dead. I then researched some more and found Dr. Mercola’s Complete Probiotics. One big drawback to Dr. Mercola’s product was the in-your-face marketing approach he uses to hawk his products to the public … kinda like an old-school snake-oil salesman. Aside from that, his Complete Probiotic had good reviews and contained the Lactobacillus Acidophilus DDS-1 strain, which I know to be essential and not found in many other probiotic products. Complete Probiotics calls for a dose of two 35-billion-strength capsules per day = 70 billion. That’s a lot, but I found that I (surprisingly) tolerated the high dose comfortably. with no adverse effects. Within days I was feeling noticeably better in my digestive tract and and eating, without any problems at all, the spicy, delicious Mexican foods that I had to previously avoid. I also discovered that I was sleeping better, without having to jump out of bed with the occasional problem of “bowelis-interuptus.” Another unexpected benefit I discovered (and I attribute this to Dr. Mercola’s Complete Probiotics) is an improvement in my blood glucose levels. Since going through extensive chemotherapy a few years ago, I developed Type II Diabetes. It’s been a struggle to keep my glucose levels in check, but a recent visit with my doctor showed a marked overall improvement in my lab reports. Of course, the only change I had made was my daily use of Dr. Mercola’s Complete Probiotics, so it is only logical for me to give it all the credit. Another good thing about Dr. Mercola’s Complete Probiotic is the fact that it does NOT have to be refrigerated. That gives me a comfort level that I did not have with the Jarrow product since I felt that most all of the active cultures were still living and viable. Overall, I am very happy with Dr. Mercola’s Complete Probiotic and I am about to order more. Yes, it is one of the more quality probiotic products on the market and I highly recommend it.
mya –
I’m quite excited reviewing this product because it is good, and if it were a bit cheaper, I’d have taken four or more a day. Thing is, I’m breastfeeding, and previously before starting these probiotics, i had a lot of foremilk, and overall lighter expressed milk for my baby who is now 6 months old. I realized some time back when I kind of had to take more, say accidentally, at night before sleeping. I woke up to express milk in the morning and had more fat in it. Thought it was because of what i ate but when another time, i took two intentionally at night, this happened again. And then when i didn’t take it for some time, i saw the difference. So i know it was the probiotics. I wish I could afford to take two morning and evening or even more. But I cannot recommend this enough, especially if you’re breastfeeding and want more fat in milk.
David Mundth –
It works very, very well!!!!!
I frequently choose Dr. Mercola’s products, however I feel that they are too expensive and in this economy I might have to compromise.
R. Burns –
I’ve read so much about how 85% or more of our health comes from our gut. The science is there to support this. My gut hasn’t been super healthy for a few years, due to poor eating habits. I get on healthy kicks, juicing & such, then slip back to the junkier stuff. I’ve caught many of the viruses floating around, & also have had numerous bouts of sinusitis & bronchitis. I’ve tried several other probiotic products, even by the leading expert on gut health…but lo & behold, this product SERIOUSLY seems to be helping my immune system! I’m so HAPPY to be able to say this! Haven’t been sick in months, since taking this. It’s a product I won’t be without!! I keep mine in the fridge so it’s in a dark place, & also the cold helps it last longer. THANK YOU Dr. Mercola, & thanks Amazon for carrying this!!!!