O Dr. Mercola Extrato de Curcumina Orgânica é um suplemento alimentar em forma de comprimidos, com 30 porções, que se destaca por seu compromisso com a qualidade e eficácia. Certificado como orgânico pelo USDA e livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM), este produto é formulado para apoiar uma resposta inflamatória saudável no organismo. A curcumina, o principal componente ativo da cúrcuma, é conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, e o extrato de Dr. Mercola oferece um suporte abrangente para diversos sistemas do corpo, incluindo células saudáveis, articulações, pele, visão, digestão, humor e foco mental.
A fórmula inovadora do Dr. Mercola Extrato de Curcumina Orgânica proporciona uma absorção 24 vezes maior do que outros extratos de curcuminoides, graças a uma combinação sinérgica de partículas de curcumina micronizadas e uma suspensão coloidal especial. Isso garante que o corpo possa aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios da curcumina. Além disso, a cúrcuma utilizada neste suplemento é colhida de forma sustentável em sua região nativa, no sul da Índia, e é rastreável até o campo onde é cultivada, assegurando a pureza e a qualidade do produto. Desde 1997, a marca Dr. Mercola se estabeleceu como uma fonte confiável de saúde natural, oferecendo produtos que atendem a padrões de qualidade premium.
- Suporte abrangente para sistemas do corpo, promovendo saúde geral.
- Absorção 24 vezes maior do que outros extratos de curcuminoides, garantindo eficácia superior.
- Biodisponibilidade aprimorada, permitindo que o corpo utilize melhor os nutrientes.
- Certificado pelo USDA como orgânico, assegurando a pureza e a ausência de aditivos indesejados.
- Cúrcuma colhida de forma sustentável, promovendo práticas agrícolas responsáveis e rastreabilidade.
Lattedah –
I’ve used supplements long enough to know that you can’t really expect significant results for sometimes as long as 8 weeks. I haven’t finished this bottle so while I hope it doesn’t take that long, I can’t say for sure how well these work. I am battling chronic pain with peroneal tendonitis so I have recently added curcumin to my regimen. I would rather usual natural means to heal but I do still need an Advil once in awhile. I am hoping to eventually get off that.
Michelle –
I had to return the product unopened because the product was received around May 8, 2024, but it also expired at the end of the same month of 2024. I would not be able to consume all of the product/pills prior to them being past their expiration date. The cost is $1 for each pill. I have to be sure that the product is still good.
Susan –
I’ve been taking turmeric for a few years.
It’s really helped with inflammation in my lower back.
These pills are very easy to take and do not cause any discomfort.
I can take them prior to eating and they have no after taste as well.
Customer –
These make a difference! I took them for about ten days before bed. I forgot to take it one night and I could tell a difference! I never want to be without these!
Have used curcumin for lingering chronic pain for a number of months now.
I recently had a GImap to check my gut biome and gut lining. Although it was mostly good from being keto (no grains/no sugars) for 3+ years, I still had previous damage and inflammation. I recently realized the culprit was my use of Celebrex 3x a month and occasional use of Aleve. Although it wasn’t a regular use, it was enough to continually eat away at my lining. — So, it is like this never ending cycle … have inflammation and pain, take the NSAID, pain is gone, but open the spacing in your gut, thus causing a pathway to create inflammation and pain. For me … I needed to stop the cycle and heal my gut. You hear this “catch phrase” all the time. Leaky gut. I dismissed it for years and now I get it.
I kicked off NSAIDs recently. After research I started taking high doses of this product. I used to take small doses for pain and it just didn’t work. Well this time, on a bad pain day, I took 3 at first and waited. I also took a hot shower and used heat packs. A bit later, I took 3 more. The pain started to ease. I continued taking one now and then until the pain was gone and within a few hours I was up and running as per normal. By evening, tension pain started to creep back and I took 3 more. Pain gone.
The next day, there was residual achiness pain and I took more product. Somehow I muscled through and 2 days later the pain pocket was just gone and I felt like myself. I was pretty proud of myself for tackling a large pocket of pain with natural means. Many people say you have to use it daily for it to build up and work. I take enough dailies and use it as needed and it works for me fine.
My suggestion thus is, DIET FIRST. I about eliminated my chronic pain & migraines by going keto. Not your typical weight loss keto, but a clean therapeutic keto. Take out those inflammatory grains, legumes, plus refined sugars and such. Take them out for good. Within a month, I felt GREAT. So much so, I never wanted my old life back and we stuck with it.
But now and then, because I have a mast cell disorder, a neck injury, and previous joint damage, the pain could creep back in. By looking at my gut biome, I saw there was room for improvement in my health. I believe this product has helped me as a natural anti-inflammatory product. It helped me clean up the last bit in my life where my health needed tweaking. I plan to keep using it. (and also trying a product by Biotics called Kapparest).
I hope this helps someone. Chronic pain is no fun. In today’s day and age ,and on the standard american diet, a lot of us are bringing it upon ourselves. We can overcome! You can do it!
SoundOff –
Pain Relief
Reduces Joint Stiffness
Promotes Flexibility
Maintains Healthy Inflammatory Response
Super Absorption
What I received in the package:
1 x DR. MERCOLA Curcumin Extract
This DR. MERCOLA Curcumin Extract product I have been using for years. I suffer from gout and have a tendency to have stiff joints and pain. This product does provide some mild relief. It has been sort of hit or miss for me. Some providers work while others don’t appear to do anything. But this product has always worked for me. It’s nice to be able to take a mild natural pain reliever.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this. All in all, this is one product I don’t go without. Give it a try. You will not regret it. Hope this information was helpful. [5 Stars]
PJ –
I take curcurmin daily as does my husband for old age joint pain. This supplement Dr. Mercola Organic Curcumin Extract comes in an amber bottle, there are thirty yellow pills in it, they are small and you may think you didn’t get all the product. I am used to taking this supplement as a capsule, which usually has black pepper also to help with absorption, per the manufacturer this tablet doesn’t need the pepper due to the manufacturing process. We shall see, do far I have noticed no difference in my body from taking these, which is good. These tablets are easy to swallow and this supplement has caused me no stomach upset or any other problems.
SE Barbee –
Small tablets are easy to tolerate.