Os Dr. Mercola Organic Digestive Bitters Liquid Drops são um suplemento dietético inovador, projetado para oferecer suporte digestivo de forma eficaz e natural. Com 2 fl. oz. e 30 porções, este produto é uma solução prática para quem busca melhorar a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes. A fórmula orgânica e certificada pelo USDA combina uma mistura de 8 botânicos em uma base de suco de limão, sabor natural de tangerina e extrato cítrico, proporcionando um sabor agradável e refrescante.
Os Digestive Bitters estimulam os receptores amargos na boca, língua, estômago, vesícula biliar e pâncreas, promovendo uma digestão mais eficiente e auxiliando na absorção adequada de minerais e nutrientes. A produção é realizada através de um processo exclusivo de extração em contracorrente, uma tecnologia proprietária que garante a obtenção de extratos líquidos e concentrados sem comprometer o sabor e as qualidades botânicas.
Comprometido com a qualidade, Dr. Mercola utiliza apenas ingredientes herbais de primeira linha, isentos de álcool e aditivos. Desde 1997, a marca se estabeleceu como uma fonte confiável em saúde natural, desenvolvendo produtos formulados por médicos que atendem a rigorosos padrões de qualidade.
– Apoio Digestivo Eficaz: Melhora a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, ajudando a aliviar desconfortos digestivos.
– Fórmula Orgânica: Com ingredientes certificados pelo USDA, garante um produto livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO).
– Mistura de Botânicos: A combinação de 8 botânicos proporciona um suporte digestivo completo e natural.
– Sabor Agradável: A base de suco de limão e sabor de tangerina torna o uso do produto uma experiência prazerosa.
– Qualidade Superior: Desenvolvido com ingredientes premium, sem aditivos, assegurando um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 gotas dos Dr. Mercola Organic Digestive Bitters Liquid Drops antes das refeições. Agite bem o frasco antes de usar e aplique as gotas diretamente na língua ou dilua em um copo de água. Este método maximiza a ativação dos receptores amargos, promovendo uma digestão mais eficiente e uma melhor absorção de nutrientes. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde em caso de dúvidas.
Xar –
I purchased this item because I was hoping it would help with bloating and overall digestion. I take it sometimes before/after meals, but I haven’t observed any noticeable difference.
When the product arrived, it was a little bit oily on the outer bottle. However, the product itself was sealed, so I believe it is fine.
The taste is very herbal and a bit bitter. Personally, I enjoy this taste and use the dropper to take the product on the tongue directly. I think mixing a few drops in a glass of water would work well.
I discovered digestive bitters a few years ago, and they have become my “go-to” for any stomach discomfort, whether it be slow digestion or bloating, or just that “gloopy” feeling after a meal. They are actually designed to be taken BEFORE a meal, but I have found they are effective regardless of the order in which they are taken.
This brand’s formula is strong and robust compared to other brands I have tried. I usually will drop three droppersful in a small cup, add a bit of water, and drink it, letting it linger in my mouth for a couple of seconds. Works like a charm.
John Boucher –
I take this before eating a big meal like lunch and dinner. Helps digest your food and not bloat after eating. The taste is bitter , so have some water to chase it down , but worth the bitter taste . It really works
Shannon –
While the stuff tastes horrible, I could handle that if it worked. My complaint is how much gastric distress it would occasionally cause. The first time I had such intense heartburn pain I nearly passed out and went into a panic attack. The second time, it felt like my stomach had been blown up like a beach ball and was about to burst. It caused my chest and ribcage to hurt! I had to take four antacid tablets to get relief. Use caution when trying this product.
ARead –
I love this flavor of bitters.
Dick Davis –
I had previously used Urban Moonshine Digestive Bitters with good success. While the very nature of the product is not a particularly pleasing taste, it was quite effective. Since it appears that Amazon no longer carries this I ordered Dr. Mercola Digestive Bitters. Upon trying it, the product was cloudy and almost appeared to be dirt-like in nature. I could not get a full dropper either. The taste was pretty bad too, worse than Urban Moonshine. It seemed to work OK, but I’m going to look for Urban Moonshine as it seems to be a better product. At least it doesn’t look like dirt.
NatureLvr –
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I don’t care for the taste, but the health benefits will be worth it. It’s not horrible, but will definitely make your naval pucker the first time. I chase it with water, but would be better to just add to a drink and disguise the bitter taste.
Rose Scott –
I live a keto lifestyle and whenever I eat a lot of fat, I tend to get heartburn in my chest and all I do is just take this product and it works instantly. It is pleasant tasting and helps the fat to be digested. This is a great quality product and I recommend!